Hello! I'm new and frustrated!


New Member
Hello! I\'m new and frustrated!

I am really beginning to get frustrated with my hair. For about two months, I've been dedicated to taking better care of my hair. My stylist has been rollersetting it as opposed to pulling it straight with a blowdryer and brush. She clipped my bad ends. I've been moisterizing on a daily basis. Before all of this, my hair, which has always been somewhat lenghthy, was in a bad state. It wasn't shedding bad, but I think it was breaking b/c my hair has been about the same length for about a couple of years. When I combed my hair, little pieces fell on out of my comb.I also wore extenstions for awhile b/c i wanted longer hair. They were bonded. It took some of my hair out. I also experiemented with some color because I was bored! Right now its about 3inches past my shoulder, and very dry! It has been longer in the past, but it just won't grow now. I started taking Biotin. I don't know if it's doing anything. The thing that gets me frustrated is doing my hair at home. I'm so clumsy with rollersetting it myself. I just give up. I tried a braid out. It looked fine to me, but my boyfriend didn't like it and my coworkers asked, "what's wrong with your hair?" I tried wrapping my hair, but I'm not very good at wrapping my hair when dry, let alone wet. So I'm just frustrated b/c I haven't found a way to dry my hair w/minimal heat so that it doesn't look crazy! I guess I'm just asking for suggestions on how to dry and style my hair better at home. Thanks!
Re: Hello! I\'m new and frustrated!

It takes time to get rid of damaged hair, especially if your hair is long (been there, done that). I opted to cut all of my hair off and start from scratch. I went from having hair way down my back to a Halle Berry pixie. My hair is now past my chin and healthy.

I like roller sets and blowing out my roots only. I only comb my hair twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening when I wrap it.

I use a really good deep conditioner each time I wash: Biolage Hair Mask, Sebastian Penetrait, Bone Marrow and there are a bunch of Dominican products that I use. I also make sure that I massage my scalp.
Re: Hello! I\'m new and frustrated!

!! I cant tell you what to do b/c I've never had long hair. I just wanted to say hi! dont worry, the ladys on here will help you out.
Re: Hello! I\'m new and frustrated!

Don't get frustrated. Obtaining and keeping healthy hair takes time and effort. All of us have felt like you at one time. Hang in there and things will get better. This board is wonderful and full of advise and support.
Re: Hello! I\'m new and frustrated!

Welcome. First of all remember that practice makes perfect. I wanted to try to give u some tips on the braid out, because that is by far one of the most versatile, convenient and stylish no heat styles one can do. What exactly was wrong with it? I normally will do mine once i wash my hair. I am a 4a with a tendency to frizz so I use John Frieda's No Frizz serum (esp. helpful when getting close to a touch up). I also apply some moisturizer (which varies from jojoba and apricot kernel oil to Elasta QP moisturizer). I also often apply some curl activator to the hair which seems to give it a more softer silker feel. Hope this helps.
Just keep practicing and reading u will come up with things that work for u.
Re: Hello! I\'m new and frustrated!

Hi kjames001. Actually, I liked the braid out. But it seems like I really comb my hair when I have a braidout, I can only finger comb it. That kind annoys me cause I really like combing my hair! My boyfriend didn't like the braidout. I guess he just prefers long, straight hair. I really have trouble with frizzy ends. The top of my hair comes out okay, but the ends are another story. What type of curl activator are you talking about?
Re: Hello! I\'m new and frustrated!

Welcome!!! I'm sure you'll find solutions here.

The braid-out is a wonderful way to give your hair the rest it needs to preserve the length you have and see the gains your making. Give it another try. What did you do to your ends? I can't take credit for all of these tips, as I learned most here, but for a great braid-out try the following.

1.) leave the last 1" to 1/2" of your ends free
2.) use perm rods w/paper and put oil on the ends as you do this (I add mango butter to the paper too)
3.) when you unbraid put oil on your fingers (this totally eliminates frizz, keep them oiled)
4.) make sure you braids are completely dry when you unbraid

My hair takes forever to dry so I use the cool shot on my drier to finish the process when damp. I also use the purple sized rods which work wonderfully. I make smaller braids so my waves and crinkles are tighter. You get used to not combing your hair after awhile, b/c it shortens the life of your style. I don't really even finger comb mine thoroughly, they loosen as I add oil to them daily. If you really want to comb more often, go ahead and do condition washes and start fresh more often.
Re: Hello! I\'m new and frustrated!

hi and welcome to the board. i have the same problem you do-trying to dry my hair with minimal heat. when i try to wrap it i always end up with a lump of hair on the top of my head that i can't do anything with. so i suggest you try rollersetting. i know it's a bit tricky at first(i'm still trying to master the technique) but with a little pratice you will definetly get the hang of it.