Healthy Hair and Security...


New Member
I had to share this story! I have been baggying and using a phony pony as a protective style until my next relaxer at the end of the month. I usually attach my phony pony really low then flip it up and secure with hair pins for a more professional, mature look. Apparently, the detectors at the airport don't like the hairpins!! I have been flying back and forth for two weeks and I can't get through security without my hair going off!! Well Friday, I had to get the usual "pat down" and the lady starts digging in my head. Naturally, she could feel the bun and hear the bag squishing around underneath, so she asks me "what are you hiding in your hair?" I was SOOOOO embarassed. I thought I was going to have to take the hairpiece off and expose my ziplock! Thankfully, one of the TSA agents that knows me well let me through (of course joking that I shouldn't pin my weave in so tight). So it looks like I am going to have to find another protective style or get to the airport even earlier to be strip searched. Who new healthy hair was a flight hazard???:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I had to share this story! I have been baggying and using a phony pony as a protective style until my next relaxer at the end of the month. I usually attach my phony pony really low then flip it up and secure with hair pins for a more professional, mature look. Apparently, the detectors at the airport don't like the hairpins!! I have been flying back and forth for two weeks and I can't get through security without my hair going off!! Well Friday, I had to get the usual "pat down" and the lady starts digging in my head. Naturally, she could feel the bun and hear the bag squishing around underneath, so she asks me "what are you hiding in your hair?" I was SOOOOO embarassed. I thought I was going to have to take the hairpiece off and expose my ziplock! Thankfully, one of the TSA agents that knows me well let me through (of course joking that I shouldn't pin my weave in so tight). So it looks like I am going to have to find another protective style or get to the airport even earlier to be strip searched. Who new healthy hair was a flight hazard???:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Aww, that is hilarious and frightening at the same time!

I would've totally nixed the flight if I had to choose between someone digging in my baggie and getting on a plane.