Help! Black Rinse For Natural Hair


New Member
I always used Adore black velvet to rinse my hair when i was relaxed... Im almost 21 months post and NO matter what i do it wont take. I have tried it 3 times in the last six months... With heat, for hours and when i wash it out my hair is still sandy brown.... Help i wanna rinse my hair tonight... Since 90 % of my hair is natural i need a good rinse to take on my hair. What do u guys use and why did it work perfectly on my relaxed hair and not my natural ? uuuuuuuuugh... Thanks in advance
It is Easter Sunday People may be in church. Beautiful Browns, Jazzings are semis I use. But I am relaxed :look:
When your hair was relaxed it was more porous and able to except the Semi's easier.

I use HENNA and indigo on my grays when I was almost 10 months post and it worked well. MESSY as all get out, I sit now with indigo on. It is well worth the mess for me.
Bump.... All these naturals and no suggestions? I guess if its not a pics thread ... No responses

Really? With the attitude though?!? Its Sunday and not everyone is up at the crack of dawn ... plus its Easter Sunday... so just chill out....

If you need an immediate answer... trying google... their are other hair care forums that I'm sure already have the answer you seek.

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Im sorry i didnt mean to come off with an attitude..... I need a quick suggestion im headed to church in an hour for 11am service also
I didn't think you had an attitude, just thought you wanted a quick answer...which is what this forum is here for - to answer questions.

I like Bigen it seems to "stick" and not run. You can buy it at most beauty supply stores or walmart. Have a great day!
I've heard of ladies doing black tea rinses or using indigo for darker hair. Sorry, I don't color/rinse.