Heat Training - The Only Natural Relaxer

I like the heat training a lot better. But, I don't really consider myself sucessful with the relaxer. It grew but I had a lot of breakage. It was bad application. But, even if it was good I think I would still perfer the training to the relaxers just because of all the hazards, long term affects, over lapping and all that. I pretty much have the training down to a science so I'll stick to it for a long time.

Well said! I think there is too much room for error with the chemicals which is why I decided not to bother texlaxing and just transitioned to natural instead. I've always believed that genuine heat damaged (not trained) hair is still stonger than overprocessed relaxed hair.
great thread! I saw the response video on yt and it made a lot of sense. I must say I didnt quite get the whole heat training vs heat damage debate.

She stated that the same heat you use when styling should not be the same heat used to train. I think a lot of us get that confused so essentially her method and longhairdontcare2011's are very similar. Just the fact that lhdc2011 is a slower and more graduall process because she uses a blow dryer and only flat irons twice a year.

I totally get it now! I dont personally think this will a method I will use, but I like to be informed of techniques and option out there.

Great thread OP!
Hey... how would blowdrying make twisting/twistouts easier? I would think they would be harder. My hair is slick and fine enough without blow drying it.

As for the OP... I think you should do what you like with your hair.

Less tangles, slightly less dense, less shrinkage. I do not blow dry straight. Just stretch out a bit, and leave a bit damp, then twist as I normally do. I am not trying to heat train, just plan to blow-dry lightly more often on low heat. If I see ill effects I will leave the blow dryer alone. I am thinking a little blow-drying may actually be beneficial. My hair seems to be happiest when stretched (not straight though).

Wow! Mwedzi has some beautiful hair. She is the only long haired natural 4b I could think who dealt with her hair as it grew without much heat. I stalked her fotki for a while and when I discovered how long it took her to detangle I was shocked and I wasn't looking forward to when my hair got to her length! Good for her though, it seems to be working for her and has reduced her detangling time.

Is there really a way to avoid ssk and reduce detangling time without heat or chemicals when your hair is that long??
Great heat training video. So, it seems like heat training would kinda be like adding heat at a temperature conducive to your type of hair.

Brittanynic, thanks for the videos. You've done very well with your hair. I did my hair yesterday and decided to throw in the towel (go back to the salon), but I'm gonna keep going with it. I'm making progress and I'm going to be patient with myself. Also realized that I need better tools.

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Thanks for taking the time to post these videos!

How long does it take you to train your new growth? I think you said you do 20 passes on each section.

I second that. I also saw the video on how the trained hair looks wet. Love it! It looks exactly like the hair on my crown that grows out in waves but the rest of my hair is tight curls which I have a love hate relationship with.

I think I will definitely begin heat training! I am scared but after straightening yesterday and hating my rough ends because of the multitude of single strand knots, I think my hair made the decision for me! My bottom layer is grazing apl which I am excited about but I think I will have to trim a bit to get rid of the knots.
I second that. I also saw the video on how the trained hair looks wet. Love it! It looks exactly like the hair on my crown that grows out in waves but the rest of my hair is tight curls which I have a love hate relationship with.

I think I will definitely begin heat training! I am scared but after straightening yesterday and hating my rough ends because of the multitude of single strand knots, I think my hair made the decision for me! My bottom layer is grazing apl which I am excited about but I think I will have to trim a bit to get rid of the knots.

I watched the 2nd video, but I didn't see the wet hair. Which video was that?
Thanks for taking the time to post these videos!

How long does it take you to train your new growth? I think you said you do 20 passes on each section.

20 passes :blush:

Thanks for the vid brittanynic, but 20 passes on each section of my hair scares me. :nono:
Thanks for taking the time to post these videos!

How long does it take you to train your new growth? I think you said you do 20 passes on each section.

It takes me about 4 sessions. Depending on how often I do it that can take anywhere from 1 month to 2 months.
How would a newbie start heat training? just curious.
Would you do a couple of passes on the entire length of the hair or just the root?
How would a newbie start heat training? just curious.
Would you do a couple of passes on the entire length of the hair or just the root?

I would assume that if you've never trained your hair then you would have to do the passes on the entire length. When it starts to grow out then you can do just do the root.
I'm 4b and transitioning. I use heat (steam DC, blow dry on about medium, flat iron on high- one pass only) weekly. I think I may be unintentionally "heat trained". Las time I washed my hair some of my coils seemed very loose. I don't really care as long as my hair is healthy tho. How can you really tell? If I posted pics could someone tell me if it is or not?
I'm 4b and transitioning. I use heat (steam DC, blow dry on about medium, flat iron on high- one pass only) weekly. I think I may be unintentionally "heat trained". Las time I washed my hair some of my coils seemed very loose. I don't really care as long as my hair is healthy tho. How can you really tell? If I posted pics could someone tell me if it is or not?

If your hair is loosening then you are probably starting to train your hair.
Brittany, do you get many single strand knots now that your hair is heat trained? I have a quite a few now and no amount of moisturizing seems to prevent them, it's driving me crazy because they are not just at the ends now, the cheeky buggers sometimes form 2 inches up the hair shaft!
Brittany, do you get many single strand knots now that your hair is heat trained? I have a quite a few now and no amount of moisturizing seems to prevent them, it's driving me crazy because they are not just at the ends now, the cheeky buggers sometimes form 2 inches up the hair shaft!

I no longer get single strand knots because I heat train and also because I wear my hair straight.
Will you be doing a video where we can actually watch you do this ? (I know its asking alot but im intrigued)

Yes, I have recently posted 2 new videos about the process and plan to do a video where I show the entire process from start to finish within the week.
Excellent can't wait. I bought I ghd today, I figured if I was going to heat train I may as well use the best tool I could find. lol.

Thanks for posting this, I was actually just about to start my first session now but it's good to see the process being done first hand first. Will probably post results after my 3rd or 4th session in a few weeks. *Off to heat train!*