Well-Known Member
What is it that you don't understand?
I've been doing C&G on my natural hair (no extentions) for about 3 months now. I love it, and my hair loves it. I can only keep my hair up for 1.5-2 weeks before redoing or I risk my hair to start the locing process (my ends try to coil over and bud)
I cleanse my scalp 3-5x weekly, and DC about 2x a week.
TO Nasdaq_Diva AND anyone else who can answer my questons

I am in boxed braids right now. I got them in on July 2nd and plan to keep them in for the remainder of the year while rebraiding the first 2-3 rows of the entire perimeter every month. Hopefully I can make it to Dec. with lots of growth.
Now that I have my regimen for the remaining months of this year in place I'm trying to get an idea for what I want to do for 2011..... I'm an eager beaver

1. When you wash and deep condition, do you get a lot of buildup?
2. I plan on getting the twist professionally done every 6 weeks (I really suck at doing styles

3. Steaming..... Has anyone ever steamed in braids/twists with or without extensions? What was that like?
4. Do you dilute all your products like Robin suggest on the C & G website?
5. Hot oil treatments... I would never attempt to do a hot oil treatment while in extensions.... Have you or anybody had success with doing H.O.T.'s while in extension free twists/braids? I would imagine it would be hard to rinse out

Last question I promise

6. How do you prep your hair to go into the twist/braids with no extension? I know you wash and DC. But when you are done with all of that do you airdry, blowdry, and/or flatiron and then twist/braid? Or do you twist/braid on damp/wet hair immediately after washing?
Sorry for all the questions