

Well-Known Member
I've been coming for a couple weeks and decided to join.
Brief history: I texturize and have either done it at home or by a professional. After my last experience with my stylist /images/graemlins/cry3.gif I have decided to do my own from now on. I switched from no-lye to lye.
I am still working out a regimen but after visiting hair boards I wash twice a week + use less shampoo. I hope to help as I have been helped.
hey welcome!!!!
i remember your name (which i really like) from the other hair board.,
have fun,
WELCOME UmSumayyah!!!
/images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Is there any reason why you use a texturizer as opposed to a regular relaxer? I'm curious to know the benefits.
Actually I just use a relaxer and leave it in for less time so I get a looser texture rather than straight. I do it 'cause it looks a little more natural, and I only wear braid outs, ponytails and braids anyway so I don't need to get it straight.
Thanks everyone for the welcome. Just realized I should have posted my hello to the off-topic board. Sorry! /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/blush.gif
Actually I haven't relaxed yet. What I meant was that I found a safe way to practice my technique. I am using a method I picked up on another board (sectioning hair into smaller sections--I use 16--separating new growth from prev.rel.hair with a rubberband, coating prh with cholesterol etc. etc.) I did my first trial run the other day. I used mayo mixed with some oils (because it has a creamy consistency like relaxer) and practiced my technique, timing myself. I figure that way, when I'm ready for the real stuff I'll have the confidence that I can do it right! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Oh yeah, and it was easier than I thought. I did the whole thing in 12 minutes and didn't get any cream on my scalp. I think I just need to work on my smoothing technique, and get it on just a lil faster so I have more time to smooth.
That's whats so fabulous about the rubberband. Before hair is touched up it's easy to tell the new growth from the prh, just by touch. You put the rubber band on where the two meet. you coat the prh with the vaseline/ cholesterol, or a mix, and then apply the relaxer to just the new growth. So you don't need to see because you can feel from the rubberband (once gloves are on) where your new growth begins. I got the tip from another board, a first-time do-it-yourselfer who got great results. I'm telling you it's genius.
i kno i'm late (as usual) but welcome to the board /images/graemlins/wave.gif happy posting

ngaa /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
welcome to the board! that technique sounds great. and also a good idea practicing with mayo. you smart! i hope all goes well when you do finally do the retouch! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi UmSumayyah,
Glad to meet you here too. I was on the other board (I still use the same name and incidentally, I'd given you the rubber band & cholesterol/olive oil_old_growth_coating technique when you started the thread. I'm glad it worked for you. Do let me know about any improvements you make.
Welcome again and oh, you won't have to deal with pop ads here /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Welcome! Love that name! It's beeyootiful but I wouldn't dare try and pronounce it without hearing you say it first.. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Enjoy this board! It's a great find!