Have you ever dated a man who wasn't very smart/intelligent?

I'm sorry, but I don't think I could date/marry a DUMB man. He may not be college educated (and that's OKAY)...but just plain DUMB or no common sense?? Uh uh.... :naughty: That would NOT work for me. :nono: I'm fairly intelligent....or, at least I like to think of myself as such...:look: :giggle: , so a guy who can't think or doesn't read, or at least watch SOMETHING to keep himself up on current events or what not is not a guy I would be attracted to in the long run.

I think he would start to bore me..... Not only that, but I think I would be afraid of having dumb kids.... :look: Why be unevenly yoked with a guy who isn't on your level intellectually?? :confused: Like I said, he doesn't have to possess even a college education (many people are SMART and well-read without all of that), but he DOES have to have an original thought, and the capability of having meaningful, deep conversations sometimes. :yep:

That's just me though.... :look:

It was horrible. I am not even talking about book smarts, he didn't have much commen sense, but he was a sweet guy. I just couldn't with him. He didn't even know what spermicide was.
I have dated dumb guys. The problem is they can't really too ideal in any other way because that tends to bleed into everything. I am talking dumb, not just average intelligence. Nothing worse than people who don't know what words you use mean and having to ask. Fortunately I find in life these days since people text so much you can generally pick up on folks not being too bright and move on.
I think I made a similar thread a few years ago. I had a friend who was so sweet, respectful, hardworking, etc. But he just wasn't bright. I'd wonder if I could handle that, full package except intelligence .... I can't :nono: I could just see "that's why you is the dumbest mothasucka...." slipping out during the first big argument :lol:

It was horrible. I am not even talking about book smarts, he didn't have much commen sense, but he was a sweet guy. I just couldn't with him. He didn't even know what spermicide was.

Oh my.... :perplexed


Yea....see, a guy doesn't have to have "book smarts", but I like a guy who's at least up on SOME current events, or even just pop culture. I can't have a guy who doesn't know what certain things/places/words are if we both grew up in the same country..... :look:

Not only that, but I think it makes me not able to respect a man who is that way. You kind of wonder if a guy is going to be a good leader (and maybe even provider) if he's dumb/lacks common sense. I just can't.... :hand: I want something serious, and I don't think I could last long with a guy that was not at least somewhat up on his intellectual game. I don't need a guy with an IQ of 155 or whatever, just a guy who doesn't make me give him the side-eye anytime he opens his mouth lol. :look: :lol:

I once dated this one guy who just sort of turned me off after a while because of his lack of being "in the know" on what I considered simple things. Not only was his personality DRY and boring as all get out, but he seemed not to know a few things... For example, he asked me where I was from, and I told him that although I was born in the US, my dad is Cameroonian and my mom is AA. He was like: "Oh Cameroonian eh?? Where is that....South America???" I was like..... :look: :look: :perplexed And unfortunately...he was black and didn't know... :perplexed

Now, granted, not everyone is up on Geography and all, and I don't expect a man to be able to point to the country of Cameroon on the world map, but I would HOPE that he would have known that Cameroon is a country in the Continent of AFRICA. :perplexed When I told him that it was actually a country in Africa, he sort of laughed and said... "Africa huh? What do they eat over there....Zebra???" :rolleyes:

Granted, in SOME countries in Africa I'm sure they probably DO eat Zebra, but come on!! I don't know any of my family members over there that eat zebra... :rolleyes: Idk, he just sounded so uncultured. :nono: PLUS he was boring.

I MIGHT be able to deal with you and have a little "fun" for a little while if you're funny and have an engaging personality even though you're a little dense. But if you are dumb AND boring?? BYE.... :hand:

I think only men can handle "dumb" women lol... :lol: I don't think men put as much stock into how "smart" women are as much as women put it on men. hahah!
You have to be really good and pulling off the "non reaction" face when they say or do something stupid. I'm not. I'm more like

I tried but I couldn't hang. We went out to dinner once and he ordered Salon and the waitress was like Huh? He went on and on about "Do you have Salon? eh Do you have Salon? " I kept my mouth shut but eventually had to speak up and order Sirloin then she was like "Yes we have Sirloin." I wanted to crawl under the tables and right out the front door and never look back.

Later on, he said " It's ok if you want to trap me. I'm ready for children anyway". I was so through after that.
Intelligence and intellect is the first thing I look for so hayle no.:nono: A man with no or limited intelligence wouldn't even be on my radar. I have to be able to have a conversation about more than the color of the sky.:look::yep: I've been on dates with men not up to par and was bored out of my mind.
I don't think I could be with someone noticeably less intelligent than me. Humor and conversation are key ways I connect to people, and the connection isn't going to occur if:

1) I have to be overly conscious of word choice when I speak because he doesn't know what "malignant" means, for instance

2) He can't read between the lines and needs everything spelled out for him. If I have to explain every allusion, reference, or pun that crosses our path, I'm going to be annoyed.

3) He can't talk about abstract concepts and ideas. People who are unintelligent have the tendency towards discussing people, places, and things. I'd rather talk about opinions, experiences, and situations.

4) There are big gaps in his knowledge because he lacks intellectual curiosity. I need a guy who can teach me some things every so often. If I'm always the only knowledgable person in the room, it's going to make me feel like I'm dealing with a child, not an adult.
*lights up a newport one hunnit*

You gotta be very, very careful when dating dumb men, cuz see, if you mess around and get pregnant, some of dat DNA will ooze out and next thing you know, you're stuck wif a special needs child. And don't let him be ugly. Dats double jeopardy there.

I'll give you a sample. My cousin's best friend has a daughter, right.....she's not pretty at all. Neitha is her momma, but we'll touch on dat later.

Anywho, da momma and all da chirren, including her stutterin husband are all slow and unattractive. Good natured hard working people. Just dumb as hell. Couldn't pour piss out of a boot wif a hole in da bottom.

Welp, her daughter done messed around and got pregnant by some dumb slow boy down the road. They all live in North Carolina and everybody in da house get a nut check every month and do a little domestic work on da side.

Well, the baby arrived a year ago. I call it the "on da floor baby" cuz Im still tryna figure out where did she go to get pregnant when the house is always full. So the conception must've happened "on da floor" when every body was sleep because I heard he would come thru in the evening around dinner. When every one woke up, he was gone. All the beds were occupied so I came to the conclusion that it happened on da floor.

Let me wrap this story up! *puffs n plucks ash*

I went to N.C. A few weeks ago. Chiiiiile, lemme tell you. Dat DNA was not playin cuz da baby ain't that cute and I can already tell that he's not going to be intelligent at all. Got one of those long mouths just like his momma. Ole mule mouth, bless his heart.

He was doing stuff like diggin all up his nose and tryna stick his finger in the socket, I kid you not. I said "no" to him and he kept doing it. See there....
Mule mouth and dumb daddy sat there and watched.

Moral to the story? Don't have no babies by no slow, dumb, nut check cashin, mule mouth people, cuz otherwise, you'll be stuck like chuck....tellin u some good sh!t....
I tried but I couldn't hang. We went out to dinner once and he ordered Salon and the waitress was like Huh? He went on and on about "Do you have Salon? eh Do you have Salon? " I kept my mouth shut but eventually had to speak up and order Sirloin then she was like "Yes we have Sirloin." I wanted to crawl under the tables and right out the front door and never look back.

Later on, he said " It's ok if you want to trap me. I'm ready for children anyway". I was so through after that.

It's not a trap if he wants them? And I thought he was trying to say "salmon" :lachen: Goodness.
*lights up a newport one hunnit* You gotta be very, very careful when dating dumb men, cuz see, if you mess around and get pregnant, some of dat DNA will ooze out and next thing you know, you're stuck wif a special needs child. And don't let him be ugly. Dats double jeopardy there. I'll give you a sample. My cousin's best friend has a daughter, right.....she's not pretty at all. Neitha is her momma, but we'll touch on dat later. Anywho, da momma and all da chirren, including her stutterin husband are all slow and unattractive. Good natured hard working people. Just dumb as hell. Couldn't pour piss out of a boot wif a hole in da bottom. Welp, her daughter done messed around and got pregnant by some dumb slow boy down the road. They all live in North Carolina and everybody in da house get a nut check every month and do a little domestic work on da side. Well, the baby arrived a year ago. I call it the "on da floor baby" cuz Im still tryna figure out where did she go to get pregnant when the house is always full. So the conception must've happened "on da floor" when every body was sleep because I heard he would come thru in the evening around dinner. When every one woke up, he was gone. All the beds were occupied so I came to the conclusion that it happened on da floor. Let me wrap this story up! *puffs n plucks ash* I went to N.C. A few weeks ago. Chiiiiile, lemme tell you. Dat DNA was not playin cuz da baby ain't that cute and I can already tell that he's not going to be intelligent at all. Got one of those long mouths just like his momma. Ole mule mouth, bless his heart. He was doing stuff like diggin all up his nose and tryna stick his finger in the socket, I kid you not. I said "no" to him and he kept doing it. See there.... Mule mouth and dumb daddy sat there and watched. Moral to the story? Don't have no babies by no slow, dumb, nut check cashin, mule mouth people, cuz otherwise, you'll be stuck like chuck....tellin u some good sh!t....

Lmao!! Too funny!!! I'm crying over here. :)

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It's not a trap if he wants them? And I thought he was trying to say "salmon" :lachen: Goodness.

This man is 41 yrs and he finally married a 21 yr old virgin fresh off the boat that was attending Bible College and they just had their first baby. He couldn't handle a full grown woman who had major expectations and some experience. He was dumb and was terrible in the sack. Horrible I tell ya. His pretty face and hot bod was a total waste. Another ex of his sang like a tweety bird of how bad he was in bed. I kept my mouth shut but was :lachen: on the sly. He finally disappeared of the face of the earth. Last I heard he was living in the sticks of VT. He's African so......
I dated a guy in high school that was dumb. Great heart but after a while everything about him annoyed me.
My first boyfriend had class in the area of the school known as "Sesame Street" or "Tha Block".

He was hilarious and we ran track together...He wasnt noticeably dumb but I read one of his essays once...and umm lets just say it was interesting.
My first boyfriend wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was very sweet. The guy I dated a year later also could have used some tutoring growing up. He wasn't sweet though. Since then the men I've dated have all been at least intelligent enough to hold lively conversation. However, I haven't dated many men who have matched or surpassed my intellect. I don't need a man to be a genius, but if I have to explain big words to him or he doesn't know the difference between jeans and genes then it ain't gonna happen.
Yes I dated a man who was smart as in educated finished college and had a decent job but he was NOT intelligent. I also dated a guy who barely finished highschool (GED) but was intelligent.
The worst ones are the ones that are arrogant and refuse to accept that they are dumb and chat too damn much. If they STFU and know their place I can deal. Of course, there has to be something that makes up for them being cerebrally challenged. Like money, kindness, appreciation of being in my presence etc.

I have been with very educated guys (phd) who have been total assholes, stingy, and borderline mentally abusive.

Having a good income and being generous in spirit and monetarily are more important. As long as he is not so dumb as to embarrass me.
I tried but I couldn't hang. We went out to dinner once and he ordered Salon and the waitress was like Huh? He went on and on about "Do you have Salon? eh Do you have Salon? " I kept my mouth shut but eventually had to speak up and order Sirloin then she was like "Yes we have Sirloin." I wanted to crawl under the tables and right out the front door and never look back.

Later on, he said " It's ok if you want to trap me. I'm ready for children anyway". I was so through after that.
Ok, I know I was not the only one laughing after reading your post okange76
Ok, I know I was not the only one laughing after reading your post okange76

Laugh away. I know I am though at the time I was horrified.

This man put me through some things. One day he had his soccer buddies over for dinner and I was meeting them for the first time. They were chatting about this guy who got hurt on the field. And I quote " Yes, that guy who got kicked and he bleeded all over the place." Ay Dios Mio !!!. I wanted to shrink because the guy he was chatting with was a middle school Principal.
*lights up a newport one hunnit*

You gotta be very, very careful when dating dumb men, cuz see, if you mess around and get pregnant, some of dat DNA will ooze out and next thing you know, you're stuck wif a special needs child. And don't let him be ugly. Dats double jeopardy there.

I'll give you a sample. My cousin's best friend has a daughter, right.....she's not pretty at all. Neitha is her momma, but we'll touch on dat later.

Anywho, da momma and all da chirren, including her stutterin husband are all slow and unattractive. Good natured hard working people. Just dumb as hell. Couldn't pour piss out of a boot wif a hole in da bottom.

Welp, her daughter done messed around and got pregnant by some dumb slow boy down the road. They all live in North Carolina and everybody in da house get a nut check every month and do a little domestic work on da side.

Well, the baby arrived a year ago. I call it the "on da floor baby" cuz Im still tryna figure out where did she go to get pregnant when the house is always full. So the conception must've happened "on da floor" when every body was sleep because I heard he would come thru in the evening around dinner. When every one woke up, he was gone. All the beds were occupied so I came to the conclusion that it happened on da floor.

Let me wrap this story up! *puffs n plucks ash*

I went to N.C. A few weeks ago. Chiiiiile, lemme tell you. Dat DNA was not playin cuz da baby ain't that cute and I can already tell that he's not going to be intelligent at all. Got one of those long mouths just like his momma. Ole mule mouth, bless his heart.

He was doing stuff like diggin all up his nose and tryna stick his finger in the socket, I kid you not. I said "no" to him and he kept doing it. See there....
Mule mouth and dumb daddy sat there and watched.

Moral to the story? Don't have no babies by no slow, dumb, nut check cashin, mule mouth people, cuz otherwise, you'll be stuck like chuck....tellin u some good sh!t....

ThatJerseyGirl You're back!!! LOL!!! :lol: :yay:

See, that's my biggest fear..... I don't want dumb children.....:look: