Hello everyone! I'm new...


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to introduce myself & say that i've been admiring you ladies from afar from quite sometime...

I have natural (3c) APL stretched hair... & i'm still learnig to care for it especially since it's been changing as it grows!

If anyone wants to be my buddy for some mutual encouragement feel free to pm me anytime!

also if anyone has any advice about caring for my hair during the winter months do share!
Hi, Welcome! Im still kinda new here too and so far, so good. You'll love these ladies. Everyone is so positive and helpful. Good luck on your hair journey
I just wanted to introduce myself & say that i've been admiring you ladies from afar from quite sometime...

I have natural (3c) APL stretched hair... & i'm still learnig to care for it especially since it's been changing as it grows!

If anyone wants to be my buddy for some mutual encouragement feel free to pm me anytime!

also if anyone has any advice about caring for my hair during the winter months do share!

heyyy welcome!!

you're from my hometown!! :grin:

I'm new too! I love LHCF, the ladies are so full of wisdom!

I just started my healthy haircare journey in July....it's working out well so far!
