Have You Ever Married An Ex?

Have You Ever Married an Ex?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • No

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 27.3%

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Well-Known Member
Just curious. If so, what happened? How long were you guys not together? Was it easy? Hard? Good or bad experience?
OK ladies, please tell me your stories :D
I have nothing to contribute, I'm just nosey :lachen:

I have two friends that married exes :yep:
Thanks for sharing, FH. I'm wondering if this will become a more popular phenomenon now that the dating pool is the way that it is. :ohwell: A lot of women breaking up with a man because of his flaws, only to find that his flaws weren't so bad compared to others out there.
I would like to know this too.
I often think about getting back with my ex.
We get along great!
I am just not attracted to him. :(
I'm engaged to a man that I was broken up from for 20 months from a long relationship. He came back, and pleaded his case. I allowed him to court me, he proposed, and now we're getting married in September. We've known each other for over 20 years.
I married my ex. We dated while I was in highschool. When I got to college, we realized that we could not survive in a long distance relationship. We remained friends even after the both of us were in serious relationships. The last semester in college we reconnected and he came to my graduation. Cough cough, we celebrated my graduation and got close again. I moved to ATL and he followed 1 yr later. Two years after that we were married. There was no fairytale engagement. We decided to go to Jamaica for vacation and thought it would be a great idea to get married while we were there. We invited our family and friends on our vacation, got married....and here we are almost 7 years later and 16 years after we met. :dinner:
I married my ex...
We did not see or speak to each other for about 9 months. So far so good.
I think most married couples have broken up one time or another. Well at least the ones I know

this is usually the case. This is part of the reason why I dont really feed into the "an ex is an ex for a reason" theory too much. A lot of situations are different and every breakup doesnt involve cheating, abuse, getting played, and constantly being lied to <-----with those circumstances i would never consider getting back with that person anyway. As I mentioned in another thread, sometimes people have conflicts of interest at that point, or feelings fade (but can and do come back) or one person is ready while that other person is not.

Everyone looked at my best friend like she was stupid when she married her DH because she wanted to be married a few years ago and he simply didnt want to be married at that point (as with most young men). They eventually broke up...and 2 years later he wised up and persued her again. She was still single, they both loved eachother and this time he was considering marriage, so why not try again? Her family gave her so much flack about it, but I just think that they where jealous of her. They have a few probs here and there but nothing out of the ordinary and all in all they are happy:yep:
I think one reason is that it's easier to go back to an ex because you know who he is and you both know eachother's strengths and weaknesses...and there was something there to draw you to eachother to begin with.

If both are willing to work on themselves, I see no reason why two people who broke up couldn't get back together. The single market out there isn't all that grand :nono:

And who's to say that the same issues that you had with your ex won't come up in your next relationship?

Let's face it, we dance around the same issues all our lives up until some point or another when we (hopefully) start to see our own patterns and try to shed them bit by bit...regardless of who we are with at the time.
A clear co worker of mine did this they shacked for six years and he couldn't fully commit.She moved on and they both dated other people for three years with no contact and they got back together two years ago and they have been married for a year with a baby on the way.
We were together for about 2 years and then broke up for 1 1/2 years.
Right after the break up we did'nt speak(my choice) for a few months. Then we became friends.
Toward the end of the 1 1/2 year friendship I told him we could no longer be friends. I was dating someone else and wanted to take it to the next level. That meant not being friends with old flames.

After a month or so of not being friends, he came a knocking and wanted to get back together. I was unsure at first because the new guy seemed quite pefect for me. It was clear that me and the ex was'nt finished with each other and I was willing to give it another try.

We got back together. Blah, blah, blah. He's now DH.
sometimes its also about timing. we become different people as we grow. i like to see old loves get back together and reunite...i mean depending on certain circumstances. I think rev run and his wife were old flames that reunited. i dont think they were that serious the first go round. And they're still married....atleast i think thats their story
...btw....reading this thread reminds me of the episode on a different world...when dwayne interrupted whitleys wedding. And whitley came running down the isle towards him to be with him. All time fav scene. I always imagined that my ex would do that at my wedding if he knew i was marrying the wrong guy...lol....silly i know.
...btw....reading this thread reminds me of the episode on a different world...when dwayne interrupted whitleys wedding. And whitley came running down the isle towards him to be with him. All time fav scene. I always imagined that my ex would do that at my wedding if he knew i was marrying the wrong guy...lol....silly i know.
An ex recently told me that he doesn't want me to marry the wrong man. One of the issues that made me walk away was he didn't want to get married...his tune has changed.

I'm no where near the altar at this point. But, I'd be pissed if he had waited until my wedding day to speak up! It's sooooo romantic in
theory, but realistically :nono:
My current husband and I dated right after I got divorced from my first husband back in 1996. We broke up because he was in the military and stationed in Mississippi and I had no desire to go up there and he could't move down here. In 2003, I bumped into a mutual friend of ours and he told him. The friend was going to pass on his information but he got killed in a car accident before he did. He got out of the military in June of 03 and came back to Florida. He wrote me a letter at my mom's address and she gave it to me. The rest as they say is history. We got back together in July of 03, got married on February 14, 2004 and had a baby in October. He wasn't here for the birth because the reserve group he joined after active duty got shipped to Iraq so that was a period of adjustment for us.

He came back we had another baby, we just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and sometime in the summer I will be giving birth to twins. So yes, marrying an ex can work out :grin:.
sometimes its also about timing. we become different people as we grow. i like to see old loves get back together and reunite...i mean depending on certain circumstances. I think rev run and his wife were old flames that reunited. i dont think they were that serious the first go round. And they're still married....atleast i think thats their story

I couldn’t agree with this more. I met my DH when I was a freshman in college and he was a senior. We hit it off and dated off and on for two years. We weren’t all that serious, but we really did love each other; I just don’t think we were in love. Due to the age difference, him not wanting to be tied down to me and me not *needing* to be tied down we broke up. Initially we didn’t speak for about six weeks and it was best because I needed to move on and experience life without him. I missed him terribly, but I didn’t want him calling me and giving me false hope and he just flat out didn’t want to talk to me. After about six weeks we spoke briefly and it was a nice chat, but after that we didn’t speak again for another two months or so. From that point on we would talk occasionally. Sometimes we were friends, sometimes we weren’t on speaking terms, but somehow we always managed to get past whatever the issue was. We were apart for nearly four years. It was hard for me. Probably one of the hardest times in my life. Not so much because we were apart, but because I was entering a new phase in my life. I was becoming an adult, trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and learning some hard lessons about life. When we did get back together I made him court me and it was fun because he wanted to court me. It was as if he knew that if he really wanted me he needed to come correct. We dated for about a year, got engaged and this spring we will be celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary.
These are all lovely stories, I don't have it in me to back-track but I know there are two exes that if they had a second chance would marry me in a flash. But I'm very very adamant about never going back. Ever since I started dating I was looking for a love that would last forever. My mentality is that if it ends, even if it was love, it wasn't strong enough to last so I begin my new quest to find the love that is. Plus, I take ownership of my men...you can call me a bit possessive, whatever you did before me is before me, whatever, but to be with anybody AFTER me, you've been tainted and I don't want you anymore. Same reason I could never be with a man after finding out he's cheated, he wouldn't be able to touch me anymore. BUT that's me, The Notebook has never been my fairy tale (I would have married the man she got engaged to, later for Noah)..but i totally do see how timing could be just wrong when you first got together and match up later on after you've lived apart for a while...
I got back with my ex. He is my first love from 15 we have a daughter. He wasn't ready to settle down, I found someone else got married, had another child, was married for 11 years, divorced and am now back with my first love it's been 4 years we aren't married YET :look:
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...btw....reading this thread reminds me of the episode on a different world...when dwayne interrupted whitleys wedding. And whitley came running down the isle towards him to be with him. All time fav scene. I always imagined that my ex would do that at my wedding if he knew i was marrying the wrong guy...lol....silly i know.
I love that episode!!!!!
But that episode is also why exes WILL NOT be allowed at my wedding:grin:
Dated for 4 years, broke up for 18 months, dated for 2 years, married for 7 years then divorced. My exhusband is a good guy, it just wasn't in the cards for us. I was ambitious and he wasn't, he will make some woman who is fine with being average a great husband.