Have you ever thought about starting a YouTube channel?

I have thought about it secretly and have had my friends, co-workers, and family encourage me to blog or start my own YouTube channel, but I don't know. I don't feel I have much to say that people are willing to listen. When I told those in my life that think it would be a good idea for extra income they looked at me like I'm sooo crazy. You gotta brand yourself, stay committed, be interesting, do something no one else is doing or saying, and have a theme if you will. It's a full-time job; so it sounds like.
Its one sentence of information. With Youtube, you are letting people into your home, blogging your life (the ones who are the most popular). The topic is YOU most of the time. A short blurb is nothing compared to what youtubers share and when everything is only written you have better control over what you share.

Again, they have a whole page of info about them listed on their site :yep:

The majority of Youtubers DO NOT share their lives. If your Vlog is about your life then yes, you share your life. It really depends on your subject matter. I think the average Joe/Jane has nothing else to share so they end of sharing their life to have something to vlog about.
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I have fantasies of starting a YouTube channel but I don't have thick skin, I'm camera shy and I don't have a camera (not even a regular camera) and I'm actually not good with styles: I can't flat iron, my blowouts are so-so and awkward to do, and my braids and twists look hideous. I would mostly do product reviews and some light demos but nothing too serious.
I have a blog and YouTube - it's so time consuming and the rewards are not immediate. I definitely underestimated all that would be required.

Successful vloggers seem to upload once weekly, at a minimum. I work full-time, thus I don't have time to upload weekly. I do blog often though.

It seems most became popular by vlogging vs. blogging. Therefore, I suggest pursuing vlogging if you're really interested in making money and being a recognizable brand.

There's just so much required - time, money, valuable content, etc. You then have to factor the market is saturated so it will be hard making a name for yourself. I'm certain it can be done if you stay focused and committed but you have to give a lot to get there OR offer something so unique that followers pour in.
I have a blog and YouTube - it's so time consuming and the rewards are not immediate. I definitely underestimated all that would be required.

Successful vloggers seem to upload once weekly, at a minimum. I work full-time, thus I don't have time to upload weekly. I do blog often though.

It seems most became popular by vlogging vs. blogging. Therefore, I suggest pursuing vlogging if you're really interested in making money and being a recognizable brand.

There's just so much required - time, money, valuable content, etc. You then have to factor the market is saturated so it will be hard making a name for yourself. I'm certain it can be done if you stay focused and committed but you have to give a lot to get there OR offer something so unique that followers pour in.

It seems your hair has to be above average and very specific these days. At least waist length and if you're natural it has to be 4a. If its 3c, its OK but it can't be too loose 3/b or people will figure you have it too easy and they can't learn anything from you. 4b is ok but you have to do a lot with it in terms of styles, treatments, etc to hold people's interest - it also has to be long. :lol:

I think there's still a market for long, relaxed hair.
It seems your hair has to be above average and very specific these days. At least waist length and if you're natural it has to be 4a. If its 3c, its OK but it can't be too loose 3/b or people will figure you have it too easy and they can't learn anything from you. 4b is ok but you have to do a lot with it in terms of styles, treatments, etc to hold people's interest - it also has to be long. :lol:

I think there's still a market for long, relaxed hair.

I find new vloggers to watch everyday (their not new, they are new to me). For me, it's not all about hair type :nono: If you are between a 3az to a 4az your watchable in my book. If I like your presence, your demeanor, your voice, etc will determine if I subscribe. The topic does not have to be brand new, because if i've never seen you present it, it's brand new to me.:grin:

How long does it take to edit and upload a video on average?

Subscribe, about an hour or hour+ for everything. I edit out mistakes as best I can, slim down the video to shorten it, add music and upload. Some ladies seem to keep their mistakes and random ramblings in, so I'm sure their timeframe is shorter. I hate mistakes and ramblings so I try to eliminate them from my videos as much as possible.

Edit times could be even shorter if I can manage to record with limited mistakes which then means that's less editing to do.

I actually think the hardest part is recording...proper lighting, attempting to record with limited mistakes, getting the styles right, etc.
I have, I just recorded my first video on December 4th. I am reviewing It Works! Hair Skin Nail vitamins, I am on my first month now. I will upload the video along with the results in May when I remove these loc extensions. I am also going to be recording my fitness journey, it will be a hodge-podge of quite a few things actually. My goal is to have 32" of my own hair and I want to record what I did to get there. I estimate that it will take about 4 more years for that and I want to document what works and what doesn't. I plan to mainly protective styles since I have quite a ways to go. I have not chosen a name yet but I have until May when I upload my first video to think of one.

I have no idea how to edit the video, insert pictures, music, intro's or anything else and I need a new camera so I will be working on learning that in the mean time. I should be buying a camera within the next month though.
I have. Back in like '09-'11 people used to stay telling me make a channel but my hands look fat on camera and my voice is annoying. Lol so I never uploaded the videos I filmed

Mine do too but I don't even care. People are going to make rude comments and I don't care about that either. I have a thick skin and I have come to the conclusion that the people who use other peoples characteristics and traits as a source of ridicule are pathetic, ridiculous and are often trying to deflect attention from some source of insecurities they have about themself.
I don't get a lot of free time or particularly like watching myself on camera. I just record straight from my iphone or ipod (not editing involved) 2 or 3 times a month. It takes about 15 minutes of my time to record/post a video. I then upload it, and let it be. lol

If someone's interested in what I have to say, great! If I get lack of interest, dislikes, or the rare negative comment, no skin off my back.
Just some notes from someone who did Youtube 500 years ago:

YouTube is a fulltime job. Especially if you don't have decent rendering equipment, a fast processor (computer or phone.)

Learn how to edit. Use a good camera with at least 720p HD otherwise you're wasting your time.

Don't use music. It's not worth the headache.

Keep the videos short!!! Folks don't watch videos like they used to.

And on a personal note, if your dialect is shoddy, and your accent is hard to understand outside of your immediate circle, practice what you're going to say before you press record.
Just some notes from someone who did Youtube 500 years ago:

YouTube is a fulltime job. Especially if you don't have decent rendering equipment, a fast processor (computer or phone.)

Learn how to edit. Use a good camera with at least 720p HD otherwise you're wasting your time.

Don't use music. It's not worth the headache.

Keep the videos short!!! Folks don't watch videos like they used to.

And on a personal note, if your dialect is shoddy, and your accent is hard to understand outside of your immediate circle, practice what you're going to say before you press record.

Thank you for the advice!

General question: I wonder when/why YT transitioned from "pick up a camera and film in my bathroom", to needing to have professional equipment, special backgrounds, and whatnot. I wonder what started the shift.
^^ I think it just evolved over time. YouTube used to be ad free. Once you tubers started being able to make money off of it, economics kicked in and quality increased as everyone wanted to stand out. Most of the markets are saturated now so even in niche markets like black hair videos you have to have a professional touch to stand out ( or come out with the "new" secret for growing 6 inches in 2 weeks).

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^^ I think it just evolved over time. YouTube used to be ad free. Once you tubers started being able to make money off of it, economics kicked in and quality increased as everyone wanted to stand out. Most of the markets are saturated now so even in niche markets like black hair videos you have to have a professional touch to stand out ( or come out with the "new" secret for growing 6 inches in 2 weeks).

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

That's a really good point
Just some notes from someone who did Youtube 500 years ago:

YouTube is a fulltime job. Especially if you don't have decent rendering equipment, a fast processor (computer or phone.)

Learn how to edit. Use a good camera with at least 720p HD otherwise you're wasting your time.

Don't use music. It's not worth the headache.

Keep the videos short!!! Folks don't watch videos like they used to.

And on a personal note, if your dialect is shoddy, and your accent is hard to understand outside of your immediate circle, practice what you're going to say before you press record.

OT: I loved your videos. :yep:
Are your video's still available to be viewed?

Just some notes from someone who did Youtube 500 years ago:

YouTube is a fulltime job. Especially if you don't have decent rendering equipment, a fast processor (computer or phone.)

Learn how to edit. Use a good camera with at least 720p HD otherwise you're wasting your time.

Don't use music. It's not worth the headache.

Keep the videos short!!! Folks don't watch videos like they used to.

And on a personal note, if your dialect is shoddy, and your accent is hard to understand outside of your immediate circle, practice what you're going to say before you press record.
Yes, I've been curious about this. I have immediate questions: What do people use to film their videos. Is a smart phone good enough (for starters)? How do you set up the phone/camera to film hair? I mean, do you place your phone or camera on a really tall object? How do people get the placement right? So many questions!
1QTPie whosthatcurl whiteoleander91 divachyk how do you set up your phone/ camera high enough to film your hair. Do you have a tripod or something else-- a makeshift pedestal?? How do you know you're in frame? I just need the functional questions answered!

virtuenow sorry for the late response! I've never filmed myself doing my hair before, so I don't think I will be much help. I don't have a YouTube channel.
1QTPie whosthatcurl whiteoleander91 divachyk how do you set up your phone/ camera high enough to film your hair. Do you have a tripod or something else-- a makeshift pedestal?? How do you know you're in frame? I just need the functional questions answered!

virtuenow, I use a camera or camcorder, never my phone but I use a tripod. Both camera and camcorder have a viewfinder that flips toward me so that I can see that I'm in frame.
I rely want to start a YouTube channel not about hair actually lol mainly volgging my newborn and expanding my business to the online world