Have you ever thought about starting a YouTube channel?


stay at your best ♥
Have you ever wanted to start a YouTube channel? Not necessarily to be YT famous, but just for fun (or whatever reason)?

Sorry if there is already a thread like this.
^^I think about starting a channel or a blog from time to time, but for me the biggest issue is privacy. I don't know if I'm comfortable with the idea of coworkers, for example, being able to just go to YT and watch me do my hair lol. Just seems sort of awkward. I still really want to start a blog, though.
I thought about it but it is so time consuming and I'm about to start working and going to school so it will be hard to manage one.
Yes, I've been wanting to start either a blog or a YT channel...I love stuff like that but I have to be realistic and accept that I do not have the time for it. Eventually I could take on the the blog, but I know for a fact that the YT channel is a lot of work with editing, uploading, etc. I'd love to do product reviews, protective style tutorials, and motivate healthy hair care and overall wellness.
^^I think about starting a channel or a blog from time to time, but for me the biggest issue is privacy. I don't know if I'm comfortable with the idea of coworkers, for example, being able to just go to YT and watch me do my hair lol. Just seems sort of awkward. I still really want to start a blog, though.

This. On the other hand I keep thinking it would make it easier to share hair info with my friends who are natural. The multiple emails can get tiring.
I want to but I think it'll get boring since I rarely try anything new with my hair anymore. I also would not be able to handle the stupidity in the common section, or the fact that there are forums dedicated to gossiping about youtube gurus.
I want to but I think it'll get boring since I rarely try anything new with my hair anymore. I also would not be able to handle the stupidity in the common section, or the fact that there are forums dedicated to gossiping about youtube gurus.

My hair is pretty much the same every day lol. My channel would be pretty boring. And YT gossip can get pretty intense.
I've thought about doing a utube channel and my friends/family always encourage me to do so; but I dont think I have the sanity or the thick skin for any backlash.

I think anyone who wants to start a youtube channel should be a member here and scroll over to the entertainment threads. If you can handle that, then you can handle anything:lachen:
I have one, made 2 videos and decided it wasnt for me. I love video editing but i dont like the idea of showing my face online.plus i felt like it takes alot of time and energy for not much in return except for people to complain what is or isnt in your video. That is also why i dont want to blog any more. Im still trying to decide if I want to continue.
I have one, made 2 videos and decided it wasnt for me. I love video editing but i dont like the idea of showing my face online.plus i felt like it takes alot of time and energy for not much in return except for people to complain what is or isnt in your video. That is also why i dont want to blog any more. Im still trying to decide if I want to continue.

great point re: the bolded

I love your blog! But I totally understand
I have. Back in like '09-'11 people used to stay telling me make a channel but my hands look fat on camera and my voice is annoying. Lol so I never uploaded the videos I filmed
How do I see your links or blogs from your siggies/profile via the app? I can't see anything besides posts.
I do because I'm often writing down my whole hair routine including products step by step for strangers. I figured why not, but then I think of the privacy issue and I'm cool.
I have but I started a blog. I need more discipline to get my blog really going. But I want to put a lot of effort into it. Also I want the extra stream of income. PinchofYum is making 40k a month with their blog and they dont have to show their face or tell their business lol
I have but I started a blog. I need more discipline to get my blog really going. But I want to put a lot of effort into it. Also I want the extra stream of income. PinchofYum is making 40k a month with their blog and they dont have to show their face or tell their business lol


I'm Lindsay: former 4th grade teacher, now full time blogger. My husband Bjork and I live in Minnesota. Favorite things include my camera, lake days, and dark chocolate.

They have a whole page of info :yep:
Meeeee. My problem is finding a quality camera to record with. Tried doing some test vids with my phone and the quality was really poor. But I'm not willing to shell out money for a decent camera so that's as far as that idea goes :lol:
I have one that I started years ago. I've stopped doing hair vids now because I don't do anything new with my hair at all, not even try new products, so I had nothing interesting to film. I may venture out into other subjects on my channel but yeah it's really hard to find the time.
I've always thought about it but I'm such a delicate butterfly, lol. Plus I feel like I would be very controversial because my opinions are usually against the masses. But I did recently purchase this really nice, expensive camera. I plan on vlogging the family and maybe one day I will feel frisky enough to upload it to YouTube. I think I am more interested in the editing side more than anything.
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I'm Lindsay: former 4th grade teacher, now full time blogger. My husband Bjork and I live in Minnesota. Favorite things include my camera, lake days, and dark chocolate.

They have a whole page of info :yep:

Its one sentence of information. With Youtube, you are letting people into your home, blogging your life (the ones who are the most popular). The topic is YOU most of the time. A short blurb is nothing compared to what youtubers share and when everything is only written you have better control over what you share.
i thought about doing a youtube channel for reviewing products. Very similar to what ellpixie did. she pretty much just reviewed. and that's all i would do too. But again..i don't like the idea of people i know viewing me on youtube like that. lol
I've been asked to do one for hair by lots of my friends but...idk.

I'm camera shy and I hate how I sound recorded. I also don't know if I want to do it bc once u do something wrong or say the wrong thing...ppl get all up in your life and slander you all over the Internet and I ain't got time for that.

So...idk. I doubt I will.
Ditto on the thick skin.

I've had more than my share of people calling me ugly and hideous....because I don't show my face on my channel. :lol: https://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalManeNYC
At this point I laugh at those comments but initially I was angry.

Oh, and then there are the comments about needing renovations, as if they are giving me the $25,000 (labor & materials) and 3 weeks off to redo my only bathroom.
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