Have you ever felt like giving up during your hair journey?

In the beginning when my hair was short and it felt like forever to get to SL and I was still trying to figure out what products to use I considered dropping the natural thing. But I was always determined to have longer and healthier hair than my previously terminal SL relaxed hair. I saw my sister's hair since she went natural two years before me so that helped a lot and I am so happy I am natural and still keeping up my hair's health.
Never, it is now a lifestyle. What has kept me determined is the overall health of my hair and retaining my hair that is growing ever so slowly. I admire all of the long hair ladies on this forum, but never compare their journey to mine;that would depress me and make me what to give up becaue their hair is growing at a faster rate than mine. I thoroughy enjoy my journey, and the knowledge I have gained from this forum encourages me to continue.
I hope that feeling goes away soon =/

@KumakoXsd Awww :bighug:Thank you!

I guess I was moody when I wrote that. I checked the scale prior to writing and expected better results. I am on a weight loss journey and I just put my hair up in a pony tail. I still wash and deep condition. I maintain it as always, can't imagine not washing it, LOL. Thanks so much for that. :)

Sorry if I brought anyones spirits down. Just a little frustrated with my weight journey. Losing 20 pounds is hard work!
No...for me, my hair journey is taking care of my hair properly, and I will always do that. To give up on my haircare would be the same as giving up on eating healthy or regular exercise...it's just not an option for me.

However, just like with a healthy diet and exercise, I don't over-complicate my regimen. Some of the hair regimens I read on this forum would burn me out in a hurry. I simply wash weekly (sometimes I go longer), condition, protect my hair at bedtime and keep my ends moisturized. I also make sure I handle my hair gently and keep manipulation to a minimum.
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Never felt like giving up, although I've been doing it so long that I think Im on autopilot. I just get discouraged at my length. Because my length check is stretching out a curl or two, I always feel like my hair isn't growing. I have hairorexia and I might be hip length before I feel like I'm APL...
I don't see my hair journey as a "diet". This is my new lifestyle. I will forever know what it takes to keep my hair healthy:yep: I can implement those practices or I can go get a fly, fried, died and laid to the side style (same as a donut:look:) but that doesn't mean I gave up :nono: That means I slipped or needed a change.

I don't think your tired of your HHJ :look: I think your tired of watching your hair grow inch by inch :grin:

IA @ the highlighted :yep:
No judgement here, KumakoXsd!!! Since I started taking care of my hair, I get frustrated many days with it, and it ends up with a sort of Marie Antoinette-esque tall look, and I just work it.

But seriously, it's not easy. And it gets frustrating, but it's one of those "just gotta push through it" things, I guess. Just don't confuse a symptom with a disease, make sure you want longer/healtier hair for the right reasons, and it's not something negative/ an internalized thing manifesting itself through your hair dreams.

you're loverly. and waiting sucks. but it's worth it. <3
I often feel like I fixed something that wasnt broken =/ My hair wasnt in bad condition when finding this website. However I get pissed ALL THE WAY OFF with styling! I am so style challenged its ridiculous! It really gets to me though because I feel like its nothing I can do. I know they say practice makes perfect but there is a bit too much practice before it causes a set back. =/
At first, yes. Now that I pretty much have my hair needs figured out, no. There are frustrating days, but overall, all is well. Don't give up. Things are a lot of fun when you figure out what your hair needs are.

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@KumakoXsd Awww :bighug:Thank you!

I guess I was moody when I wrote that. I checked the scale prior to writing and expected better results. I am on a weight loss journey and I just put my hair up in a pony tail. I still wash and deep condition. I maintain it as always, can't imagine not washing it, LOL. Thanks so much for that. :)

Sorry if I brought anyones spirits down. Just a little frustrated with my weight journey. Losing 20 pounds is hard work!

Best of luck on your weight loss journey! I know you'll do it, just keep at it ^^
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I often feel like I fixed something that wasnt broken =/ My hair wasnt in bad condition when finding this website. However I get pissed ALL THE WAY OFF with styling! I am so style challenged its ridiculous! It really gets to me though because I feel like its nothing I can do. I know they say practice makes perfect but there is a bit too much practice before it causes a set back. =/

I completely agree. I myself really struggled with styles as well trying to get them the right way and I ended up manipulating my hair even more... just decided to do what I can do. I hope it gets better for you!
Yes. Several times. I actually took breaks from the site that helped. Also I did what "I" wanted to do with my hair. I think some of the frustration came with some of the things to retain my hair - lack of styling the way I like. I found I grew my hair out very well with protective styles then didn't know what to do with my hair when it was out:ohwell:

Now I incorporate my hair into my lifestyle as opposed to fitting my life around my hair:yep: oh and I wear my hair in styles that I love now
I have felt discouraged by the journey, not quite giving it up because I didn't have anywhere else to go but backwards. So I had to intentionally shift my focus.

I had to stop going into threads showing peoples progress because instead of being able to celebrate their success I just felt like I was failing.

I had to shift my length checks to 3 times a year so I wasn't constantly measuring my hair.

I started focusing more on my regimen versus my length so I could measure my progress in other areas like moisture and softness. I felt like I could control these more.

I take more pictures instead of measuring so in 6 months time I can compare pictures and feel better.

I wear my hair up in flat twists so I can't play in it during the week and pulling it to see how long it is. I have it down to shampoo and then up again for the week.

I had to put things in place to help me feel more successful and reduce the amount of time I spend focusing on areas where I might not feel so successful.
yes. my hair never looks good on me. its annoying. im style challenged and i've been practicing but after 2.5 years i'm tired. im tired of practicing, tired of even looking at it. i actually quite hate being a natural. but i hated being relaxed too, lol. I just wish my head wasn't shaped so stupidly so i could just shave my head and look good so I wouldn't have to deal with any of it. my hair itself is nice, but its very fragile and just constantly looks bad (or boring in a bun)

i'm going to wear yarn braids for the rest of the summer then just hide it with a weave until the end of time or until i miss it. (right now they're seeming like one and the same date)
Yep, many times. That's when I just make sure I'm doing what my hair likes and focus on something else. I've been oh here for about 4 years now and I'm yet to pass APL because I keep doing different things, I've BC'ed twice and went back to relaxer twice and now I'm transitioning again. I could very easily get frustrated, but I'm not stressing though. I've figured out what my hair wants, so I'm kinda on auto-pilot with that. I'm just gonna let my hair do its thing and I'm gonna work on my body in the meantime. This hair thing takes more patience than anything else. Right now I'm trying to forget about it, remember a year from now and be BSL :lol:
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I am fed up with my crown (different texture, weaker, rougher, etc.) but my hair care routine is just that - a routine - so I've never really felt like giving up. I have felt that I'll never reach my goals due to that problem area.

I have been natural for long periods in my life (5+ years, almost 1 year, another time for 2 years, and now for 2 years). After I relax, I hate the way my hair feels and then I go back to my natural. My hair was never past NL and before coming to the hair boards I was never concerned about length. I just thought NL was as far as I could go and I was fine with that. Now, I know more is possible and I am the longest I have ever been, but I still am discouraged. I am seriously thinking about heat training due to knots and dry ends. I feel like every few months I need to cut about an inch away due to knots, no kidding. Also nothing seems to keep my hair feeling moist beyond a day or so. I need to PS for a while I think. I feel like I should be near apl and won’t be there until 9 months to year from now. This is the longest my hair has been in my life so from this point on I am in unexplored territory lol!!! I think if I PS with extensions and vow not to cut for 2 months I may get over this hump.
I sometimes feel like giving up.. mostly because I'm impatient when it comes to hair growth T_T. I started taking care of my hair since September 2010, I don't feel like I got 4.5 inches average =/ and weirdest thing is my hair grew like weeds when I wore extension braids (the Poetic Justice type which messed up my edges and also, I rarely conditioned, DC's or cowashed T_T). I once remembered gaining like 4 inches of growth in the space of six months when I was younger =/

So here I am trying so much to just have my hair grow at least 0.5 inches, I don't know... my hair has definitely become very thick (which was my number one focus as well) since I started taking care of it and I did have some growth... I don't know I try to do whatever I can.. I just feel like giving up sometimes because I'm sadly so length obsessed T_T please don't judge me for wanting length =/ I've been told many times to just ignore it and it'll grow but... it's hard seeing all these beautiful heads of hair LOL =/

So anything that made you ladies want to give up during your hair journey? And how did you combat it?

I sometimes feel like giving up too. I don't talk it about it often but in my head I wish my kinky hair was just as strong as the straight hair. So sometimes I resent I have to be super super careful with my hair just to retain some inches. I don't mind the kinky I just want the strength without having to worry about protein etc. So far I haven't given up because of support of u ladies and seeing results that really work because of tips and advice on here and hairboards. Also, I try to focus on the positive.
Of course, I think it's natural to want to give up. I had days where I was ready to throw in the towel; however, thankfully, those days passed and I keep pushing.
i feel like that all the time. that's why i hide my hair. i had to LEARN to find joy in healthy hair that grows like a turtle. SOME DAYS I FEEL LIKE EVERYONE IS WAISTLENGTH BUT ME.

i try to focus on the positives when i am stressed about length. if that doesn't work, i look at old photos from when my hair was busted to remind myself how far i've come and i treat myself to a swanging long half wig. LOL! :)

here are my lists of positives i focus on when i get mad that i am STILL not full BSL:

my hair is healthy as a MF.....i never need a stylist to trim all my progress away ever again.

i can maintain my hair at home. saves me money and time at the stylist.

my hair journey has taught me my hair. i have a phD in my own hair knowledge. i know what she likes, hates and loves. this has saved me setbacks and also from pj-ism. for ex. if a product has shea butter in the first few ingredients, i can move on. my hair hates it.

i survived all my setbacks without having to cut off all my hair and start over. i had to have some big trims, but no big chop.

there are chemo patients that would love to have my hair. i'm blessed.
Yes, yes and yes.

I figured out that I needed to just stop trying to focus on length and also stop trying to jump on every bandwagon that comes along. My regimen is so simple now, and I no longer measure my hair length. I just let it be and let it grow.

The above is now how I look at hair growth.:yep:
I have felt discouraged by the journey, not quite giving it up because I didn't have anywhere else to go but backwards. So I had to intentionally shift my focus.

I had to stop going into threads showing peoples progress because instead of being able to celebrate their success I just felt like I was failing.

I had to shift my length checks to 3 times a year so I wasn't constantly measuring my hair.

I started focusing more on my regimen versus my length so I could measure my progress in other areas like moisture and softness. I felt like I could control these more.

I take more pictures instead of measuring so in 6 months time I can compare pictures and feel better.

I wear my hair up in flat twists so I can't play in it during the week and pulling it to see how long it is. I have it down to shampoo and then up again for the week.

I had to put things in place to help me feel more successful and reduce the amount of time I spend focusing on areas where I might not feel so successful.

That's me right there! Always measuring my hair..

I started to focus on what I could control, I need to snap out of this hair measuring and maybe stay out of those threads too. I'll do what you do because that just seems like the best option for me right now.
Yes! Heaven only knows Ive felt that way a few times in the past. I think my hair grows so slowly its rediculous. But I keep telling myself "slow and steady wins the race" (not that im competing here), just a motivational motto to keep me focused and inspired to reach my goals. If I dont take care of my hair on a daily basis (moisturizing, sealing, dcing, etc.), it feels like I didnt brush my teeth or take a bath as I was suppose to. By now, my regimen is truly ingrained. So Im sure my hair is growing even if it is slowly lol. Every millimeter counts :grin: (you notice MORE growth if u do length checks LESS often, just the way it works)... Nomatter what, u got to strut :lol:
Yes. Especially when i see my friend and other people can do what they want to their hair and it just grows. I have one friend who's went natural with no problems. No breakage or anything and all she did was stop relaxing and wear her hair in a bun.
I'm feeling like that right now. It seems like no matter what I do, my hair keeps taking a turn for the worst. I know it's mostly because I'm stressing out about other things in my life, but even when I'm my happiest and content, I still have setbacks.

Right now my hair is braiding up and will probably be this way for the rest of the summer while I figure some things out.
I figure I have been on this HHJ about 15 years now. And in that time I have:

1.) Gone from nape to bra strap length.

2.) Enjoyed bra strap for several years.

3.) Have an incurable cancer eat all my hair out and leave my entire crown bald.

4.) I turned to my LHCF sisters for help and inspiration.

Have I ever felt life giving up? No.

Have I felt discouraged? Yes.

Will I give up? No.
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I've thought about giving up for 2 months now. But my aunt, mom, and sister and even some co-workers kept saying why are you giving up when you have come so far? Plus, everyone and even myself keep reminding me that my hair is more healthy and longer now since I've been natural. They were right, my hair is between shoulder length and APL now because I've stopped the relaxers and constant coloring of my hair. Sometimes a brief slip in hair insanity is needed to appreciate what you have and why you have it. (hair wise that is) and why you begin the journey in the first place.
Yeah, I sometimes feel like giving up but that's when I take a break and leave it alone. Once I'm done with the break, I go through my hair to see how it's doing, and I swear, it looks like it has grown an inch since I last touched it. Sometimes, we have a weird love hate type relationship.
I remember in the beginning of my HHJ I was spending lots of money on different products & spending hours and hours on my hair that I got burned out. Once I simplified my regimen I know longer felt like giving up. My hair actually thrived and grew very well and I retained length. The key was keeping it simple. I dont have a set hair schedule, I work my hair in around my schedule and not the other way around.