Heat Damage!!!!


Well-Known Member
For those who have heat damage how do you deal? I have two distinct textures, one is almost perm straight and the other is like 3c mixed with 4a I guess. I am so torn right now because I don't want to cut it. I know I am gonna straighten it again and I don't want it to be damaged again after cutting it. Well I guess I just wanted to know how you ladies(who have heat damage) deal with it. Did you let it do its thing and eventually cut it out or do you camoflage those heat damaged parts??? I need Answers...Please and Thanks!!!
Heat damage are you referring to fried strands or raggedy ends? Either way get rid of it start using heat protectant.
No they are not split or raggedy, the heat damaged part actually looks healthy. I just cant deal with the two textures...Thanks for the help!
Bump, cuz I am going through this too.

My heat damaged part looks healthy as well...but it just refuses to revert. And my hair *feels* really thinned out back there...even though it doesn't look like it.
JuicesN'Berries, it looks like we have the same texture of hair. I suffered from heat damage a few months ago, and I wanted to cut it out for a while, but I've found a way to deal with it. I usually tuck that part away, so for now, I can't wear all of my hair down. Otherwise, it'll look like I'm transitioning on one side.

I'm thinking about maybe doing a straw set on the parts that are straight if I want to wear my hair down, and I think I may just keep getting trims until the straight ends are gone.

I hope you get more responses.
Yeah it seems like thats what I'm going to have to do to but my heat damage is really bad. its like the whole front about two inches into my crown from ear to ear.....then there is about 4 inches of new growth followed by about 5 inches of bone straight hair. I can't tuck all of that. I don't know..... It will take me at least a couple of years to get it all out by trimming it.
I don't have heat damage (too lazy to straighten), but can't you just braid or twist the portion the night before and undue it in the morning so it mimics the rest of your texture?
I had heat damage a few years ago from using this stupid cheap flat iron. My hair still had a slight texture to it so it wasn't bone straight but still noticeable. I just gradually trimmed it away because that's all you really can do. There was no way I was cutting all that off.
I have heat damage too.
I am going to gradually trim my ends away and stop using so much heat. I think thats the only thing you can doo.
naturallylovely said:
is most of you all's heat damaged hair really straight??? or has the heat just loosened some of your curls???

My texture is loosened. The ends of my hair are straight.
I was just on the phone with my stylist making an appointment...and I told her I would "call her back"...I am really scared of heat damage which is why I have yet to make an appointment and confirm...this thread may prevent me from calling her back. Does anyone feel as though it is easier to damage your hair the more textured it is, or the straighter it is.
Well my hair is completely straight!!! (in the front) It is extremely difficult to deal with heat damage at times because you always have to worry about camouflaging those straight pieces. I for one, can never wear my hair down with out a headband. It makes me feel like I haven't been taking care of my hair, even though I know I have been. Well for those who are thinking twice about straightening...you are justified. I thought that because I used the iron on high heat and used no heat protectant that these two reasons were the cause of my heat damage. But then I remembered that I straightened my hair for a special occasion when I first went natural...and she used a heat protectant...I don't know about the setting.....Well I still had heat damage. SO.....I don't know...some people straighten all the time with no problems. I on the other hand am left with two extremely different textures!!!

Ps. I have thought about getting a perm many times because of the severe damage....and I'm still thinking!:ohwell:
JuicesN'Berries said:
Well my hair is completely straight!!! (in the front) It is extremely difficult to deal with heat damage at times because you always have to worry about camouflaging those straight pieces. I for one, can never wear my hair down with out a headband. It makes me feel like I haven't been taking care of my hair, even though I know I have been. Well for those who are thinking twice about straightening...you are justified. I thought that because I used the iron on high heat and used no heat protectant that these two reasons were the cause of my heat damage. But then I remembered that I straightened my hair for a special occasion when I first went natural...and she used a heat protectant...I don't know about the setting.....Well I still had heat damage. SO.....I don't know...some people straighten all the time with no problems. I on the other hand am left with two extremely different textures!!!

Ps. I have thought about getting a perm many times because of the severe damage....and I'm still thinking!:ohwell:

Are you sure it's heat damage and not just looser natural texture in the front of your hair. My hair is much straighter in the front, always has been. For me, heat damage causes burnt strands = breakage, not permanently straightened locks. If it is heat damage you're dealing with, I'd say try using some heavy-duty reconstructors regularly to see if you can nap it up. Good luck!
jwhitley6 said:
Are you sure it's heat damage and not just looser natural texture in the front of your hair. My hair is much straighter in the front, always has been. For me, heat damage causes burnt strands = breakage, not permanently straightened locks. If it is heat damage you're dealing with, I'd say try using some heavy-duty reconstructors regularly to see if you can nap it up. Good luck!

Hey! Thanks for the advice....What type and brand of reconstructor would you recommend? What is it usually used for? How is it used? Well I know for a fact it is heat damaged...I have a tight curl although the front is a looser than the rest of my head........but after straightening my hair, it went perm straight! And as far as breakage I never see any broken straight pieces..only curly, its kinda weird! The straightened pieces seem to be extremely healthy.
i don't know if i have heat damage or not, but the very front of my hair and the very back of my hair is much loser that the rest. i know some of the hair in the front is straight when i take my ponytail down, but i think that's just cause it was strectch cause it curls up when wet...

angelk316- do your ends curl up when wet???

how do we know whether or not we just have different textures in our head vs. the texture being different because of heat damage???