Healthy Buns


New Member
I've been lurking around this forum for about a week now. I've finally mustered up the courage to post.

When I first began reading all the threads I was amazed at the long, healthy hair. I continued to read and realized a lot of it is due to protective styles. The one I'm most interested in is "bunning". For the majority of high school and summer breaks of college, I have wore my hair in a bun (I'm currently a rising junior). My hair always breaks off. I'm obviously not doing it in a healthy manner. For all the ladies who generally wear their hair in a bun and receive healthy results, could you share some of your tips? Information about products you use and technique is greatly appreciated.
First, welcome to the board!:)

I'm not much of a bunner, but these are some tips I picked up reading this forum.

When you usually wore a bun, it was probably a ponytail pulled half-through, right?

This style not only leaves the ends exposed (and prone to drying out), but the ends are also clamped by the elastic. That pressure and friction can cause breakage.

The healthiest bun is one where the ends are tucked in. It's hard to describe, but try grabbing your hair and twisting it to make a swirl bun and pinning the ends under the bun with a bobby pin or two. That way, your ends are protected.

This style is even more beneficial if you moisturize your ends first.

If you must do a half-pulled-through-ponytail bun, choosing a hair elastic instead of a rubber band (preferably a satin-covered elastic) and soaking it in oil, will reduce damage.

Good luck on your hair-growing journey!

ETA: This is another "bun" that protects the ends and is easy on the hairline. It was made popular by the members, Serenity Breeze and Southern Tease. Because my hair is thin, I do this style more often than a traditional bun. It always looks so full!
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I was a half-pony bunner too and never understood why I got so much breakage from it. That southern tease looks so elegant and easy to do. I'll remember to try this once my hair is loose!
Don't bun if your hair isn't long enough to put in a ponytail without tugging or excessively brushing the hairline!