Have you heard God Audibly?

Are there any folks here who CONSISTANTLY hear from God? I know that is an area that is difficult for me. If there is someone who does consistantly hear from Him, I would like to know if it has always been like that, or was there just a point where your "spiritual ears" were opened? I would like to know what that point was, or what you began to do differently. I also agree that this is a great thread!:yep:
ITA with everyone that has heard God speak. Especially when he's telling me to go speak to someone. It's authoritative and there is an urgency behind it and the he won't let up until you've done what he says to do.
The more we press into Him, and spend time with him, He is always speaking, we just have to be in the right place to hear. A lot of times what you think may be your conscience it's God.
Personally I know that I have heard through God. At times it is a quiet, reassuring voice... almost sounds like my own. He also speaks to me through people, preachers of His word, music lyrics, and sometimes there is a repeated theme that I hear or read over and over. And it usually pertains to something that I am going through or have been questioning God or even myself... and whoop there goes the answer.

Here is an article entitled: The Five-Fold Secret To Clearly Hearing God's Voice

Here is a particular paragraph that really caught my interest...

Do You Know The Five Voices?
In every decision that you are called to make and in every situation that you are faced with, there is always going to be five different voices speaking to you.
(1) The voice of God
(2) The voice of your conscience
(3) The voice of your reasoning
(4) The voice of your flesh, and
(5) The voice of the devil

And then he goes into details to on how to differentiate them from one another.

You can read the complete article at http://www.gillistriplett.com/articles/content/voice.html

HTH and God bless you.
I have heard people say that God has spoken to them audibly. Has anyone experienced this? What was it like?

I would like to know what you all do when you meditated before the Lord? Do you just sit quitely? As you sit what are you doing? Are you meditating on a particular passage, a verse?

If it is not audible? How do you know? I know that God can speak to you via people.

But when it is just you, How do you know? I guess I need to ask God, huh?

I planning on just taking time sitting quietly before the Lord after reading scripture. I will start at 20 minutes and build to an hour. I have did thi before but it was 10 minutes a day. I am going to start again and see, it I see a difference in my life.

I just want the type of relationship where as it is all about him. I am just at that point right now.

I've never heard God 'audibly', I do hear Him in my spirit--although I've heard ppl say that He's spoken so loud to them in the spirit, it seemed that it was audible, but no one else could hear it...
I've heard him audibly a couple of times,
Alot like what Queeny and other people posted, he sounds like a man to me.
I know it's him because it's so different from the other voices in my head-lol, meaning, my own headvoice, and random chatter.

When I heard his voice 2 years ago in my car, it was so distinct-It was powerful and authoritative, but quiet, but insistent.. all at the same time.
All he said was "it's time". (I had some pressing questions on my mind at that point) It was sooo different that I was shook, I still remember it now-also, it's the feeling of peace you get afterwards, you know what's been said is true, or will happen.

Whenever I hear his voice, also, it's always in very few words, like other posters have said, the most will ever be is 3 or 4 words...
I have heard God speak audibly before and it was a soft yet deep male voice. Then I have heard God speak in my spirit and it would sound like a soft version of my own voice. I have heard Him drop scriptures in my spirit as well.
Has anyone wondered (or has any input as to why) at times God will speak audibly and at other times He will speak in your spirit? Or why He speaks to some people audibly and not to others? Is it a matter of spiritual status or dedication to Him? This is something that is very interesting to me. He speaks to my sister in both of these ways, but I have never heard Him audibly. I have DEFINITELY heard Him in my spirit though. Just wondering if anyone had any insight on this.