Heat protectant for natural hair....


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm about to flat iron my hair (4a/b natural) and I need a good heat protectant my fellow natural heads can recommend. Thanks in advance for your suggestions:)
I was complaining this morning because my hair in the front is changed. I believe the heat did a number on my hair.
I used fantasia ic heat protectant in the pink bottle. It worked wonderfully and my hair curled right back up when I washed it. Actually I used the fantasia protectant to straighten my hair for the pic in my avatar. It left my hair shiney and soft and it wasn't weighed down like when I used pressing creams.
I just found a bottle of Ors olive oil lotion in my closet. It says it works great on heat styles so I'm going to try that. Also, this packet of hot sauce came with my FHI today so I will give that a shot, too. Believe me, I'm going to proceed with caution. I'm going to do the tissue paper test and make sure I have a product on each section of hair.... I would go completely wacko:eek: :cry3: If something were to happen to my precious coilies. This is just a length check, anyway. I won't be using heat very often... Just once every few months and I'll be super careful. I'm going to find that fantasia IC protectant Ms LaLa, your hair is absolutely beautiful:)

Thanks for the advice ladies!
i like Silk Elements heat protectant spray. my hair hasn't had any ill effects from heat damage yet (although i use heat sparingly and with caution), plus it gives great shine. :D
NantanYah said:
I just found a bottle of Ors olive oil lotion in my closet. It says it works great on heat styles so I'm going to try that. Also, this packet of hot sauce came with my FHI today so I will give that a shot, too. Believe me, I'm going to proceed with caution. I'm going to do the tissue paper test and make sure I have a product on each section of hair.... I would go completely wacko:eek: :cry3: If something were to happen to my precious coilies. This is just a length check, anyway. I won't be using heat very often... Just once every few months and I'll be super careful. I'm going to find that fantasia IC protectant Ms LaLa, your hair is absolutely beautiful:)

Thanks for the advice ladies!

ORS has water and oils as the first few ingredients so I don't think it would be a great heat protectant. It is also a heavy product and it may make it hard to straighten your hair. I have used it before blowdrying and didn't like the results. I didn't feel it protected my hair and my hair was kind of heavy/oily. I would recommend getting something silicone based. Oh and thanks for the compliment.
Redken Heat Glide is good. Have you thought about roller setting first to cut down on the amount of heat from the iron?
Ms Lala said:
ORS has water and oils as the first few ingredients so I don't think it would be a great heat protectant. It is also a heavy product and it may make it hard to straighten your hair. I have used it before blowdrying and didn't like the results. I didn't feel it protected my hair and my hair was kind of heavy/oily. I would recommend getting something silicone based. Oh and thanks for the compliment.

From what I understand about silicones, they coat the hair temporarily and then dry it out. I'm trying to stay away from those types of products...:ohwell:

(update): I don't mind silicone in my products.... I just don't want it in the top 4 ingredients.... that really turns me off fast.
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bmoreflyygirl said:
Redken Heat Glide is good. Have you thought about roller setting first to cut down on the amount of heat from the iron?

No, I just thought I would allow my hair to air dry naturally with a little leave-in. I think it would make more since to rollerset but the only hooded drier is at my sister's house... I'm too excited to go over there(I have to waitt till she gets in and even then she lives on the other side of town), I'm going to do it tonight, lol:)
NantanYah said:
No, I just thought I would allow my hair to air dry naturally with a little leave-in. I think it would make more since to rollerset but the only hooded drier is at my sister's house... I'm too excited to go over there(I have to waitt till she gets in and even then she lives on the other side of town), I'm going to do it tonight, lol:)

You could let it airdry on the rollers... Then again it would take madd long to dry if you're doing it tonight. Be sure to post pictures so we can see :)
I've used Blended-Beauty's Straightening Glaze before. I liked it.
silicones only dry out/break off hair if you let it build up and coat your hair strands. i love using cone-filled products when straightening because the cones help keep your hair straight. any good shampoo with SLS in it should strip the cones right back off.
ladylibra said:
silicones only dry out/break off hair if you let it build up and coat your hair strands. i love using cone-filled products when straightening because the cones help keep your hair straight. any good shampoo with SLS in it should strip the cones right back off.

I didn't think of it like this. I guess I will try a silicone based protectant since you guys have had great results. While I hate the thought of using sls:eek: I guess it won't hurt since I won't use it very often. Thanks for this tip;) I will take picsand I'm going to post the pics on Sunday... I really appreciate all your suggestions:)
i was just going to ask this question so i'm glad to see it was already asked. i'd like some more suggestions on products i can run to the store and pick up. i'm going to flat iron tomorrow...i LUV bubbln's hair, but i don't know where i can pick up any blended beauty products.

also, what's the best way to apply it. i notice a higher amount of teeny tiny split ends after i flat iron. does that mean i should concentrate the heat protectant there?

bumping for some more suggestions.
wyldcurlz said:
i was just going to ask this question so i'm glad to see it was already asked. i'd like some more suggestions on products i can run to the store and pick up. i'm going to flat iron tomorrow...i LUV bubbln's hair, but i don't know where i can pick up any blended beauty products.

also, what's the best way to apply it. i notice a higher amount of teeny tiny split ends after i flat iron. does that mean i should concentrate the heat protectant there?

bumping for some more suggestions.

that's what i do... just because the ends are the oldest and therefore most fragile. :D
Country gal said:
How are you getting your hair dry first before flat ironing?

I was pretty much going to wait until my hair airdried.... I didn't think of how long it was going to take to dry since I've never paid attention.... My hair is finally dry today. I waited until 2 in the morning and the inside of my hair was still damp. This afternoon it's all dry so i'm going to get started. I'll post my updates (maybe even pics if I can get my husband to upload them.)