Hawaii = Best Mosturizer EVER


Aloha Ladies,

Just got back from Waikiki and let me tell you that was the best thing I could ever do for my hair! I usually spray my hair daily for moisture but out there, my hair was so very soft at all times that I didn't need to add any oils or distilled water. I had to do a conditioner wash after I went snorkeling
and then sprayed my concoction on my head. After that, I was good to go for my moonlit walk on the beach

One other terrific thing about Honolulu for my hair was I found a lot of cocount oil. It wasn't easy, but unlike the Mainland it was possible. Since that Woman's Day article, people bought them all up and now the manufacturers plan on repackaging with an increased price tag because they know most people will buy it anyway.

Anyway, that is my recommendation, a trip to Hawaii with its perfect weather could just be what your hair needs!

Happy Hair Growing
Ahhhh, I TOO felt like a hottie-boombalotti when in Hawaii back in January. Man, it's hard to get the smile off of your face there, isn't it?? My hair was carefree and felt like all you've just mentioned and more! Just wish I had thought of the coconut oil when I was there....Heck, I'm in Korea, it's just a hop away! Glad you got to experience it!
Wow, what a coincidence. When I went Hawaii last July, my hair felt wonderful. I rinsed my hair daily after doing water sports and it never felt dry. Wonder what;s in THEIR water??

I didn't see the Woman's Day Article. What did it say about coconut oil? Did they specify a particular type/

Ah yes! Hawaii is one of my favorite places to visit! In fact, I was married on Maui, and my husband and I are looking to purchase property there. Yes, the water is good for the hair and skin, and the beautiful atmosphere is good for the soul!

Oh it's gonna be hard to pry this permagrin off of my face!


For me, I think it was more so the humidity as it is EXTREMELY dry where I live and my hair wasn't nearly as thirsty as it usually is. The first day back I had to give it extra moisture because the normal amount didn't do a thing!


Well, according to that article it is supposed to assist in weightloss. People have reported mad amounts of reduction in a short amount of time. The owner of one of the vitamin stores I frequent told me that you're supposed to take 1-3 tablespoons a day. She didn't even have enough for herself to try for longer than a week so she can't testify to the results.

I personally would like to lose ten pounds but I just need to workout instead of a quick fix. Besides, those bottles were HEAVY on the plane because I put them all in my carry on just so they wouldn't get destroyed by those bag handlers. So, I am saving every drop for my hair!!


Wow, let me know when you purchase and if you build so I can have a place to stay!;) You are SO right about the atmosphere being good for the soul. I am trying to keep that Hawaiian spirit in me. It's difficult because people seem to REALLY irritate me
. The entire time I was in Hawaii, I was a LOT more mellow.


Sure, next time I go (for hair, of course) I will be glad for you to come along. That was my first time and so I could show you all the hot spots. It was fabulous and they are so laid back there that when I didn't want to do activities my friends were in to, I just went on the beach and had a ball with complete strangers. I can't swim, so I bought one of those child sized life jackets (no upper body
) and swam (yea right, I floated) in the ocean! I was so excited I just kept giggling and proclaiming that I was swimming. People on the beach were getting a kick out of this grown woman living the life!

I'll change that 'might' not to you WON'T want to leave, I don't know anyone who would! The only draw back would be my house, if I could just move that over there or even afford one this size over there, I would be a happy camper! The cost of living is just out rageous and I won't live in a shack, even for the sake of my hair !

Anyway ladies mahalo (thanks) for the replies. I usually feel like I have nothing to contribute on this board. So you all really made my day!!!
I lived in Honolulu for 3 years but I didn't notice any improvement in my hair. Then again I was onlty 9 when I first moved there and I wasn't in tune with hair care. But my great aunt's hair grew to her waist in the 3 years she lived there.

Aloha Ladies,

Just got back from Waikiki and let me tell you that was the best thing I could ever do for my hair! I usually spray my hair daily for moisture but out there, my hair was so very soft at all times that I didn't need to add any oils or distilled water. I had to do a conditioner wash after I went snorkeling
and then sprayed my concoction on my head. After that, I was good to go for my moonlit walk on the beach

One other terrific thing about Honolulu for my hair was I found a lot of cocount oil. It wasn't easy, but unlike the Mainland it was possible. Since that Woman's Day article, people bought them all up and now the manufacturers plan on repackaging with an increased price tag because they know most people will buy it anyway.

Anyway, that is my recommendation, a trip to Hawaii with its perfect weather could just be what your hair needs!

Happy Hair Growing

[/ QUOTE ]

I jsut got back too!
When did you go? I went from 5/15-5/25. I want to go back soooo bad. We went to Kaui first and then to Waikiki. Where did you stay. ABC stores had plenty of coconut oil. TO bad I didn't read the article before I went.

OH yeah, my hair loved the weather but hated the salt water!
I was there last week. I stayed in Waikiki! Had a blast. By the time I got there, ALL of the ABC stores had taken them off the shelves. The ONLY way I even got my 11 bottles is because I just kept asking everyone I saw where I can get some coconut oil. Finally, I was talking to a manager and he told me he had some in the back that he was supposed to give back to the manufacturer. He went in the back and brought out one bottle, I'm like uhhhhh, do you have any more. He says how many do I want and I said six, so he brings them out and I say do you have any more. So, I bought all he had and was a happy little camper. They cost more than what I would have paid had they had any out here, but they don't so I got what I could.

I immediately washed the salt out of my hair when I got back to the hotel, so I don't think it was a problem. I'm in braids, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

Too expensive for me to go again! But I have wonderful memories
and am extremely happy I went even though it seriously set me back!
I live in Hawaii right now.. and I am trying to make sure I am clear withthis coconut oil.. It's straight , pure coconut oil? I mean... if it's all the rave I might go down to the NEX or Long's and see if they got some.

Nubian Queen, Where did you go in Waikii and do you visit here often?


It's 100% pure coconut oil. You can find it at any ABC near the suntan oils. Oh wait, no you can't because of the repackaging. Anyway, it WAS on the shelves in all of the little shops that were in the hotels.

I went to Hanauma Bay, Germaine's Luau, Duke's, Red Lion's, Mooses, the International Market and the beach! First time there, may be the last.

I didn't buy enough of those shell leis. If you could pick me up some from an ABC store, I sure would appreciate it. They have six different styles and they are 3 for 99 cents. I would like two of each kind which would only cost $4. Of course I would pay for the shipping too. Let me know if you could hook me up!

I thought I bought enough of them but since I got back, I have been lei-ing people left and right!