Stella B.
Well-Known Member
I'm slowly changing my view on using heat on my hair.
I realize that controlled heat can be beneficial. It's when we overuse heat, (I've done this many, many times) or use irons that are too hot, the hair can become damaged. Monitoring the heat temp with temperature control irons can help the hair be more manageable. Think about it-whether we use heat or chemicals, we're using it to get a smoother, straighter texture of hair, and we usually focus on getting the roots straight. Hence we feel the need for relaxer retouches, flat ironing, or blowing out the roots. The degree of straightness is individual, but can be controlled by knowing how hot your irons are. We just have to learn what temp will straighten, without creating damage. Heat training is intriguing, and I will be incorporating it into my regimen once a month using a mini flat iron to blow out my roots only. I'll use a 1/2 inch iron, since my hair grows approx 1/2 inch a month. My hair won't be as pretty as Brittany's, but I'll admit she's done an awesome job on her hair!!!

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