Have You Tried Dishsoap As Moisturizing Shampoo?


Ok, now that I have your attention...:grin: This is actually a serious issue. My girlfriend just called and said several people that go to our local salon are complaining of shedding and there is suspicion that in addtion to not being lucid a majority of the time, our hairdressor may be using dish detergent instead of shampoo! WTF! The sad part is she is a really excellent stylist and is into hair care but she is from the hood and still has one foot in that lifestyle. She is one of those people who is really good when she is good and um, ahem , really bad when she is bad. Anyway, without a huge confrontation - how do we determine if she is using crap on us? Usually you can smell the yummy shampoos and conditioners - no smell lately. Wouldn't I be able to smell dishsoap though, if she used it? Should I start bringing my own supplies? What would/have you do/done? We have a serious shortage of stylists around here, this lady has done my hair for years and I swear to you when she isn't having a "hood spell" she is really fire.
I'm not one for confrontation especially while someone is doing my hair and my options are limited. If you don't feel comfy doing your own hair, I'd just bring in my own products.
That's ridiculous. If she's into hair care then I don't see how she could even justify using dish detergent on her clients' hair, hood or not.
I don't know how you'd go about finding out what she's using, especially if she is putting DAWN in some CON bottles or something. If you really like her otherwise and don't want to stop going there, take your own products. I'm sure if you asked, she wouldn't tell you anyway.
Um, that's an interesting story. I agree with the other ladies. Just bring your own products. And I would also ask her what kind of shampoo she's been using lately, because you really liked the smell of the last one (just to see what she'll say).
This probably won't be a popular answer, but I would have to INSIST on knowing what she's using in my hair.

I don't even need a reason, it's my hair, my money and my body and I need to know.

If she catches an attitude, I might have to let her go.


You don't have to listen to me. I'm very attached to my hair and just the thought of some **** putting dishwashing liquid in my hair makes me want to choke her. I'm a little anti-stylist. I wouldn't hesistate letting her go, but I understand that you may not want to since she's a good stylist.

Good luck!
lmao, you definitely caught my attention w/ the title. I thought you lost your d*mn mind for a sec :lachen:

But seriously, that's insane! try asking the stylist what the name is of the "shampoo" she's using b/c it doesn't smell the same & lately your hair's felt harder than usual (say this even if it's not true). See how she responds. If she gives u a brand name you can do a comparison check yourself....

Above all though if you insist on going back to her you should DEFINATELY bring your own stuff...and guard it with your life to make sure she doesn't try to steal any of it or swap your poo w/ Ajax or whatever other ish she's using. :nono:
lmao, you definitely caught my attention w/ the title. I thought you lost your d*mn mind for a sec :lachen:

But seriously, that's insane! try asking the stylist what the name is of the "shampoo" she's using b/c it doesn't smell the same & lately your hair's felt harder than usual (say this even if it's not true). See how she responds. If she gives u a brand name you can do a comparison check yourself....

Above all though if you insist on going back to her you should DEFINATELY bring your own stuff...and guard it with your life to make sure she doesn't try to steal any of it or swap your poo w/ Ajax or whatever other ish she's using. :nono:
Me too!!!!!!!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:I was like :perplexed Is she for real???? :lachen::lachen::lachen:
lmao, you definitely caught my attention w/ the title. I thought you lost your d*mn mind for a sec :lachen:


LOL...I cam in this post like oh lord......:lachen::lachen::lachen: But seriously that ish ain't cool!! i would straight up ask her what's the poo she used in my hair last time cuz you would like to buy a bottle for yourself. Then I would snap if she actually had been putting dish soap in my durn hair lol...Ain't nobody more hood than a wanna be gangsta chick who stays across the street from the hood...specially when u *** with her hair:grin:
Question... :wallbash:what does being from the "hood" have to do with this?:wallbash: Was that comment really necessary? Are you sure she's using dish detergent? I know a lot of stylists from the hood and I have yet to see any of them use dish detergent on their clients hair. Has it occured to you that maybe the stylist has switched to another product? Maybe she's using inferior products to save money? Sure, there's no excuse for that but that's a possibility. Have any of her clients complained to her about shedding instead of to each other? Sometimes people won't know there's a problem with the product unless you address your concerns with HER. She'll probably change if you tell her that you're having problems with your hair.
LOL you did get me w/ the title! I was like what the hey!
ITA with Platinum, what does being hood have to do with the poo? I think that's kind of harsh to say about someone and assuming it's dish soap is like adding insult to injury. If she wanted to save money or whatever the case may be, b4 thinking of dish soap, I'm sure this woman would have thoufght to water down her poo. I've seen this done for conditioner and wouldn't dismiss the idea of poo being watered down as well. OP, you know how they say bad news spread 10 x's faster than good news....this sounds like one of them. OP, maybe pulling your stylist to the side and ask her maybe if she can show you what she's using, get the name of it and look it up.
Ya'll I came from a hood stylist from 17 years old till just after I came to hair boards

its because in the hood , well I wasnt from the hood , but back in the day we all used lots of grease, and the 'hood' stylist were smart and resourceful with 'our' hair and what we did to it and they got hip to 'dawn gets the grease out'

and it did , erry time, I know , cause my stylist had to do that to me if my hair was gonna have any swing or move at all after all that grease I gobbed on
oh and its faster than 5 or more shampoos to cut the grease :lachen:

which they always had to do on me if they didnt use dawn, hell I started bringing my own dawn to him :grin: