Have you ever left a man because of a change in his status (or vice versa)?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Have you ever left a relationship because your mate had a negative change in status? Lost their job or house, for example?

Conversely, has that ever happened to you? Did you get dumped for gaining weight, losing your car, etc.?

What about people you know . . .

Just curious . . .
No. I've had exes lose jobs but I didn't leave because it was temporary and he was actively looking. Plus, I still didn't have to pay for anything, LOL. I still wouldn't leave if the situation were temporary OR he was actively trying to change the situation
No I haven't. I should've because I ended paying for everything. He didn't look for a job, I had to do the searches for him, etc. (I was stupid) The ex wasn't worth his weight in urine.

Would I do it again? Yes, but for the right person.
No I haven't. I should've because I ended paying for everything. He didn't look for a job, I had to do the searches for him, etc. (I was stupid) The ex wasn't worth his weight in urine.

Would I do it again? Yes, but for the right person.
Same thing. I stuck by him trying to be supportive - doing the google searches, helping him put together a resume, writing cover letters. Sadly I was the only one interested in the job search.

And like you, I would be willing to do it again - but for the right person.
I did...not too long ago. He QUIT his job and I quit him. He wasn't fired and neither was he laid off. He was just tired of his paycheck being less than it normally was. He had no prospects lined up and neither did he have a college degree. He'd been on this job for 10 years and because of the economy, he saw a difference in his paycheck. He wanted to start his own business, but didn't have a plan in place. I convinced him to continue working the job, while developing his business plan. He agreed and did this for about a month. A month later he just up and quit. No prospect of another job in sight or anything. What 40 year old man without a college degree and a very limited skill set just quits a job in this economy?

His actions sent all kinds of unspoken signals to me. A man that CHOOSES not to work is a turnoff for me. I would have emotionally supported him to the end had he LOST his job, but he chose to quit with no job prospects lined up. By the time I cut my ties, he had been unemployed for 3 months and was still searching. I couldn't do it anymore so I broke up with him..no regrets.
Wow - well that wasn't the change in status I was thinking of but good for you! (Some women are content to be "the other woman" and to keep hanging on).

Oh no. I don't play that and neither do my Jesus. I've never understood the appeal of married men but to each their own...

Sending BeautifulFlowers from my iPhone
I have seriously considered doing so (the situation was a job loss, which affected his ego and made him very difficult to deal with. When a man isn't happy with himself, he gets super-sensitive about everything :sad:). It's no longer an issue though.
I didn't leave because of his status change I left because I found out the truth. And the truth was he was not financially stable and was not even trying to make any improvements with his situation. He talked about being a husband and a father but there was no way this dude was going to be the type of provider a man should be when he couldn't even take care of himself.

I looked at the relationship and realized that if I moved forward with it I would be taking care of him and that was a hell no.

He tried to make me feel guilty about it and that was hilarious.