HELP! anyone with relaxer knowledge...


New Member
ok, i'm about to get my relaxer done for the first time since january, but i have a few pressing questions before my sister puts her hands in my head...

1. my relaxer comes with some kind of cream that you put on after you rinse it out called HMC (hair moisturizing complex); it has hydrolyzed keratin in it. my question is can i use this and do my keraphix treatment afterwards or should i use one or the other?

2. i ran out of kem oyl the other day so in desperation i've been using vegetable oil (soybean oil) to oil my scalp, will this affect my relaxer? will it make my hair fall out? lol

ladies... i'm sooo scared that all my hair is gonna fall out because i waited so long to get a touch-up. wish me luck.

thanx girls... sylvia
Hi Sylviaetc,

To answer your first question, I would use one or the other where the treatments are concerned. I vote for the Keraphix.

As to your second question, I don't think the vegetable oil will affect your relaxer. ( someone correct me if I'm wrong.) I doubt the oil will make your hair fall out.
Tebby1017 said:
What is the relaxer challenge?


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I didn't read anything about a relaxer challenge (at least not in this thread).
HMC reminds me a lot of a detangling conditioner, it comes in my relaxer too. I still use a protein conditioner (GPB) after my relaxer. I don't think the HMC is enough to provide complete conditioning.