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Regardless of what your ethnicity is, one standard fact when it comes to hair is that healthy hair is beautiful hair.

I like most women enjoy the pampered feeling of going to a beauty salon but the sad fact is that many of the chemicals used during your average visit to the salon can actually damage your hair and threaten it's longevity.

The process of making your hair healthy has to begin before that visit to the salon. Your hair is a natural part of you just as the rest of your body, therefore a natural approach to hair healthy is the true solution to it's beauty. The good news is you can become your own hair health expert with a little education and relatively low cost treatments.

There are many natural remedies you can use to improve or maintain the quality of your hair, keeping it healthy and exciting.

<font color="orange"> MAINTAIN A BEAUTY ROUTINE- </font>
Start with a massage, rid the body of toxins by drinking 8 glasses of water a day and avoid harsh chemicals in the products you use. Gently massage your scalp to promote good circulation and prevent thinning hair. Apply oils of jojoba, avocado and sweet almond with a cotton ball. You can combine the oils and add 3 drops of an essential oil such as chamomile for relaxation, sweet orange, lavender or rose. Essential oils have cleansing and healing properties. *Note: If your are diabetic, have high blood pressure, pregnant, have allergies (or any other health issues), consult with a medical doctor before applying essental oils to the skin.

After oiling your scalp, comb it gently to remove deposits of styling products and dandruff. For Swimmers: Apply a moisturizer before you swim. Use a shamopo that minimizes chlorine damage and tangling and wear a swim camp to protect your hair.

<font color="orange"> ULTRA CARE FOR DRY HAIR- </font>
The following treatment will help restore luster and strength to your hair while minimizing frizz and breakage. Make a paste with an egg, three tablespoons of mayonnaise, and a tablespoon of wheat germ oil or olive oil. Add two tablespoons of aloe vera gel if its available. Work the the mixture into damp hair, cover with and leave in for 15 minutes, rinse well. Try not to shampoo daily and use a ph-balanced herbal or vitamin rich shampoo for dry hair. Shampoo by gently rubbing the scalp in a circular motion with your fingertips. Deep condition once a week with products that contain moisturizers such as olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil or honey and emollients such as glycerin, lecithing and lanolin. Using a large toothed comb, comb hair carefully. Handling hair can cause damage. It is better not to rub you hair when it is wet. Wet hair is weak and vulnerable to damage. Apply a natural leave-in conditioner and style. Use brushes made from boar or other natural materials for best results.

<font color="orange"> THINNING HAIR SOLUTIONS- </font>
All natural herbal hair re-growth ingredients can provide needed nourishment for your hair. Reducing stress and learning to mange stress can be beneficial to hair follicle health by allowing you to retain the nutrients you get from a healthy diet. Silica derived orthosilic acid is thought to help strengthen hair and reduce dryness, helping hair regain its youthful appearance. Have a doctor look at your hair and scalp if the problem persists. Thinning hair could be the result of thyroid gland problems, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and stress. Talk a supplemnet that includes vitamin A, B-Complex, vitamin C, iron, and zinc.

All of these ingredients can be purchased at your local health food store. A little extra care and education about keeping your hair in optimum health goes a long way in keeping it beautiful year after year.

By Raies Huart
Great tips! I'm sure gonna make that a favorite. thankx