10 things you shouldn't say to a natural

10 Things Never to Say to a Natural Girl

132CULTURE by Black Girl With Long Hair – September 30, 2013

By Allison of Naturally Twisted Hairstyles
Additional material provided by Tyra of Indigenous Curls

I don’t know anyone that doesn’t like compliments about*their hair. Unfortunately, we*natural*girls hear things that aren’t*really complimentary. Maybe it’s a*straight*up insult,*ignorance* or sometimes it is a backhanded compliment, and sometimes *it’s just something that the other person could have kept to themselves. Personally I would prefer if you never said or asked the following:

1. ‘Your braids or twists*look like Miss Celie’s.’
Say what you want but Oprah, and Whoopi have some nice hair on and off set.

2. ‘Are you going to*do*your hair?’, or ‘Why didn’t you comb your hair?’
I may DO something, I may DO nothing. I find beauty in little imperfections. My hair hair hates combs.

3. ‘Can I touch it?’ (while reaching for my strands) and/or after sanctioned or unsanctioned touching: ‘It’s*much softer than it looks.’
Some days I don’t mind educating the masses about kinky hair. Other days I imagine drop kicking.

4. ‘Why don’t you wear your hair curly like ________ (someone with a completely different hair texture)?’
No two people are alike.*Natural hair*is versatile, and I can achieve nearly any style. Now mind your business.

5. ‘How did you get it to curl like that?’ or ‘How do you get your hair to do that?’
No one ever questioned my styling process when*my hair was relaxed! But*I’m*happy to show you how.

6. ‘Aren’t you afraid of looking unprofessional?’
I tackle*natural hair*myths in this article.

7.*’I couldn’t go natural unless I had good hair’ and in the same breath… ‘You’re braver than I*am.’
**Takes long, calculated look at the commenter’s hair, weave or wig**

8.*’Wow, your hair grew!*I just seen you last week!’
Lets have a little chat about shrinkage……

Style Icon Sarah
9. * ‘Why did it look shorter before?’
Because it was in an updo?*And because I have nappy hair that shrinks, a lot. I doubt it was shorter before, it was*probably just nappier. *Good old shrinkage.

10. ‘I would cut my hair and go*natural,*like you but ______ (insert*ignorant statement here).’

I’ve*come to the*conclusion*that everyone*isn’t*going*to like my natural hair. Good thing they*don’t*have to wear it!

Ladies, what do you think of the list? Would you take any of these statements off? What would you add?
Don't forget the always classic

"Your hair would be so pretty if you straightened it " and
"Your hair would be so long if you relaxed it"

Get out of here with that :censored:
When/are you ever going to wear it straight?
...Maybe next week, maybe never, but am I SUPPOSED to want it straight?

ETA: Just saw the post above. :yep: