Have You Found Your Signature Hairstyle?


Well-Known Member
I believe I have found my signature hairstyle. A wash and go with curly bangs. My hair has natural layer especially when I straighten my hair. So I wash or wet my hair, ring with a cotton t shirt and keep my hair damp enough to soak up product. Not too wet if it is really shrunken hair. If it's too dry poofy hair. I need just the right amount of dampness. My best and favorite leave-in conditioner is Shea Moisture Shea butter Leave-In conditioner that I use about 4 pumps. Sometimes I use coconut oil sometimes I forget. Everyday I receive compliments on my hair, and I love it. it flatters my face very well with the bangs.

So whats your signature hairstyle?
The wash and go was my signature style, but after almost 15 years with the same look, I'm up for a change.

I've been playing with the idea of doing a personal Wanakee regimen challenge for the next year, so a signature bun could be in my future.
The wash and go was my signature style, but after almost 15 years with the same look, I'm up for a change.

I've been playing with the idea of doing a personal Wanakee regimen challenge for the next year, so a signature bun could be in my future.

ohhh what's a wanakee regimen?
ohhh what's a wanakee regimen?

Wanakee is a model from the 90s who was known for her long hair. She had a guide that outlined a regimen for growing long hair.

I was lurking old threads and found a challenge based on her regimen and thought it sounded like a good idea to revisit. Actually, her regimen reminds me of the boot camp challenges and hide your hair challenges that we used to have here.

You can find her regimen in the guides on hairoil.com. I'm not on my computer and can never make links work on this device.
For right now my signature style is flat twist towards the crown with a flat twisted bang. I hope to have a different signature style next year. I'm being optimistic.
Not sure yet, but I hope my hair will agree with a wash n go or a kinky straight look... I'll test it out when I reach mbl ! Hiding my hair until then.
I want my style to be half up half down straightened but I know that won't happen. I love the look but not the process of straightening, heat damage or keeping my hands out of my hair.

My signature is a wet bun. I can wash my hair often, play with my coils & enjoy being a product junkie lol.

My old style was a wash n go but my hair isn't shaped nice enough to wear those anymore.
I believe I have found my signature hairstyle. A wash and go with curly bangs. My hair has natural layer especially when I straighten my hair. So I wash or wet my hair, ring with a cotton t shirt and keep my hair damp enough to soak up product. Not too wet if it is really shrunken hair. If it's too dry poofy hair. I need just the right amount of dampness. My best and favorite leave-in conditioner is Shea Moisture Shea butter Leave-In conditioner that I use about 4 pumps. Sometimes I use coconut oil sometimes I forget. Everyday I receive compliments on my hair, and I love it. it flatters my face very well with the bangs.

So whats your signature hairstyle?

Yes and since I cut my stupid hair damage, I had to create a new one and can't do it without some gel.

After being a loose natural for almost 15 years, trying everything that was touted here & elsewhere on my 4c kinky hair . Every product except Monistat, I refuse to go there .

Steamers , end trimmers' every special or secret formula oil. LOC system , steaming to deep condition , shampooing more shampooing less. I also braided, twisted, BKT'd , wigged it , weaved it and everything else we have talked about I just couldn't fight it anymore.

I had Sisterlocks installed on 7/25/16 and I am so happy. That is my signature style.

The only regrets I have is that I didn't do it sooner and that now I have a boatload of expensive equipment & products to give away.

Two flat twists pinned for curly hair & the subsequent twist out.

With straight hair I like a side parted curled/waved look. Suits my long face & shows off my length.
Wet bun on freshly water rinsed or cowashed hair. It's definitely my go to even if other people are sick of looking at it :look: