Heads Up! Spring is Here!


Well-Known Member
I would like to congratulate everyone on this board on the AWESOME progress that has been going on. Everyone's hair is thriving! Wow! All of these progression shots make me want to do an avocado+mayonnaise treatment, STAT!

Just to remind you guys, Spring is coming! That means increased growth. So whatever you're doing, be consistent with it and I am positive that you will see healthier, longer results. If you have been slacking off, March 20th (the beginning of Spring) is the time to get back in the swing of hair :lol: I am so happy that winter is over because my hair only grows 1/4-1/2 an in that whole time :shocked:

Long Live Spring! And Vive La LHCF!
Yes girl, I WELCOME spring! Back to more frequent washes and less having my hair pulled back (give my strands a break from the pulling).

I can't wait!!!
great encouragement!!

I am so ready for the warmer weather. My hair has started rubbing against sweaters and coats and I am concerned about my ends.

I think spring and summer are great season to get over the shoulder length hump!!
I can't wait!! Spring and summer is when I see the most growth, so I'm just counting down the days till the warmer weather comes. I finally know everything that my hair likes and dislikes and I just came up with a revised regimen that is working miracles right now, so I'm excited!!
I love your new Avatar, Anky. I think I will still continue to do my twists this spring and summer. I also want to change my hair color. Something sexy for the spring.
Can't wait until spring i am getting really excited. My hair does wonderrfully during the warmer seasons. I am prepping my hair more deep conditioning and trimming of those uneven shaggy ends. I am looking forward to a fresh start.

Happy Spring everyone!
ahhh! i'm excited! i had a growth spurt last year at about this time. I pray that I get another one again!

i'm going to be doing the exact same things that i was doing back then: drinking more water, taking my vitamins, conditioning my hair, protein treatment, moisturizing twice a day.
i slacked on those things so now i'm back in full swing, babay!! :lol:

i will still be bunning though, and on other day, i will do braidouts! i really want to do a full, afro-looking braidout :love:
I am so ready for the warm weather because my hair grows so fast naturally during the warmer months and I'm curious to see what differences I will see now that I take hair vitamins.
I HOPE I get this growth spur everyone talks about...I've never noticed it before, but I'd love a good 3 inches over the next few months or so....that's all I ask for..3 inches!!!