HELP A NEWBIE OUT!!! 12 weeks post and breakage like crazy


New Member
I am a newbie altho I've lurked for a while ..

Anyway, I've learned so much from these boards I finally manned up and decided to join for real.

I am stretching my relaxer and I have the worst demarcation breakage ever - long strands, kinda squiggly at the tip that was closest to scalp.

I went out and got garlic shampoo but that hasn't stopped it. I'm also DC'ing like mad.

My regimen is wash or co wash 2 or 3 times a week most of the time with DC with ORS replenishing pack for at least 20 mins. Airdry and seal with whatever oil I have - mostly coconut or wgo. I use ORS moisturizer for daily moisture.

The problem I think is, I'm 4b neck lenght and my new growth is mad tangled and wont detangle - I've tried using CON shampoo instead of the garlic but neither seems to be working. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Unfortunately, I have to wait another 10 days or so to get a relaxer I wont have time to go to the salon till then. Please help!
I'm sure some other more skilled stretchers can come in and assist better than me but I would suggest stopping any unnecessary manipulation, maybe doing a more intense protein treatment that the ORS like Nexxus Emergencee, or perhaps relaxing earlier than you expected.

There's a stretchers support thread...I think it may be under the stickies thread.
I am also 12 weeks, going for 14. I would try to decrease the manipulation of your hair, stop using products with protein (for now), and do some moisturizing DCs and reduce the co-washing to once per week.
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I am also 12 weeks, going for 14. I would try to decrease the manipulation of your hair, stop using products with protein (for now), and do some moisturizing DCs and reduce the co-washing to once per week.

Yep, what she said. You definitely need to decrease manipulation. I'm 15 weeks post right now and I only co wash once a week. I was co-washing 3x/week and decided that was too much manipulation (too much breakage). Also, for detangling, what I've found to work is to put some baking soda in conditioner and let it stay on for at least an hour (I do it overnight now or during the day, under my wig). Then when you co-wash, rinse it out and your hair should be really soft and detangle easily. Also, using the garlic conditioner or shampoo, that should help. HTH
If you're getting breakage it may just be time for you to relax.

Also, you shouldn't treat your hair the same at 12 weeks as you would at 4 weeks. the amount of new growth is greater.

You should try to reduce the amount of manipulation right now, and pay much more attention to moisture/protein balance.

Extremely long stretches are not for everyone, and you have to listen to your hair. Some ladies can get to 24 weeks post without any problems...some have to relax every 6 weeks. You are probably having breakage because you are stretching too long. It may be time for you to relax.

I would rather relax my hair when it's time, and have a head full of healthy, unbroken hair, then combat severe breakage just for the sake of saying I went 6 months without a relaxer. I can only go 8-10 weeks post, after that, I get breakage and it's time to go see my stylist.

Hope this helps...
:welcome4::newbie: The others have given great advice. Is this your first stretch? My first stretch was difficult but what I learned was applying your deep conditioner like a relaxer helps. Good luck and happy hair growing!
Thank you sooo much ladies!!!! I am soo thankful for this board!!!

Okay so this is first deliberate stretch. I actually stretched before out of being broke :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:!!!! But I wasn't paying any attention really to my hair and really dont remember getting much breakage. I think I remember my hair just being hard as rocks!!!

From reading the posts I realize that I've been doing it wrong - I thought I had to rachet up on the washes and cowashes as I got more new growth, so I starting cowashing more. I think I'll try washing once a week when I get to this stage next time around.

I am washing my hair one more time before I perm in about 10 days.