Have you ever walked away from a relationship with no explanation.


Active Member
when you are in a relationship where you have had enough.

My GF decided to walk away from a relationship without any explanation. She said that she was literally exhausted and disgusted and was tired of telling him what she was not happy with his behavior- because women set the standard and men make the commitment! He was not making any commitment to step up is raggedy game. Therefore, she is just going to let him fade to black lol.
yeah, I have. a couple of times. I figure why waste time & energy on something that's
not working and/or not ever gonna work. There are some things he should just already know & get without me having to constantly say this or that does or doesn't make me happy.

Sometimes it's best just to throw up the deuces & keep it moving. Men don't change much.
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Yes, twice. I just never spoke to them again. Who wants to keep repeating the same thing over and over again?

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Yes I have. About a couple of times. After a while, I get tired of dealing with the same things that make me dissatisfied in a relationship. After a while, its pretty obvious to me that nothing will change and Im just done.
One time I tried to just disappear but after repeated phone calls to check if I was okay, I did text back that I was fine and just didn't want anything to do with him any more. He of course tried calling and emailing to talk because he didn't see it coming. I ignored him and he eventually got tired.
I haven't and not sure if I could do that unless it was a abusive relationship. I'm the type that likes closure so I would at least try and give that to the other person whether I'm rude as hell when I'm doing it or not :lachen: at least he's getting an answer.
No, I haven't, but I WOULD be the type, just hasn't worked out that way.

Random dudes, no explanation necessary, sometimes, LOL.
:yep: I waited till the time was right. I cooked him his favortie meal that night and waited. I just waited till he went out to his weekly boys night out. I had a U-haul in the parking lot for 2 days just putting little items in(toaster oven,extra ironing board,sheets and towels ect..) And once he was gone for about 30mins...My friends and l loaded the big stuff I wanted. I moved in my new apt complex and it was history...... The best part of it all is I had started a new job that he didnt know about!:grin: And I had gotten a new cellphone carrier about a month before.He never noticed I had two phones :nono:
ALL THE TIME!! I never give explanations. I figure they will dummy up and figure it out later. Seriously. Also, it reaks havoc on them too, because they are left there with the "Why" look on their face.

scuse typos...i hurt my right hand....i cant even hold a newport lololol...damnit
:yep: I waited till the time was right. I cooked him his favortie meal that night and waited. I just waited till he went out to his weekly boys night out. I had a U-haul in the parking lot for 2 days just putting little items in(toaster oven,extra ironing board,sheets and towels ect..) And once he was gone for about 30mins...My friends and l loaded the big stuff I wanted. I moved in my new apt complex and it was history...... The best part of it all is I had started a new job that he didnt know about!:grin: And I had gotten a new cellphone carrier about a month before.He never noticed I had two phones :nono:

:blush: That is a guy move right there! Wow! What did he do, say? How bad was the relationship?

I have walked out without an explaination. I do that with friends and have done it to family too. Just block their email and delete their phone number and move on.
:blush: That is a guy move right there! Wow! What did he do, say? How bad was the relationship?

I have walked out without an explaination. I do that with friends and have done it to family too. Just block their email and delete their phone number and move on.

He was frantic calling my mom :lachen:. She told him I left for good! Really, I just got TIRED of telling him the same things over and over. I can show you better than telling ya!:grin: He was angry for a long time and would harass my friends until their boyfriends or brothers got involved.
I think the embarrassment hurt him more than anything!

But I planned everything well in advance. I even let my old job know that he would come by to ask questions,they were prepared.:yep:
The best part of it all is I had started a new job that he didnt know about!:grin: And I had gotten a new cellphone carrier about a month before.He never noticed I had two phones :nono:

Dang, when you fade to black, you fade to black! :rofl:

I think the embarrassment hurt him more than anything! But I planned everything well in advance. I even let my old job know that he would come by to ask questions,they were prepared.:yep:

Yeah, that was smart.

(I'm taking notes.)
Well my friend said, she just realized it would be the same ol' bullish and she was just like, boy bye. She said she has no hard feelings, but she does not need or wish to discuss anything. She will not answer his calls, call, email, nada. She is through.:lol:
:yep: I waited till the time was right. I cooked him his favortie meal that night and waited. I just waited till he went out to his weekly boys night out. I had a U-haul in the parking lot for 2 days just putting little items in(toaster oven,extra ironing board,sheets and towels ect..) And once he was gone for about 30mins...My friends and l loaded the big stuff I wanted. I moved in my new apt complex and it was history...... The best part of it all is I had started a new job that he didnt know about!:grin: And I had gotten a new cellphone carrier about a month before.He never noticed I had two phones :nono:

What did he do to cause you to do this?
Yes, years ago. I'd tried to end the relationship a few times, but he would promise to make changes or ask me to be patient with just a little while longer. Eventually, I just stopped returning his phone calls. The funny part is that I didn't really miss him.
He was frantic calling my mom :lachen:. She told him I left for good! Really, I just got TIRED of telling him the same things over and over. I can show you better than telling ya!:grin: He was angry for a long time and would harass my friends until their boyfriends or brothers got involved.
I think the embarrassment hurt him more than anything!

But I planned everything well in advance. I even let my old job know that he would come by to ask questions,they were prepared.:yep:

You're my shero! That's straight gangsta :yep:
This is exactly what I meant in the other thread about BW being too hard on BM. Instead of talking, which you all realized wasn't getting anywhere, just start doing. I'm SURE they'll think twice in the next relationship. LOL, their next GF's probably won't even be able to breathe too shallowly around them :lachen:
^^Okay, and that is what it takes. I totally understood where my friend was coming from. Sometimes, crickets is what the Dr. Ordered lol.
Men do not put 1/10th as much value on what women say as they put on what a woman DOES. So when we :blah: about how unhappy we are, they literally can't hear it... they think we are just gum flapping. We have to show them.

I have rolled out on a man before. I bought myself an airplane ticket, held a garage sale to unload some stuff, mailed myself some boxes and jetted. :yep: I didn't dip in the dead of night or anything, but I surely didn't discuss the why's and wherefores. He knew what was up. :cowgirl:
My last SO just stopped hearing from me. I was too frustrated to confront him. Plus, one of my reasons for leaving was that, at age 39, he enjoyed getting wasted drunk 3-4 nights a week. I've dealt with this issue in my family and knew better than to ask him to stop. No one truly changes that behavior because of someone elses request.
I broke up with a BF on New Years Day. I didn't give him a specific reason, I just told him I wasn't feeling him and had this feeling for months. We were together for 4-5 months.

The thing that really bothered me about him was his anger problems....One time while he was driving me home and some car in front of us was too slow for him, so at the next set of lights he put his car in park, jumps out, and starts yelling the old man in the car. When he got back to the car he thought it was the funniest thing ever. I was like :nono: he is Boston Fire lieutenant. He can't just run up on folks like that. Oh and I discovered he had nose candy problems. So had to leave him. I'm so much more happier now!!
He was frantic calling my mom :lachen:. She told him I left for good! Really, I just got TIRED of telling him the same things over and over. I can show you better than telling ya!:grin: He was angry for a long time and would harass my friends until their boyfriends or brothers got involved.
I think the embarrassment hurt him more than anything!

But I planned everything well in advance. I even let my old job know that he would come by to ask questions,they were prepared.:yep:

Love it
i've done that. i realized things weren't going to change so i just stopped responding to phone calls and texts. i can't quite say i gave no warning. to me, all the previous conversations we had about his behaviour were warning enough.
when you are in a relationship where you have had enough.

My GF decided to walk away from a relationship without any explanation. She said that she was literally exhausted and disgusted and was tired of telling him what she was not happy with his behavior- because women set the standard and men make the commitment! He was not making any commitment to step up is raggedy game. Therefore, she is just going to let him fade to black lol.

What does that mean exactly?
What does that mean exactly?

It means that women set the standard of how well or how bad they will be treated. It's up to the man to commit to it. Of course like my GF, any woman can walk, but she walked after frustration. He could have easily been on his game from jump. Been committed from jump.

A good example is a woman dating a man for years and he never proposes-says he is not ready for marriage for XYZ reasons. They break up, he moves on to another woman and gets married.
Done it a couple times to random dudes I was talking to. I just get bored easily. Sometimes it was because I did it because I still had feelings for other dudes and didn't feel like explaining that to them so they could be whining all up in my face and sh*t. I know it was grimey, but some things need to happen that way.