Have you ever had a Hair Nightmare?


Well-Known Member
Ok, since you're so focused on hair your brain continues those thoughts when you're sleep...right?

Well, have you ever had a nightmare about your hair? (i.e. hair fell out, stylist chopped off 6 inches, bad dye job, etc.)

I know it sounds silly...but I had a dream that my stylist put a relaxer in my hair and I was screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and ran out the chair. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I had a one a while ago that my hair grew to wsl but the other side stayed shoulder length and crispy:nuts:
Girl this is not silly, the mind is a powerful thing and when you think about growing your hair or other things, sooner or later something will happen.....but YES, I had a nightmare....I just dreamed that I cut my hair and it was so long and healthy......so I figured that I might be worried about cutting my hair when it gets waist or tailbone length, so no cutting for me......I mean I acutally woke up.....that's how upset I was.
Recently I've been having dreams that I am BCing...then I wake up in a panic like OMG how am i gunna style my hair today... then i touch my head and feel my scarf and realize it was a dream. I'm a dummy hahaha
yes. I occasionally dream thatI have this loooong hair...... and then I wake up. one day I will have long hair. my nightmare was that someone shaved my eyebrow off.
Yep I sure have. I dreamt that my hair fell out in the top. Shiny bald. I had thin relaxed ends and wooly new growth that was dry and crispy with quarter sized pieces missing.

In another one, this lady jacked up my grass by over processing. I had been bsl and she had huge chunks of hair missing.... she said whoops. Then I had no hair at all.
I had a dream that I gave myself a relaxer at mbl and regretted it immediately after. I didnt know how to care for it and was sooo angry with myself that I started crying. I woke up with my heart racing and was so relieved when I still felt my naps. lol