Hello Everyone! New here.


New Member
Hello everyone. I just wanted to make a post because I'm new here and I'm very excited. I've been just browsing the site for a few months. I would have joined sooner but my mother( who works at a credit union) has traumatized me with the horror stories she hears about identities being stolen over the web..

but any whoo..If anyone cares I'm 18 and on my way to college in the fall (Go mizzou tigers!) I've been growing my hair for about 2 or 3 years now( but I've had some set backs; mostly my fault.)

Right now, Im really trying to figure a regimen that'll working in college... ( like idk if ill have time to sit around for hours deep conditioning and i would have my hooded dyer)

and quick cute styles that dont require alot of heat. I've done bantu knots and roller sets.. but im open to sugesstions. my hair is shoulder length( ill try to put a good pic in siggy)

so yea..I guess my main question is anyone in college or just out that had community bathrooms.. what did you do to keep your hair as pamered as when you have more space and time?
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Hey just saying welcome!!!

University was a long time ago for me and then i had no clue i just wore weaves braids and relaxed!!

As you know you will find lots of info on here, have fun & happy reading! :grin:
Welcome!! As far as a regimen goes, many people will suggest many different things. Don't be afraid to try something new. Give yourself a few weeks each time you try something. Sometimes results aren't instantaneous. But of course, if it was a bad idea, lose it immediately. Since you are in college, don't jump on the PJ band wagon unless $$$ is no object.

Styles -- braidouts, buns that aren't too tight, banana clips for 2-day old curls, and rollersets.

Sorry this is so long but I wanted to add the things here on LHCF that benefited me the most is:
-Co-wash 1-3 times weekly
-Oils not grease
-Wash 1 time monthly with non SLS shampoo
-Drink lots of water
-Keep direct heat to a minimum
-Stretch relaxers to atleast 12 weeks

:welcome: Bella!
Im in college as we speak but I have not had to experience the community bathrooms, praise the Lord.But Im sure your school will probably have some where available for your hair care needs. A word to the wise, be cautious with the people you allow to do things to your hair. Just because everyone says they know how to do x,y, or z doesn't mean they are good at doing x,y,z! Again it is college so experience with different things and then find out with works for your hair! :sekret: H.ope T.his. H.elps

As for the community bathroom, do you have enough space in your dorm for a table top hair dryer. On a lazy Sunday, you could at least deep condition on dry hair before you shampoo to give your hair a little pampering.

I was a faithful rollersetter every week in college. For time, try deep conditioning before bed on dry hair. Also, I'd experiment with all the -outs possible, bantu, twist, braid, which look like they'll be extra cute on your hair. Mizzou is hot enough to let the hair airdry, just make sure you keep it well moisturized. Enjoy!

As for the community bathroom, do you have enough space in your dorm for a table top hair dryer. On a lazy Sunday, you could at least deep condition on dry hair before you shampoo to give your hair a little pampering.
i haven't been in there yet.. but im pretty sure its gonna be a no on the table top dryer. :(
I looked at some of those soft bonnet dyers? but everything i saw looked really cheap..
...So I;ll probably try just deep conditioning over night..
I just wanted to welcome you to the board BellaBrittany but as far as college goes, for that is many many many moons ago - about 2 decades ago in fact:grin:, so I can't offer any help there, sorry.
Welcome Bella!
When I was in college and living in the dorms I had a lot of friends who'd help with my hair!
Welcome!!! I'm a Mizzou football fan (but a bigger OU fan! Gooooo sooners!!! :grin: )
As far as regimens, keep it simple. Shampoo and dc once a week. Airdry in twists, braids, bantu knots, flexi rods, etc. Although since you're SL, you'll see more progress if you wear protective styles

Moisturize daily, either in the morning or at night. Drink lots of water

That's pretty much all you need :yep: Good luck!