Hawaiian Silky No Lye Relaxer?


New Member
Anyone use this? I use the lye version and I like it except it's really harsh on my scalp, even when I wait days after washing or base my scalp really well. I also would like my hair to come out a little silkier so I would like be able to leave it on till I reach the desired straigthness but there is no way I could do this with the lye cause it burns so bad. I don't want to change relaxers cause this is the only one I know that doesn't leave my hair bone straight, even after 30 minutes.

Anyway, I was thinking of switching to the no lye but my past experience with no lye relaxers is dry and underprocessed hair. I don't want to deal with that again. With Hawaiian Silky being as mild as it is and my hair being a coarse 4b I'm afraid the no lye may just not cut it.

Soooo....my question is, what has been your experience with the no lye. Does it straigthen quickly enough, does it leave the hair dry and underprocessed? Will I still have the thickness that I love? TIA
You want your hair straighter but not bone straight? Why not move up from regular to super? Or not dilute the relaxer with oil?

My experience with no-lye is that it makes my hair dry, but a lot of people have success with it. Good luck with what you decide. :)

PS I think I've read a few reviews of Hawaiian Silky here where people complained about it not straightening well so you might want to think about changing brands. I think it's a good idea to try changing brands before switching to no-lye.
I'm scared to use the super cause the regulare burn enough as it is. I'm scared to dilute it cause I don't want that to slow down the process and not get it as straight as I like. I just got a PM from someone who uses the no lye successfully. I think I'll give it a try next relaxer.
Hello Everybody,
I"m New to this website. Trying to get my hair to grow long right now my hair comes down pass my neck. I want it to the middle of my back. I need help understaning the different in relaxer. I want to go natural but i don't want to chop my hair off to scard LOL. So it be 8 week since my last relaxer so i trying to figrue out what to do with it. Somebody please help me. And what is this Hawaiian Silky mild relaxer how dose it work. Once I figure it out how to put picture up i will of my hair so you can see it
Does anyone still use this relaxer? If so, can you give me some pros and cons? I am thinking of switching to this brand.