Heat Protectors


The Credit Countess
For ladies who both blow dry and flat iron do you use a heat protector each time. So when you blow dry you add heat proctector and then when you flat iron you use more.

I want the best protection with the less product.

I plan on air drying until 80% dry then blow dry and flat iron. I want straight hair with the last damage.

That is one of the best ways mostly dried. use some sort of product to protect your hair. apply your protector first then let it air dry..detangle your hair first.. using a blow dry nozzle and a good boar bristle brush. try to get your hair mostly straight this way. Test your hair with a medium setting of you flat iron. if that doesn't work then put the heat up.
Try not to do this often... you don't want to damage what you have accomplished in length and thickness. I don't blow dry often..but when i do i try to wrap my hair and place a satin scarf over it.

Om Tat Sat
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I really only apply it once.

Here is my routine exactly.

I apply my leave in and protectant. I blowdry without a comb attachment, but I do use my fingers.

When my hair is about 90% dry, I turn off the dryer and comb my hair out. Before I complete the damp sections, I MAY apply just a teenie bit because sometimes I wipe some of it away with my fingers while I am drying. I rarely have to do that though.

I never apply it on my dry hair, though. For me cones on my dry hair before the flatiron causes smoke and I avoid that.
I apply it twice...once after my leave in on wet hair...and then a final time on the dry hair before flat ironing...my hair is very thick...so using the protectant 2x, doesn't weigh it down.
Yes,, you must use protection each and EVERY time:Blush2::grin: lol, seriously though,, using a heat protector every time is a must and i do it only once well twice on the ends,,, although i used to do it different ways,,this way seems to work best for me,, to air dry, i braid up soaking wet hair and on the braid ends i apply my heat protector ( CHI silk Infusion,, lasts forever too so it doesnt cost much per year),,then once its dry i apply it all over my dry hair,, then flat iron
Thanx ladies,

After washing I put in my leave in and air dried to about 80% ( 2 1/2 hours) in sections. I then sprayed my hair with Silk Element Silk heat protector on each section and blow dried with a comb attachment on cool. After blow drying I then use a serum and flat iron. I am happy with the results and my hair isn't weighted down.