he only dated me for my hair

Oh well. I'm not surprised. Now if their relationship had been more serious, engaged/married, that would of been REALLY messed up.
I dates a guy once who was pretty obsessed with my hair. I was transitioning and had already been about 2 yrs into my transition but I still wore my hair straight.

The first time he saw my hair in a wng (I had no clue thats what it was back then. I had a long weekend and didnt feel like flat ironing after I washed) he was not happy and asked me to flat iron before we left for one of his coworkers bbq's. I refused as I was tired and he opted that we stay home instead. I opted to stay home and for him to go home to his own house.

That relationship didnt last very long at all as he was very superficial in appearance (more than just hair) and I just couldnt hang with all that.

But said guy started to date this other chick (he had a type) and would often approach me in the club to let me know what ever it was they were up to and remind me that it could have been me. I would remind him I would have killed him by then.
Link doesnt work on my phone .can someone post the pics pls ? :)
ETA: i read the article and the man in question is shallow . I dated guys who didnt fit my standards in a way or another and some turned out to be great experiences/men. I think he probably wasnt that into her as she thought.
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Ive dated a man like that. He was nigerian-American and would comment about how long and silky my then relaxed hair was. He had some real deep seeded issues on being dark skinned and said he only liked his women light skinned and silky haired O.o I left him right after that. Dude was delusional because I am dark skinned with naturally coily hair
As for the article, her entire person seemed to have changed after cutting her hair. The hair might have been the most obvious thing, but she looks different in general.
The natural hair style she chose in the second pic makes her look matronly.

Yeah her whole look in the second pic is matronly. The hair, the jewelry, the glasses... :perplexed :nono: Did her whole style change after she cut her hair??

She looked totally different in the second pic to me or her vibe was different

Exactly. :yep: She looks like a completely different person. I just bc'ed and the only thing that will be different about me now is my hair. Same makeup, fashion, etc.
Are y'all commenting on the 2 pics posted in this thread? Or are there more somewhere?

Regardless, I must have a totally different idea of what 'matronly ' looks like :lol:
The glasses she's wearing are the exact same on both pics. Is she supposed to wear the same thing daily?? :perplexed She looks fine.

The guy clearly isn't into natural hair. To each its own I guess, good for her for finding out nice and early.
The glasses she's wearing are the exact same on both pics. Is she supposed to wear the same thing daily?? :perplexed She looks fine.

The guy clearly isn't into natural hair. To each its own I guess, good for her for finding out nice and early.

Those frames aren't cute in the first pic too and the new hairstyle isn't helping. But i agree about the guy, but he made that clear. v
The glasses she's wearing are the exact same on both pics. Is she supposed to wear the same thing daily?? :perplexed She looks fine.

The guy clearly isn't into natural hair. To each its own I guess, good for her for finding out nice and early.

Dang don't take it personal. :lol: I think she looks bad in the second pic. But I have viewed her IG and she has since ditched the glasses. :thumbsup: She's absolutely gorgeous. :yep: She looks MUCH better and her style appears to have improved as well. Or maybe that was just a bad pic of her. :yep:
Am I the only one that is unimpressed by this article? Yes, the man may not have been into natural short hair but they had also only been dating for 2 WEEKS. Honestly, imagine knowing someone you for only that period of time and seeing a drastic change like that (growing of a full beard, complete wardrobe change etc.) and them saying that this change is now permanent. Not saying that he's right or that they should still be together but damn... since when is 2 weeks enough time to be unconditionally devoted to a person??

if it was me I would have brushed it off and KIM.
Regardless, I must have a totally different idea of what 'matronly ' looks like :lol:

qchelleShe looks like her name could be "Miss Alberta" in that second picture. All she needs is a shawl and paper fan with a picture of Martin Luther King on it to make the look complete. Mind you, I think the hairstyle is the main culprit.

She has MUCH better pictures of herself with different short natural styles on her instagram page.
That man was shallow. The end. There is much more to a woman's beauty than her hair or even clothes, as some posters were suggesting.
They barely knew each other. Maybe he just didn't dig her. I am sure she parted ways with other men in the past while she still had the hair. It's a reach.
The natural hair style she chose in the second pic makes her look matronly.

:yep: dont know why people like to be delusional.

if you went from looking fly to looking like Sophia Petrillo, why should he have to suck it up?

same way I wouldnt bat an eye if a woman leaves a man after a drastic change

people like what they like. aint no one got time for Houdini tricks esp after 2 weeks.
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:yep: dont know why people like to be delusional.

if you went from looking fly to looking like Sophia Petrillo, why should he have to suck it up?

same way I wouldnt bat an eye if a woman leaves a man after a drastic change

people like what they like. aint no one got time for Houdini tricks esp after 2 weeks.

Sophia Petrillo ..... alright, that has earned you a time out, young lady.