Have you hit cruise control yet?


Well-Known Member
So i finally, after 2.5 years of being natural, i feel as though ive hit cruise control with my hair. I've found the products that work for me recently and my hair has been a breeze. I dont know if these products are only working because its summer and humid outside, but i hope they work year round. I used to take all day to do my hair with still subpar results. Im so relived that im doing less and getting great results!

Old steps-
Over night prepoo
protein treatment
oil rinse
Moisture dc
acv rinse
leave in
seal. This all took a whole day and the end results would be hair that would be dry the next day.

New steps-

Shampoo with diluted shea moisture shampoo
Condition with Aussie moist and leave it on as a dc. detangle with it on.
Sta sof fro spray when my hair is half way dry.

Literally thats it! Sta sof fro has been the key that ive been missing and im so glad that i found. It takes over a s a leave in, moisturizer, and sealant.
I grabbed it on a whim and havent looked back. With this new regimen it takes me about an hour, the end result is super soft moisturized hair that separates easily and doesnt need to be re-sprayed for a few days. Im hoping the sta sof fro isnt just reacting well to the humid air and continues to work for me:grin: my hair has never been so dang soft. When i used to separate it, it would always catch on the ends and snap. now it just comes apart.

so ladies, have any of you hit the much coveted cruise control state? was it a particular product or change of technique?
So i finally, after 2.5 years of being natural, i feel as though ive hit cruise control with my hair. I've found the products that work for me recently and my hair has been a breeze. I dont know if these products are only working because its summer and humid outside, but i hope they work year round. I used to take all day to do my hair with still subpar results. Im so relived that im doing less and getting great results!

Old steps-
Over night prepoo
protein treatment
oil rinse
Moisture dc
acv rinse
leave in
seal. This all took a whole day and the end results would be hair that would be dry the next day.

New steps-

Shampoo with diluted shea moisture shampoo
Condition with Aussie moist and leave it on as a dc. detangle with it on.
Sta sof fro spray when my hair is half way dry.

Literally thats it! Sta sof fro has been the key that ive been missing and im so glad that i found. It takes over a s a leave in, moisturizer, and sealant.
I grabbed it on a whim and havent looked back. With this new regimen it takes me about an hour, the end result is super soft moisturized hair that separates easily and doesnt need to be re-sprayed for a few days. Im hoping the sta sof fro isnt just reacting well to the humid air and continues to work for me:grin: my hair has never been so dang soft. When i used to separate it, it would always catch on the ends and snap. now it just comes apart.

so ladies, have any of you hit the much coveted cruise control state? was it a particular product or change of technique?

Glad you have found a good and easy regi. :yep:

I'm not cruising yet but hopefully within the next 6 months. I used to use sta sof fro when I first went natural. But as I let my hair grow out I didn't figure out how to work it for me. I may try it again in the future.
I'm hoping to hit cruise control by April 2014. I'm going to be testing individual oils and herbs in my hair for the next few months to determine which ones are best for my hair. My reggie is pretty simple right now (cowash x3/week, shampoo/dc on sat., chelate x1/month, protein every 2 months) so I'm just working on the tea rinses and sealing and I'll be good.

ETA: I have a TWA. When it gets longer I'll probably have to re-evaluate and simplify again.
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I think I have hit cruise control. Now I know what works for my hair and have little desire to try new things.

Now, I'm more likely to spend 20 bucks on repurchasing my favorite products than take a chance on something new and unknown to me.

Styling is much easily too since I've gotten to know my hair.
I'm on cruise control. I dry DC 1x per week then I use baking soda for my shampoo. I alternate between moisturizing and protein conditioner and then rinse with ACV. I use the LOC method to moisturize. . Since I dry DC I only get in the shower once which is all I have the patience for. Wash day takes me ~1 hour

My only dilemma is when to cut off my bonelaxed ends. I like my length- I can make good buns but I don't like how it looks when I wear it out.
Yea... almost a year or two now. But I got too lenient with styling :look: I'll try a new product here and there but it's rare. I'm happy with my regimen.
I usually cruise along until I notice something wrong with my hair. Since I started on this journey I really pared down the number of steps I do but I've had to amend that as I noticed I was getting tons of splits.

Lately I've bumped up my protein treatments and steaming, that's it. Now depending on the week, it's wash, steam, protein leave in, moisturizer and style. Every 6 weeks it's time for a protein treatment and that's it.

I rarely try new products unless it's for a step I want to add. I needed a liquid protein treatment so I went hunting for one. Other than that I stick to what I've been using for awhile.
I'm about to. Daily washing is good to my hair whether relaxed, natural, or in between so I've gone back to it and want to stay there. Also I have a set of products that are good to me too. My personal challenge is consistency (I'm about to put that in my signature). If I just stick with this regimen, stay patient, I'll be good.
I hit cruise control then get bored and go on the hunt for some excitement. I'm thinking of henna next:look:
I hit cruise control when I decided to just listen to my hair instead of forcing things. I know exactly when it needs to be washed, deep conditioned or moisturized. The ONLY thing I schedule are protein treatments every 3 months.
I've been cruising for the last week or so. What I'm doing is co-washing or rinsing my hair daily. Instead of using the headband elastic doubled, I use the one for thick hair. I like these elastics because I don't have to double them and risk tangling my hair in it.

So my routine is to co-wash/rinse, add more conditioner, gel hair into place and pin the ends into a bun. I detangle once per week. I'm not set in stone with particular products but the general hair routine is on cruise control.

I'm not sure what I will do when it gets cold out, I may do the same thing, but in the evening so my hair has a chance to dry overnight. And did I mention that I am almost 11 months into a 3 year transition? :grin:
Relaxed head here, and I'm definitely on cruise right now, feeling super lazy. I'm visiting the salon every month, and then not washing for 1.5-2 weeks(gross and super lazy). I'll wash tomorrow, do a clarifying and a deep conditioner...baby my hair, possibly rollerset and then start again. I have got to do better.
Yes, for over a year.

Once I started using Terressentials mud wash, I no longer needed DCs or leavein cons. I also found I could add powdered milk to the mud wash for protein, so that's no longer an extra step.

Now I just prepoo, mud wash, and M/S w/ oil, butter & water.
I hit cruise control then get bored and go on the hunt for some excitement. I'm thinking of henna next:look:
Yea this!:drunk:

It's been 1.5 years on my HHJ and the last few months FINALLY found what works. So I stick to it...until I want to try that other thing. Usually a new DC or Ayurvedic powder. Otherwise, I know what works and stick to that most of the time now.
I have been bunning/french braiding/dutch braiding quite a bit lately so that really saves time. My regimen has been pretty similar for a while, but just nailed down my products and added back oil rinsing. I know my hair better and what it likes (light oils) so it is working well for me.

Spending hours on my hair is not sustainable for me long term so I needed to find a regimen that would make it easy for me to give my hair what it needs forever and ever :grin:
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Exactly what @Nix08 said - I've hit cruise control several times along the journey. I dip out in the the fast lane to find a new adventure when I need to liven things up. When I'm done and need a break, I get back over in the slow lane and hit cruise control again until I'm ready for the next adventure.