Having two different textures


New Member
I'm talking about actually texture of the hair, not the curl pattern. I'm transitioning and as far as I can tell right now I think I have 3c/4a hair, but I'm not really hung up on that. What is kind of freaking me out is the actually two distinctive textures. In the front its more coarse and it needs more coercing to lay down flat in buns and pony tails. The farther back you do the more silky it is. My nape will lie flat if I just brush it up with my hands... I know everybody talks about two different curl patterns but do other people really have two textures? Like cottony vs silky. I know for a fact I do.
My godsister (natural) has this same issue and she's a 3c/4a mix too. Her crown is more course (courser?:perplexed) than the rest of her hair, which is very soft. The strands of her soft hair even feel thinner. My NG all feels the same though: soft and cottony with a few coils here and there.
My godsister (natural) has this same issue and she's a 3c/4a mix too. Her crown is more course (courser?:perplexed) than the rest of her hair, which is very soft. The strands of her soft hair even feel thinner. My NG all feels the same though: soft and cottony with a few coils here and there.

YES! My nape feels thinner too! Even though I know I'm not balding. When I was relaxing, I always had to do my nape last because it would over process. Its like its baby hair. Its the top that is very coarse. Could this have something to do with the years of direct sun exposure? Since the sun hits the top of the head? Its truly weird to me.
I am 3c with a patch of 3b in the front on the left side.. That patch aggravates my life sometimes lolol. It just sits there ... wavy .. no matter what I do to it, it won't curl as much as the rest. Its cute and all but sometimes I want all coils/curls.

ETA: The post I clicked on was not the first post which I thought it was. To CORRECTLY answer your question, that same patch is softer and finer than the rest of my hair which adds to my woes. So is the hair in my nape
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the hair around my edges and a little farther in (front and back) are much silkier and fine and the hair in the middle is course and doesn't like to lay down. My other friend thats transitioning has something similar going on as well.