Hearing from the Lord...why can't I?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
I've been raised in a Christian family, and I started to take my walk with Christ more seriously in my late teens, like 17 or so. I'm 20 now, and obviously am not the "perfect" christian, whatever that is, but I really have been trying to seek the Lord's face and hear from him, or feel his presence. Why hasnt this happened for me yet? I always have to wonder, am I not reading my bible hard enough, and am I not praying hard enough have I made too many mistakes? But then I realize a lot of the people know that have been filled with the holy spirit, or who receive a word from the Lord, or get the privelege of simply being in his presence in an awesome way fall short of his glory just like I do.
I dont want to sound corny but things like that just make me wanna say, "what's wrong with me?" Its really been a struggle, sometimes I've thought, just give up, may be Jesus just isn't feeling me. Like I could just go out in the world and do whatever I want to, but If I even try to do that, I feel uncomfortable because I know that's not who I am. So I stick with Jesus, but sometimes it feels like an unhealthy relationship with a boyfriend who ignores me or doesnt know I there, except its with the entity who's supposed to be my savior. I dont know what to do, I dont feel comfortable talking to my mother about this. The church I go to is really big, I dont really know anyone there, and the pastor seems so far away and my friends who are christians are in similar boats.
I just feel hopeless in Christ sometimes, and I constantly wonder, what is God thinking, and why does it seem that he hides from me? What will it take for the desires of my heart to be met, or will they ever be? I really need some type of help so I'd really appreciate it if someone had any insight or encouragement or could pray for me, anything. My relationship with the Lord is just feeling really dry right now.
Thanks ladies.
I am experiencing the exact same feelings. Looking forward to some responses in the hopes of gaining some insight.
You all are not alone. I am there with you. I believe my problem is I have too many distractions, i.e. stressful issues, work, school, family,etc. Just keep trusting in him. Keep calling on his name and praying. I am working on being quiet and listening. I have been told that God speaks, but we are so distracted and too busy to hear him. I get discouraged and doubt that he even speaks to people anymore, but I have to keep sacrificing my flesh and "hold fast". I believe that this generation is going through some spirital struggles and the only way for me to make it through is to trust in him. We must keep trusting even if we do not hear from him. And even if we slip, we got to keep trusting and believing. It can be hard, but do not give. We got to pray for each other.
You are hearing from the Lord, you are just not recognizing His voice. Remember Samuel? The Lord speaks to us all the time. I have to speak for myself on this one. I wanted God to speak to me in certain ways that I could understand - like audibly - out loud - person to person. He doesn't come that way, He speaks the way He wants, not the way we want Him to. We must first repent daily for known and unknown sins that we commit and ask God to make us sensitive to His spirit and start looking for Him. Look for Him speaking to you in a message from your pastor, look for him to speak to you in a song and especially when you read the Bible. Just look to hear from Him in the most unlikely ways.
cminter said:
You all are not alone. I am there with you. I believe my problem is I have too many distractions, i.e. stressful issues, work, school, family,etc. Just keep trusting in him. Keep calling on his name and praying. I am working on being quiet and listening. I have been told that God speaks, but we are so distracted and too busy to hear him. I get discouraged and doubt that he even speaks to people anymore, but I have to keep sacrificing my flesh and "hold fast". I believe that this generation is going through some spirital struggles and the only way for me to make it through is to trust in him. We must keep trusting even if we do not hear from him. And even if we slip, we got to keep trusting and believing. It can be hard, but do not give. We got to pray for each other.

I agree, its just so hard sometimes....I dont know. Maybe us struggling ladies can pray for each other. Anybody else have any insight?
fogannie said:
You are hearing from the Lord, you are just not recognizing His voice. Remember Samuel? The Lord speaks to us all the time. I have to speak for myself on this one. I wanted God to speak to me in certain ways that I could understand - like audibly - out loud - person to person. He doesn't come that way, He speaks the way He wants, not the way we want Him to. We must first repent daily for known and unknown sins that we commit and ask God to make us sensitive to His spirit and start looking for Him. Look for Him speaking to you in a message from your pastor, look for him to speak to you in a song and especially when you read the Bible. Just look to hear from Him in the most unlikely ways.

I know that God speaks to us in different ways, but i also know that he has spoken audilly to some. I'm not sure if u were saying that he doesnt speak audibly period, but i know a few people who are just that down with jesus. But your right, he speaks how he wanna speaks, I guess I really just dont know how to hear him, maybe I need to pray for that.
Hello, someone page Shimmie;)

Dear sisters, i currently feel the same way. It's just one of these times where you have to hold your ground and know who God is, and remember he will NEVER leave us or forsake us!!
It always helps me get through this very issue (trust me, which will pass)!
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. Psalms 130: 1-2

I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I trust. Vs 5

That was David, the man after God's own heart. You should read that whole chapter. Sister if you are seeking God then you must trust His word when it says you will find Him. I do hear from God, not audibly but I spend a whole lot of time reading His word so I can discern His voice among the many voices. May be you can start there. Sometimes I beg and plead Lord speak but nothing. I can look back and see in those times my faith was strengthened or something was happening that I couldn't see or needed to be dealt with. Sometimes just through prayer and quiet listening I know what God's direction is for my life. Sometimes, when I just take a moment and worship concentrating on what His word says about Him and just thanking Him for even the tiniest blessings, then its like the reality of salvation just expodes around me. As Paul says in Acts, "He is not far from any of us," we must seek Him and as another verse says "keep on seeking." However I do believe sometimes self examination and indeed seeking good sound Christian advice (as you have done) is critical.

I must comment that the fact that you trying to go out in the world feels uncomfortable says a lot about whose you are. That uncomfortable feeling is His Spirit guarding you. I like how you expressed the boyfriend analogy, and may be last year I would have said I fele you sis, but Lately I've come to realise I can not compare my relationship with Christ with human relationships. I wish I had time to explain myself but I shouldn't even be on line at this moment and the strangest thing is your post caught my eye I picked up my testament and it opened right at the verse I put on the top. May be that's Gods word for you today.

One last thing I would recommend the book "How To Hear From God" by Joyce Meyer. I'll pray for you (all) and crave your prayers also.
Here are some scriptures from the KJV on the subject. Please note that this is a reference and each one of us has to examine ourselves to see if it is applicable to us. Other reasons can be found by studying the life of King David and Job.

2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Isa 59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid [his] face from you, that he will not hear.
God does speak to us, he speaks in so many ways, but God does not yell. You must be close enough to him to hear him.

If you want a deep or a great relationship with God.

  • You must be born again (first and foremost)
  • You must read your bible daily
  • You must repent daily
  • You must spend some quiet time with him,(not asking him for nothing but basking in his presence, worshipping
  • You must stay in his presence long enough to hear from him.

Before I got to this point. I did what I call the “BUTT NAKED EXERCISE” I took a shower and after I got out I stood BUTT NAKED in front of the mirror. I told God all about me. (the nakedness symbolizes I’m no longer hiding anything from you God). I was putting the enemy on notice I’m coming clean with God and him only will I serve.
I tell you my life has not been the same since. I told God how I was jealous of people and things that I didn’t want to admit about me. But I cried out to a loving God and our relationship has been sweeter than honey. The feelings of jealousy I don’t know when he delivered me but I’m no longer envious of others, and I rejoice when others are rejoicing. I love to see people blessed.

Now let me tell you this, when you are walking with God and he’s calling you friend, don’t think it’s going to be all roses. No, No No, God, yes the loving wonderful all knowing God will allow test and trials to come in your life that will make you ask what have I done Lord, are you pleased with me. (Ask Job)

When God is silent in your life and you know you’ve been doing all you know how, sometimes it’s test time in your life and God doesn’t speak during the test.

God is awesome and no good things will he withhold from you, and if you truly desire to hear from him, look at the 5 points I gave and see where you can improve.

A lot of times we want all heaven has to offer but we don’t want to offer heaven nothing.

I heard a president say, don’t ask what this great country can do for you; ask what can I do for my county.

I say to you today. Don’t ask God what can he do for you, the truth is he’s already done enough, but ask God what can I assist you with today. Who can I witness to, who can I show love to, who can I serve today. Where can I improve as a solider a daughter of the most high, And wait for his response.

He may not speak audibly, he may speak through someone, he may speak through his work, you could be riding down the street and a billboard will have a message just for you. But wherever you find him speaking always remember to say “THANK YOU”

Be blessed, and I love you and praying that his will be done in your life.
I once felt like all of you, and thought I was not saved. BUT, the thing that did it for me was going to a church that God himself planted me in. So I urge you to ask God to plant you in the church that HE specifically picks for you to grow in, and I promise you, if you stay in position (the church you are planted), you willl most definitely hear from God. I am only speaking from my experience and this is my testimony; I pray that all of you will take heed to the advice I give to you ASAP!

But I must warn you, that you will probably catch hell for going to the church that God plants you in, and that is only because satan does not want you to grow spiritually. Your family/friends might call you crazy, and you will be persecuted, but if you do not faint and just stay in position, God will elevate you and begin to do big things in your life for the sake of glorifying Himself and the Kingdom.

Be blessed ladies. :rosebud:
Koffie & Dreamer thanks for all those words and advices. I do feel like the OP and I feel like it's because I'm not growing, I'm not reading my words daily, I'm not yet fully and unconditionally dedicated. When I read the Word, sometimes I don't get it and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to get from it, how I should go about studying it.
I do feel, like you said Koffie, that finding the right Church will be a great step forward because I NEED some Bible Study time. I keep praying that the Lord will direct me to that place really soon
Koffie said:
I once felt like all of you, and thought I was not saved. BUT, the thing that did it for me was going to a church that God himself planted me in. So I urge you to ask God to plant you in the church that HE specifically picks for you to grow in, and I promise you, if you stay in position (the church you are planted), you willl most definitely hear from God. I am only speaking from my experience and this is my testimony; I pray that all of you will take heed to the advice I give to you ASAP!

Koffie, that is so true, getting under the leader God has called you to is also key. When you get to the church that God has called you to your spiritual growth will take off.

It'll be like hair being feed MSM, new growth, new growth, new growth.:lol:
I remember about 6 or 7 years ago, feeling that GOD was ignoring me or upset with me for more than a year. No matter how much I cried, begged, pleaded-it just seemed like I couldn't get a response. I wasn't praying for anything selfish and I still wasn't getting through. Or so I thought . . .

My prayers were answered-not the way I thought, but better than I thought. I also learned that I was not being ignored or punished. I was being tested-as much as I said that I knew the bible ("never will I leave you or forsake you") the minute I didn't feel Him or hear Him, I flipped out and started questioning whether or not He was really there and if He was why was He ignoring me. I think it was GOD's way of taking my training wheels off and letting me know that I needed to do some growing up. My faith needed to be tested-would I keep praying, keep trusting, keep being faithful when I didn't feel like it? Would I still believe "lo I am with you always even until the end" even when it didn't feel that way?

I am not saying that this is what you all are going through. Just wanted you all to know that you are not alone because when I was going through it I wouldn't talk to anyone about it because I kept feeling that I wasn't good enough or doing enough to hear from GOD.

Whatever you do, don't quit. Press, push, pray-He is there, He is talking. Worship is warfare, so give Him praise, even through tears. Keep seeking Him.
Everyone has given beautiful advice but I wanted to add (like another posted stated) God answers us sometimes in an unlikely way. We always have to keep our eyes and ears open. For example, I was in the cemetary at my mothers grave. It was a very dreary day and I was crying really hard. I began to pray and asked God if he was really real. I was feeling so lost and alone. I asked him for a sign. Within that very moment of asking him for a sign the sun began to shine and birds began to chirp! There had not been any sunshine that whole day! That was an answer from him. He was telling me that he is real!

Another example, One night I prayed to God and asked for understanding regarding my life. Why do I endure so many trials? Why does it seems like I can never get my life in order and why do I seem stuck? I went to bed after praying but couldn't sleep. I woke up at 5am and turned to Christian television. The pastor was speaking of being in a "process". He was basically saying that God has to put us thru a series of test before we can be moved to the next level. God has to get us alone so that he can work on us in a way that only He can. Television gave me the answer to my prayers.

God may not speak quickly but he is listening. He hears you because he loves you. He wants what is best for you. God speaks - we just have to be open to hear him in unlikely ways.
Thank you so much, this was beautiful!!!
MSee said:
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. Psalms 130: 1-2

I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I trust. Vs 5

That was David, the man after God's own heart. You should read that whole chapter. Sister if you are seeking God then you must trust His word when it says you will find Him. I do hear from God, not audibly but I spend a whole lot of time reading His word so I can discern His voice among the many voices. May be you can start there. Sometimes I beg and plead Lord speak but nothing. I can look back and see in those times my faith was strengthened or something was happening that I couldn't see or needed to be dealt with. Sometimes just through prayer and quiet listening I know what God's direction is for my life. Sometimes, when I just take a moment and worship concentrating on what His word says about Him and just thanking Him for even the tiniest blessings, then its like the reality of salvation just expodes around me. As Paul says in Acts, "He is not far from any of us," we must seek Him and as another verse says "keep on seeking." However I do believe sometimes self examination and indeed seeking good sound Christian advice (as you have done) is critical.

I must comment that the fact that you trying to go out in the world feels uncomfortable says a lot about whose you are. That uncomfortable feeling is His Spirit guarding you. I like how you expressed the boyfriend analogy, and may be last year I would have said I fele you sis, but Lately I've come to realise I can not compare my relationship with Christ with human relationships. I wish I had time to explain myself but I shouldn't even be on line at this moment and the strangest thing is your post caught my eye I picked up my testament and it opened right at the verse I put on the top. May be that's Gods word for you today.

One last thing I would recommend the book "How To Hear From God" by Joyce Meyer. I'll pray for you (all) and crave your prayers also.
Ladies please don't get discouraged. God does hear you. And he does respond. My personal experience is , like fogannie said, He was/is speaking i just wasn't always listening. I learned that everytime i asked to hear from Him, He always answered. I just was looking for the response that i wanted and not what He wanted to say or how He wanted to say it.
I cannot tell you how many times I wanted to 'hear' God speak to me. I even doubted my salvation several times until I read this scripture below which changed my life forever...

"...He said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD;

but the LORD was not in the wind:

and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:

And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire:

and after the fire a still small voice." And it was so, when Elijah heard it..."

(I Kings 19:11-13)
You've been hearing 'Him" all along...;) I promise...
Thanks LAdies. This was refreshing. God spoke to my heart through each of your words, encouragement, and verses. Thanks for being here and sharing. HAve a beautiful day.
Thank you to the person who began this thread. What you wrote was very honest and real. I too have been going through something lately and seems as if I can't hear from the Lord in regards to my situation. You all have brought out some very important points. Thanks for sharing. I'm encouraged!
I'll admit that I still struggle hearing from the Lord. But it's getting better.

The thing that my mom has instilled in me is to read, study, and meditate on the word *daily*! And it's helping!

You know God's voice (audible or not) because you know God's character. And you know God's character because you study His Word.

I have a book by Joyce Meyer called "How to Hear From God". And I have the accompanying study guide. I'm about 1/3 through the book.