Help! 2 much new growth 2 detangle!


New Member
Im only 4 weeks post relaxer and the ng is off the chain!:eek: I started Mtg, Msm, & Viviscal on Jan 1, and had a very succesful touch up on Jan 2 with phyto 1. My hair was very straight, no underprocessing which was great b/c I wanted to relaxer stretch.....FORGET THAT! Ng has exploded to the point where I don't think I can get through it with a wide tooth comb during my detangle.:look: I am now sitting under a heat cap dc'ing with phyto hydrating masque plus evoo and I just need to know the trick to get from here to air dried, detangled, and wrapped with minimal resistance and hair loss:confused:. Kinnikakes,Babygurl,Sherrylove,LondonDiva Anybody who knows! please help!
Wrapping might not be such a great idea if you have a lot of new growth. It will require too much combing. Maybe after you apply your leave-ins, you could try a roller set or pull it back to dry in a ponytail or bun? Tie it down with a scarf while it dries to smooth down the new growth.
4 words: Paul Mitchell Super Skinny. I cannot stress this product enough. I wouldn't be able to do 12 week stretches without it. Normally my naps start locking after 4 weeks, but with this stuff the comb just glides right through. I suggest going to Ulta and buying the trial size pack (shampoo conditioner and serum) for 10 bucks and trying that if your skeptical (I was and that's what I did). I'm telling you your hair will thank you!
Okay firstly girl, CONGRATS on all that dern new growth!!!! :yay: That is cause for celebration!!!!

Now on to the dilemma! Truthfully, when i have that much new growth..... i just stop trying to fight it and kind of succomb to the tangles. In other words, i start con-washing more and will NOT comb at all unless my hair is wet and saturated with the Aceite de Olive RINSE. This is a thick, creamy, conditioner-consistency Dominican detangler that makes the hair so soft, the comb just glides right thru it.

I probably would not wrap it.... when i have that much NG i just start bunning it. But if you really want to wrap, then once you rinse the conditioner out of your hair, try to wrap it while still very wet. I mean, aim your head under the shower head and let the water detangle it naturally, while you use your large toothed comb. And then try to wrap while VERY wet. It may take longer to air dry this way, but soaking wet hair is far easier to manage than drying hair.

Good luck, girl!!! Let us know how you make out, please!!!
You ROCK Kinikakes, as usual!!! :kiss: Thank You, I'm on it! I will definitely give a hit back with my results. I truly appreciate you ladies coming to the rescue with the quickness. The only advice my sister gave was to stop with the "horsey stuff" (mtg) & the msm:ohwell: .... Love her.
Andreainnis said:
You ROCK Kinikakes, as usual!!! :kiss: Thank You, I'm on it! I will definitely give a hit back with my results. I truly appreciate you ladies coming to the rescue with the quickness. The only advice my sister gave was to stop with the "horsey stuff" (mtg) & the msm:ohwell: .... Love her.

Aww, anytime girl!!! *hugs* :grin:

:lol: Dont you DARE stop with the horsey stuff! Look at the results you are getting!!!!! That's phenomenal!!!!!!
KiniKakes said:
Okay firstly girl, CONGRATS on all that dern new growth!!!! :yay: That is cause for celebration!!!!

Now on to the dilemma! Truthfully, when i have that much new growth..... i just stop trying to fight it and kind of succomb to the tangles. In other words, i start con-washing more and will NOT comb at all unless my hair is wet and saturated with the Aceite de Olive RINSE. This is a thick, creamy, conditioner-consistency Dominican detangler that makes the hair so soft, the comb just glides right thru it.

I probably would not wrap it.... when i have that much NG i just start bunning it. But if you really want to wrap, then once you rinse the conditioner out of your hair, try to wrap it while still very wet. I mean, aim your head under the shower head and let the water detangle it naturally, while you use your large toothed comb. And then try to wrap while VERY wet. It may take longer to air dry this way, but soaking wet hair is far easier to manage than drying hair.

Good luck, girl!!! Let us know how you make out, please!!!
I 100% agree with the bolded. When my hair gets to that point that's the only way I'll comb it.
Yea that broomstick is kinda funny, probably what I look like 4real. I'm in the detangle mix as we speake.....I'll let you rescue :angel: angels know how it goes!
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Wash: My new growth gets really thick around 4 wks too. What works for me is softsheen carson's breakthru shampoo. I use it after an anti-dandruff shampoo because I have a really dry scalp. I have to section my hair in four, like you would to apply a relaxer, and shampoo each section separately. After I shampoo a section, I take my wide tooth shower comb and slowly comb my hair while under running water. After my entire head is clean and detangled I apply silicon mix conditioner. I have experimented with most of the recommended moisturizing shampoos/conditioners and although many of them did have a lot of slip, breakthru is the only thing that works for me.

Style: I always rollerset my hair with large rollers. I usually apply a moisturizing lotion to my hair along with aphogee tea tree reconstructor. After my hair is dry, I'll wrap my hair and tie it with a scarf to smooth out the curled ends. I like NTM serum and Africa's Best Shea Butter Plus as daily moisturizers.

By week 6 my roots are very thick and my hair is more susceptible to breakage. I usually put my hair up in a french roll at night to prevent combing it into a wrap.
Thank you sooo much miss coco! If I had done the wash and detangle in sections like you do, I probably would not have had the nightmare tangles that I did.
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To answer your question Crissi, I just measured and its about an inch in the front, sides, and back, and an inch and a half in the top and middle:eek:. Never has my hair grown like that!
You're sooo welcome. I just figured this out and it has helped me a lot. I've had so many problems with detangling prior to this method. Everytime I had to wash my hair was depressing because I knew I was going to lose a lot of hair. I hope you find something that works for you.
naicendivine said:
4 words: Paul Mitchell Super Skinny. I cannot stress this product enough. I wouldn't be able to do 12 week stretches without it. Normally my naps start locking after 4 weeks, but with this stuff the comb just glides right through. I suggest going to Ulta and buying the trial size pack (shampoo conditioner and serum) for 10 bucks and trying that if your skeptical (I was and that's what I did). I'm telling you your hair will thank you!

I copped this about 2 weeks ago, but it didn't do much of anything for me. Does it require heat for it to work? Maybe thats it cause I have a no heat/little direct heat regimen.
You're making me wanna hop all over this Viviscal man......... *sigh*

But....... i cant, i cant, i cant!!!!! :( Im on a Product Freeze Challenge and i can NOT break it!!!

*Bad Yakini, Bad Yakini* :whip:
vivadiva85 said:
I copped this about 2 weeks ago, but it didn't do much of anything for me. Does it require heat for it to work? Maybe thats it cause I have a no heat/little direct heat regimen.

:confused: wow really? I just put the conditioner on in the shower, let it sit for 5-10 minutes, and detangle as I rinse the conditioner out. It seems to work the minute I put it in. I don't know if the heat from the shower has anything to do with it. :perplexed
I got some Super Skinny poo, conditioner and serum as a gift package, and it really does seem to work. I've used it a couple of times for myself and for my dd with good results. The poo does contain sulfates though, but I have noticed using too much Cream of Nature around the clock leads to buildup, so I like to switch things up a bit.
A-HEM....I'm hoping that broom stick ran outta gas before reaching its destination. You know, Dear Sis, you need to join KiniKakes in that "No New Products" Challenge. :orders:

Just as a sidebar - I thought about you MTGers when Barbaro was put out of his misery last week. Just wondered if you felt a particular sense of loss...:p

One day I'm sure I'll come to appreciate the beauty of that product....
My answer to everything these days is Thai Kitchen coconut milk. I would add it to the last conditioner you use and let it stay in for a few minutes. This stuff allows me to not have to detangler with a comb. I just run my fingers through my hair -- no tangles, knots or snags at all.
CKB got jokes! :lol: I just want to update those of you who were so gracious as to share your advice.... I didn't have time to get to the BSS yesterday (broomstick has plenty of gas though sis) so I decided to take Kinikakes advice and let the ng tangles win and I just applied Nexxus headress leave in w/ coconut oil, pulled it back into a bun and tied it down w/ a satin scarf to flatten and smooth as instructed by Preciousjewel....shiny and smooth as promised:D yet tangled:(. TODAY however, I am starting over! I HAVE to detangle. I'm trying to embrace the no combing thing but it is so hard for me!:whyme: Next weekend is henna/indigo and I have to figure it out before then.:perplexed So I am on my way:flyingwit to Sally's in about five minutes to get the Paul Mitchell and the Aceit de olive Rinse... when I find out where to buy that! I'm going to re-condition, detangle under running water in sections, and roller set as instructed by the angels;), you all really know your stuff.:notworthy Hope y'all have my back cause when my sister reads about all the new stuff I'm going buy, I'm gonna get it! :spank: OK Chics, stay tuned, progress & recommended products review at eleven!
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The Mebco detangling comb is responsible for me being 15 months post relaxer.

Under $5 at Sally's...this is the BEST purchase I made in 2006.
CKB said:
A-HEM....I'm hoping that broom stick ran outta gas before reaching its destination. You know, Dear Sis, you need to join KiniKakes in that "No New Products" Challenge. :orders:

Just as a sidebar - I thought about you MTGers when Barbaro was put out of his misery last week. Just wondered if you felt a particular sense of loss...:p

One day I'm sure I'll come to appreciate the beauty of that product....

:nono: :ohwell:
CKB said:
A-HEM....I'm hoping that broom stick ran outta gas before reaching its destination. You know, Dear Sis, you need to join KiniKakes in that "No New Products" Challenge. :orders:

Just as a sidebar - I thought about you MTGers when Barbaro was put out of his misery last week. Just wondered if you felt a particular sense of loss...:p

One day I'm sure I'll come to appreciate the beauty of that product....


I thought this was funny :look:
Divine Inspiration, I saw that comb at Sally's and it had rough edges:eek:. I wanted to get it so badly but the rough seams were so scratchy!:( How are the edges on your comb?
Ok I'm wide open!!!:yay: I bought the Paul Mitchell Detangler (couldn't locate the other products recommended) and WOW is all I can say. I was so afraid of breakage with the re-do that I decided to do a aphogee treatment first. I sectioned my hair into 4 ponytails then did each one separately. So here's the order of events:
Aphogee reconstruct
Aphogee moisture balance cond.
Paul Mitchell detangler
Rollerset w/ macadamia nut oil on ends
MAJOR SLIP (from ng to the ends)& OMG, Not one hair was lost in the whole process:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: !!!!!! I air dried 90% in the rollers then sprayed a little s-curl, sealed with proclaim (7 oils), wrapped it and went to sleep with a satin scarf on. This morning I tried not to comb it but I couldn't resist! I combed it down to look (no hair loss still) & it is shiny, soft and straight with zero tangles! Preciousjewel, naicendivine, miss coco, & kinikakes I LOVE YOU!!!!!:kiss: Thank you so much for your help.
Andreainnis said:
Wow naicendivine! Thank you girl:clapping: .....on my way to Sally's!:flyingwit

Grab me some! LOL!

Sally doesn't carry Paul Mitchell, do they? I thought they only had generic.

For what you're going through, you might need the real DEAL!