Have you ever felt exposed...


Well-Known Member
Hello Girls,

I have been reading threads on this forum for a while, and many of you are very insightful. You have helped me in a lot of ways, and I want to officially say thanks!! Now for my issue:

I am in my mid-twenties, and have never had a real relationship because honestly, my focus was elsewhere (school, etc.). I strive to be a good christian woman, and I'm waiting for the right man to share the rest of my life with.

In January, I was approached by a christian young man who happened to be a relative to one of the members in my church (he attended another church), and he was a couple of years younger than me. He said that the Lord pointed him in my direction (we have met a couple of times before), and since I was praying for the young man that I wanted, I honestly thought it was him. However, it was not approved by my parents (I'm very close to them and want them to approve of whoever I'm in a relationship with). In the course of five months, me and this guy talked about everything we could possibly talk about...dating, marriage, kids, fantasies....everything. Now, I am a very private person, and I was so comfortable with him, that I felt that we could talk about anything and everything...so I let my guard down...we even said I loved you to each other, even though we hardly saw each other, and never actually went out on a date (he said it first, and I said it a few weeks after)...it's just that we had such a strong connection.

To make a long story short, we ended up "breaking up" because he felt like I thought less of him because he wasn't finished with school or had a job, and I had. Anyway...I feel very exposed now....like he knows everything about me and my family, to the point where I am embarrassed that I fell for him so hard, and for the things that I said in the moment. Then there's the issuse of his family members attending my church, and things that I have said might be repeated. Mind you, we did not have a terrible "break up" and I still think he's a nice person....but I just don't like the feeling of someone knowing so much about me....what can I do to get rid of this feeling? I feel like I didn't keep my standards high like I did in the past.....even though I literally didn't do anything....I just don't want some of the things that I said to come back and haunt me.

I should have listened when people told me, "never tell the person everything that your parents say....and always keep them guessing on all matters.." Lesson learned!
I think I know what you're feeling. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about it as you can't take what you've shared back, but try not to dwell on it and let your thoughts and fears make a mountain out of a molehill. Definately call it a lesson learned and even though you've broken up continue to send positive energy in response to him and as usual to his family members you are around. You'll eventually get over it.