HeEy nEwBiE! Any other TEENS LHCF?!


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies!!

I have been lurking these pages for a couple months but officially subscribed to the forum yesterday!! I am happy to be a part of a community of positive, successful women who are more than their hair but sure as hell will not go outside looking a out mess!:grin:

Also I was wondering if there were other teenagers/young adults on hair journey? And if you are in college---what regimen do you use on your on the go lifestyle? My struggle is definitely eating healthy! Thanx in advance! love ya ladies!
Hi Virgo, theres several teens and some college students on here. I'm 20, but not in college right now... Anyway, I'm sure they'll respond to this thread later, welcome aboard!

I am 19 and a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Um...as for my regimen I do find time to wash my hair once a week. I also make sure to take vitamens as well to help my hair get stronger, because it can be difficult sometimes to maintain good and effective hair care. Eatigt right is another struggle for me, but what I do is try my best to make it to the cafeteria instead of ordering pizza and stuff. That way I know I will eat vegetables and fruit and other good stuff. Right now my real hair is braided, so I massage my scalp almost every night. I am in the process of growing longer, stronger hair....maybe even natural (not sure yet). Um...but thats about it....I make sure not to use a lot of heat, which can be easy b/c a lot of mornings I will throw on a hat and scarf and go to class. Your first week in college might be a fashion show, but once all that hard work hits ya...yeah...it gets toned down a bit....and there is nothing but hard work here at Carolina. Ok...sorry for this long post...I'm through! :grin:
Hey I am 19, right now my regime is every 4 months I relax, I keep my newgrowth between then moisturized, and moisturize my ends with carrot oil, or profective. I also use Surge from time to time, it really aids in my hair growth IMO.
Welcome to the crew!
My name is Ciara, I'm 18 yrs old, and currently working part-time @ Sears.
I hope you enjoy your stay here. All the ladies are lovely!
i'm a teen. i'm 17. i turn 18 late July and will be going to college then. So, so far, i dont have a college regimen yet. But i do have a really good one now. If you want, you can check it out in the About Me section of my Fotki album:)
I'm 18 and am a freshman in college. I still live at home tho and I commute to school so I guess I have a better situation to take care of my hair in.
I love this forum!

Eating healthy is definitely an issue for me too, but I take my vitamins every day. I don't have a set regimen, I'm still trying products out trying to find my Holy Grail!
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Hello and Welcome virgochinwe!!

I will 19 in about 3 weeks and I attend University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. I commute back home on the weekends (which is a good thing because I can escape the hard water at my school) but it is hard to find time for my hair. After Easter and my birthday I will be on a strict no heat all braids challenge for a few months. Right now i dabble in a little bit of everything. You will love the women and the loads of information available on the board! take care.
I am a sophomore at, and I am on-campus at least a month before I go home each time. (Private baths & private rooms make it easier to stay longer in the dorm without missing that same convience at home) The hardest thing about being in college and taking proper care of your hair is "going out time." I hate the times when I am in the process of airdrying my hair and a get-together pops up while my hair is half damp! :eek: I then HAVE to at least use the hooded dryer and CHI. I am able to find the time to co-wash at least 3 times a week, but my friend-girls tease about it because they don't understand it. Due to stinky challenges :lol: and more here on LHCF, people will not understand all of your methods and might criticize you. But look at all the wonderful heads on here and use them as your motivation to continue doing what you know to be right for YOUR hair! NEVER ARGUE WITH OTHERS ABOUT WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR HAIR.. IT'S YOURS!! HHG
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Welcome! :newbie: I just turned 20 and I'm in college at the University of Maryland - College Park. I'm currently on the weave/sew in challenge. I tried the braid thing when I moved on campus but they broke my hair off real bad. The sew in has worked good for me for the past few years though.
hey gurl- welcome!!! im 21 so ill jump in the mix i wanna stay young for as long as possible LOL. im at uni in my last year.... big, wide, world here i come ;-)
Hello there newbie! I'm 16 and natural about 3c. I wash and use a mild protein conditioner every week and conditioner wash every 2 days. I'm trying to overcome my heat damage and I usually wear my hair in a ponytail.
Hey my name is Teearra and I'm a 19 year old freshman at the University Of Oregon. I do not have a regimen right now but I'm looking for something that can protect my hair from the harsh wind and rain.
to LHCF, virgo_chinwe! :wave:
hey virgo, I just turned 21 (yey for me) I go to the university of central florida. Right now im doning a weave challenge where I relaxe twice a year. Prior to that I realxed every 10 weeks and wash and roller set every weeek with a deep cond. I also take vitaminsa (horsetail, multi vit,and flaxseed). My hair has gotten sooooooo much thicker and stronger since I found these ladies. Welcome to the board.:)
I'm 20 yrs. old, and a junior at Penn State University. Right now, I'm transitioning so my regimen is: Conditioner wash weekly (wash with shampoo once a month), deep condition with Lekair Cholesterol Plus, spray with infusium 23 leave-in and Surge, coconut oil, and rollerset.
Hello!!! I'm a newbie but i've been lurking for a couple of months(this site is awesome) I'm 17 years old, turning 18 in May.I'm glad I finally found an enviroment where both I and my hair can grow.:)
Hey, im Crissi 17yr old student, from England. I just shaved all my hair off, so im starting fresh, im trying to chase and inch a month (minimum!), i'll start growing it back in may. Im in South Florida at the moment, so im buying up, P&P free! for now i

Wash once or twice a week and rinse everyday, i don't use any products... simply because i forgot them and they dont sell them/cant find them here. Thats about it
Crissi said:
Hey, im Crissi 17yr old student, from England. I just shaved all my hair off, so im starting fresh, im trying to chase and inch a month (minimum!), i'll start growing it back in may. Im in South Florida at the moment, so im buying up, P&P free! for now i

Wash once or twice a week and rinse everyday, i don't use any products... simply because i forgot them and they dont sell them/cant find them here. Thats about it

Ahh! the big chop was hard for me! But watching my hair grow healthy and strong is exciting because once i transition from natural to relaxer (w/ phyto...thats what i want to try) i will have a full head of happy and healthy hair.
I'm a college student !!! can I join this discussion ! i know one thing that've I had a problem with is maintaining a regimen!!!! Life just gets sooo hectant sometimes that some priorities become more important then others.....
I'm also in college, Southern University, i wash and go once a week, and just shake me hair the other 6 days, hope you enjoy your time here.
Hey and welcome!!!
I´m 17 and going into my senior year of HS. I'm pretty new too so i'm still trying to find a regimen. Since we have the summer before school starts again, use that time to try new things out and get a good system in place. Thats what I'm gonna do.
Welcome again!!!:)
Another teen checking in. I just turned 18 last thursday (July 6) I will be a college freshman at College of Saint Elizabeth. I'm really confused on how to manage my hair at school. I will get micros for the first 2 months then after that I will have to learn to develop a regimen around my busy schedule and work with the hard water. And plus.. I'll have to learn to wash my hair in the shower. The first time I tried it I almost drowned lol.
Hey girl! I'm 19, an engineering junior. It's really great that you're preparing a regimen now. When I'm in school i get ridiculously busy and go for the quick way out (lots of blowouts, avoiding products, and such), but after a summer of LHCF, i realize I'm just going to have to make time on the weekends to do better. Just don't neglect your hair and pay attention to any differences in climate so that you can respond appropriately. Try to start your regimen from the start and keep it up! :o
Hi virgo and everyone! I'm 19 and I'm a senior at the University of North Florida. When I first got to college, I tried to keep my hair up, but I lost my stylist when I realized she was cutting too much of my hair. I'm pretty lazy when it comes to styling, but I wash my hair once a week and co-wash once a week. I air-dry in a bun and then baggie and put on my fav phony pony.
Hey virgo_chinwe!:wave:

I'm 20, and in my 2nd year of college. The one thing I can say is that I wish I'd found this board before I got to college, so I could have warning about the hardwater. It's no joke, it destroyed my hair, I went from shoulder length to nape length in one year :mad: . DO buy the distilled water jugs from Kroger or go home to wash, puh leaze! Welcome to the board!:)

PS I see Naija in your name. Wetin dey?:p