Have you heard God Audibly?


Well-Known Member
I have heard people say that God has spoken to them audibly. Has anyone experienced this? What was it like?

I would like to know what you all do when you meditated before the Lord? Do you just sit quitely? As you sit what are you doing? Are you meditating on a particular passage, a verse?

If it is not audible? How do you know? I know that God can speak to you via people.

But when it is just you, How do you know? I guess I need to ask God, huh?

I planning on just taking time sitting quietly before the Lord after reading scripture. I will start at 20 minutes and build to an hour. I have did thi before but it was 10 minutes a day. I am going to start again and see, it I see a difference in my life.

I just want the type of relationship where as it is all about him. I am just at that point right now.
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Girl, no I have not heard Him audibly and if I did I think I might break out running! :lol: (can't run from God though, huh?)
Yes, I have heard the voice of God audibly in my head . . . not often, but I have . . . sometimes He answered a question I just asked him directly . . . other times He admonished me for something I had done wrong. I tend to hear from God more when my prayer life is strong . . . the more I speak to Him on a regular basis (in time that is set aside for Him), the more I hear from Him clearly.

I bought a set of Christian meditation cds, but I haven't really used them enough to give you any feedback on whether it's good or not. I guess starting out with quiet, instrumental Christian music in the backgroun is a good start.


I have too and I don't really know how to describe His voice except it sounds like a man. He speaks to me audibly a lot. It scared me at first but now I am comforted. I guess you just know. I was really expecting it. I first heard Him when I got saved at that is what convinced me that Jesus is Lord. I was praying, weeping, and hurting and was just seeking some answers because I knew I could not live the way I was any longer. I was literally at the point of death. I wasn't going to kill myself but I wanted to die, and had lost my will to live. Q
queeny20 said:
I have too and I don't really know how to describe His voice except it sounds like a man. He speaks to me audibly a lot. It scared me at first but now I am comforted. I guess you just know. I was really expecting it. I first heard Him when I got saved at that is what convinced me that Jesus is Lord. I was praying, weeping, and hurting and was just seeking some answers because I knew I could not live the way I was any longer. I was literally at the point of death. I wasn't going to kill myself but I wanted to die, and had lost my will to live. Q

Aww Q! I'm sorry to hear that you were feeling like that. I'm so happy you found comfort and solace in the Lord!

When God talks to you, do you ask him to come speak to you or does he just pop up and speak when he wants to? What I mean is does he come speak to you after your prayer/meditation or is it just kinda random.
Glib Gurl said:
Yes, I have heard the voice of God audibly in my head . . . not often, but I have . . . sometimes He answered a question I just asked him directly . . . other times He admonished me for something I had done wrong. I tend to hear from God more when my prayer life is strong . . . the more I speak to Him on a regular basis (in time that is set aside for Him), the more I hear from Him clearly.

I bought a set of Christian meditation cds, but I haven't really used them enough to give you any feedback on whether it's good or not. I guess starting out with quiet, instrumental Christian music in the backgroun is a good start.



ITA!!!! It is at those times when I am consistantly before Him and I "quiet" my spirit that I can hear Him. It is difficult when you are all over the place or in the midst of a bunch of confusion. He started having me get up at 5 a.m. and I was like "Huh, Jesus????":ohwell: :lol:, but then I understood why. He speaks to me in a quiet voice. He even had me to create a prayer closet just for the purposes of being before Him and closing everything out. For me, Him speaking it is almost like a very strong impression on my spirit. My sister on the other hand hears him audibly. I was like "You can have that one!!!:lol:" I guess it would be cool to hear Him like that,but for me, that would be like seeing an angel or something. It seems nice, but could I really handle it??:confused:
Yes, I’ve heard God audibly. I can’t really describe what His voice sounds like, but I can say that when it is something that He is really trying to get through to me it is loud, but not scary…its just something that I can’t miss.

I once heard His voice after I’d been fasting. I spent the entire day fasting, meditating on His word, one passage in particular and listening to Fred Hammond’s “No Weapon”. I was home from college for the holidays and I’d gone out to visit my grandmother. Once I got home I sat down on my bed and started reading that passage again. I started getting sleepy so I laid my head down on my Bible and kind of nodded off to sleep, but I wasn’t really asleep because I was still aware of my surroundings. With my eyes closed I kept seeing flashes of light. Sometimes the light would be so bright that I would have to squint even though my eyes were closed. Suddenly I heard in a loud voice, “You WILL graduate and you WILL get married.” It’s funny because I’d been seeking God about school. I’d had a rough semester and my grades weren’t that great.

Another time I was seeing this guy and he liked me, but he was going to get back together with his ex-girlfriend. I liked him, but I also wondered what was so wrong with me that I couldn’t get a guy to really and truly like me. That night before I went to bed I prayed and ask God what was wrong with me. Just as soon as I asked the question I heard in a loud voice, “Nothing!”

Another time, I’d been dating this guy. We kind of hit a rough patch where I thought things were going well, but out of the blue he stopped calling me. I prayed and asked God to reveal to me if he was the one for me or not. A few days later I was in church and I’d gone up to the altar for prayer. After the prayer, I walked back to my seat and as I turned to sit down I heard, “He is not the one for you.”
yes I have. I started hearing his voice when I was in HS about 20 years ago and like Glib the closer you walk with him the more you will hear him in an array of ways.
For me, most times he speaks to my spirit and I have that all the time.

There was one time I heard his voice and it sounded like a very familar voice. Almost like my husband was speaking to me. It was a voice that I knew, I hope that makes sense.

I was driving one day and I had been asking for revelation on a scripture. Well my pastor preached from the scripture and he had the same question I did. Well while I was driving, the Lord said you want to know the why to your question, and he explained the scripture. I shared it with my pastor and he was awe.

God is so real and so good, but I find he speaks to me more when I have a life that pleasing to him. (NOT PERFECT), but pleasing.

Good question.
dreamer26 said:
There was one time I heard his voice and it sounded like a very familar voice. Almost like my husband was speaking to me. It was a voice that I knew, I hope that makes sense.

Yep, it seems to be the voice of a person who has authority in your life.

Most often it is a voice of a trusted authority (male and female--my spiritual parents/pastors)...but mostly a male, deep, comforting, resonating voice in my heart/spirit/mind.

One specific incident where it sorta felt like someone was whispering in my ear was when I had to tell my boyfriend that I couldn't skip church to go to an amusement park with him. This was in the middle of a house party and the more I attempted to ignore it, the louder the voice got. And I really tried to ignore it!

One other time is when I was going through a rough time at my church and I was going to mail my tithes to the church and it was as if the Lord was standing at the counter next to me watching me write out the money order and put the stamp on the envelope and I heard Him say "the Word says to BRING your tithes, not MAIL your tithes".... all I could do was smirk and laugh and I took my tithes to church and that was the beginning of the spiritual/emotional healing in that particular situation.
Glib Gurl said:
Yes, I have heard the voice of God audibly in my head . . . not often, but I have . . . sometimes He answered a question I just asked him directly . . . other times He admonished me for something I had done wrong. I tend to hear from God more when my prayer life is strong . . . the more I speak to Him on a regular basis (in time that is set aside for Him), the more I hear from Him clearly.

I bought a set of Christian meditation cds, but I haven't really used them enough to give you any feedback on whether it's good or not. I guess starting out with quiet, instrumental Christian music in the backgroun is a good start.



GG, curious to hear your feedback on the Christian meditation CDs.... I've been interested in this but I don't want anything that has some crazy, demonic subliminal messages on it!:lol:
I have, I can't really say what it sounded like but it was a very quiet still voice like a loving father. In fact at one time I was woken up with " Rockee, time to get up" it was so quiet but I know that it was God and no one else.
*Bre~Bre* said:
What does his voice sound like Glib?

Like the others, it sounded like a deep, male voice . . . it was authoritative, yet comforting . . . even when admonishing me :lol: It was also familiar . . . like, I *know* who is speaking to me. At times I've had God speak into my spirit inaudibly. Like, one time I was preparing for an important interview and tremendously nervous. Outside the office where the interview was to take place, I started asking God for peace and this sense of calm just swept over my whole body . . . all the jitters disappeared.

Another time, more recently, I was at a friend's wedding. I was really happy for her . . . she is a good girl marrying a good guy. I started to feel a bit sad for myself and then God just spoke into my spirit that I would "get my turn" and have this, too.

As for the meditiation cds, I think they are legit . . . it's just that I found the speaker's voice a little annoying. You can tell she's not a trained voiceover artist . . . but the sentiment was very good. It made me sleepy. Here is the website where I ordered the cds . . . .
Glib Gurl said:
Yes, I have heard the voice of God audibly in my head . . . not often, but I have . . . sometimes He answered a question I just asked him directly . . . other times He admonished me for something I had done wrong. I tend to hear from God more when my prayer life is strong . . . the more I speak to Him on a regular basis (in time that is set aside for Him), the more I hear from Him clearly.

I bought a set of Christian meditation cds, but I haven't really used them enough to give you any feedback on whether it's good or not. I guess starting out with quiet, instrumental Christian music in the backgroun is a good start.



This has happened to me too!
*Bre~Bre* said:
What does his voice sound like Glib?

I'm not Glib, but for me it depends. Sometimes it sounds like my own voice. But usually, it sounds like a male voice. Not to harsh or accusing, just stern yet gentle.
Thanks for your input. I don't want to take of running or anything from fear. :lachen: :lachen:

But I am sure God doesnot operate like that. Even though poeple were sacred int eh bible days when they saw angels.

My Dad went home to be with the Lord 4 years ago. However, when he was here he told me that God came to him in his bedroom to call him to preach. He said it was a very bright light. I never asked him what his voice sounded like or if he was scared. I was younger then (a teen) and excited. So I really was not thinking Like that.

I think we all should be like that now as adults. Just be excited... and just be... you know what I mean. Don't worry. Just love God and accept things from and about him without question or doubt. I have to live up "more" to my name. ;)
kweenameena said:
Aww Q! I'm sorry to hear that you were feeling like that. I'm so happy you found comfort and solace in the Lord!

When God talks to you, do you ask him to come speak to you or does he just pop up and speak when he wants to? What I mean is does he come speak to you after your prayer/meditation or is it just kinda random.
I am thankful for that down and out moment. That is what got me to the Lord. Even though it was hard I am glad I came to him sooner rather than later. Most of the time I am not expecting to hear Him, He just randomly speaks to me. I hear Him more during prayer or meditation but one time I heard Him when I was talking to my husband. My husband was struggling with something at the time and God wanted me to tell him it was okay and not to feel ashamed. It shocked him at first but then he felt relieved because he knew God heard his prayers. But sometimes when I am out and about He will talk to me. HTH Q
Yes. Twice audibly and the other times in my spirit. The times I heard him audibly I was in a rested state (on my way to sleep but still very aware). It's the same male, firm, resonationg type voice that the ladies have described. But both times were random. And He just revealed to me (as of this month) one of the things he said to me about 5 years ago. When I hear Him in my spirit, He's usually calling me to witness to someone. And it ALWAYS catches me off guard. My senses are heightened and everything in my body is tingling. I would love to hear from him regularly. I'm really working on getting better with my time for Him and getting in His will and staying there. Afterall, it's all about the sacrifice. :)
Sometimes I pray for God to come and talk to me but then I hurry up and tell him nevermind, I'm not ready yet. I think I just need to brace myself for something like that. But my heart is heavy with a lot of questions about my life...so whenever he decides that it is a good time to talk to me, I hope he has a lot of time on his hands because I'll have lots of questions!:lol:
gn1g said:
yes I have. I started hearing his voice when I was in HS about 20 years ago and like Glib the closer you walk with him the more you will hear him in an array of ways.

I haven't gone through the entire thread yet but I'm co signing with you, Glib and many others. The desire to hear God has to be there, and He will speak to you.

I have been going through some rough things lately, so this week I decided to press in deeper. Something supernatural happened: I don't speak a word of Hewbrew but during my prayer time God spoke to me the word "lemelech". That was how He spelled it out in my mind. So I did a web search on it. Cause I was like huh???

This search lead me to an article which outlined Isaiah 44-48 (those four chapters). It spoke volumes to me (and my husband) about our striving. I clicked on this link beacuse it was the ONLY link on that first search engine page that was in English. The rest were Hebrew... I know this was something only God could and would do.

I hope this helps, too.
kelouis75 said:
I haven't gone through the entire thread yet but I'm co signing with you, Glib and many others. The desire to hear God has to be there, and He will speak to you.

I have been going through some rough things lately, so this week I decided to press in deeper. Something supernatural happened: I don't speak a word of Hewbrew but during my prayer time God spoke to me the word "lemelech". That was how He spelled it out in my mind. So I did a web search on it. Cause I was like huh???

This search lead me to an article which outlined Isaiah 44-48 (those four chapters). It spoke volumes to me (and my husband) about our striving. I clicked on this link beacuse it was the ONLY link on that first search engine page that was in English. The rest were Hebrew... I know this was something only God could and would do.

I hope this helps, too.

I agree. God has shown me some amazing things and done some amazing things through me when I am in times of consecration that God shows me the unusual things. Maybe the unique experiences in Him are reserved for the times of true dedication and devotion.

I notice that I even hear Him in my spirit more strongly when I am truly seeking His face.

OT: Hey girl!!! Where have you been???? Been missing you girl....
thegirltolove said:
I agree. God has shown me some amazing things and done some amazing things through me when I am in times of consecration that God shows me the unusual things. Maybe the unique experiences in Him are reserved for the times of true dedication and devotion.

I notice that I even hear Him in my spirit more strongly when I am truly seeking His face.

OT: Hey girl!!! Where have you been???? Been missing you girl....

My sis! It's good to see you. Girl, you just don't know. I have been goin' through. :perplexed That's for sure.:lol: But God is faithful in the midst of it all. I'm sending you a PM.
Yeah, God has spoken to me recently in the past two months. He took the time to reveal a question for me but I still failed. I feel so bad and I definitely need your prayers to get me through.

My carnal nature wants me to sin though I know it is wrong. But I really want to do what is right but I sometimes I don't think I can.
chica_canella said:
Yeah, God has spoken to me recently in the past two months. He took the time to reveal a question for me but I still failed. I feel so bad and I definitely need your prayers to get me through.

My carnal nature wants me to sin though I know it is wrong. But I really want to do what is right but I sometimes I don't think I can.

You know, I find that a lot of the times it makes it easier to decide to do the right thing when I think about it like this...

Just as Satan accused Job before the Lord, he also accuses me. I understand that it is a test that God has every bit of confidence I can pass. So, when I decide to do what is wrong and not live up to my ability, I make God look bad in front Satan and everyone that He was bragging to about me and my ability to pass. I know it might seem a little silly, but when you don't look at your desire so selfishly and consider that you are living for God as well as you, it makes it easier to walk away....Now back to our regularly scheduled program...:grin:
thanks, that is a good way of looking at it. I also felt that God was telling me one time, after he had revealed that scripture that the enemy trys to accuse me infront of him. Saying things like, "She messed up before why do you keep forgiving her." something to that effect. and then after he revealed that he answered more questions but then i felt like he left and that scripture came to me, "I will never leave nor forsake you." But it was like he was reminding me.
One thing I want to add is sometimes God speaks through others also. So when you're not spending time with him and you're not where you need to be, if he wants to get you a message he'll use a person a pastor, a friend and sometimes a stranger to speak a word to you.

God knows where you are spiritually and what you can handle and how to best communicate with you.

If you desire a closeness with him, spend time with him not asking him for anything but loving on him and thanking him for who he is and what he's already done.

If you keep this up low and behold one day you're hear that familiar voice that we all long to hear.