Have you ever dated a cop?


New Member
It doesn't matter what branch of law enforcement - CHP (or your state's version of the Cali Highway Patrol), regular police officers, deputies or sheriffs, etc..

I'm curious as to what your experience was with them. Been told by a few females that have dated cops that they are 'strange', somewhat 'distant', sensitive and have a morbid sense of humor.

I'm tending to agree from the long distance "relationship" I'm having with one. Just wanna make sure I'm not buggin' for no reason (as I've been told by said cop).

How was your dating experiences with them? Besides the great sex and nice body, would you do it again? LOL!
no morbid sense of humor but touches of jackazzedness...

though i'm hoping it was just his personality, cause his friends - other cops - were not like that...though i didn't date them either - aka, know them on an intimate level like that.

we dated casually for a while - so i cannot comment on the sex - and are still friendly. but he DOES have a banging body -- lawd!! he used to to push ups with me on his back. talk about hard (but not nasty, overly built, veins popping out) body!!!! and that uniform was so :lick:

mr. officer, mr. officer!!

don't know if i could have dated him seriously because he would call to say stuff like - i just saw someone blow his brains out with a shotgun...and it would really get to me. he would talk to me about stuff and i just had to say, i don't want to hear anymore; nicely and considerate of his feelings of course. so you have to be a special kinda woman for a cop and strong enough to be able to sleep at night while he's out looking for bad guys who want nothing more than to take him out.
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no morbid sense of humor but touches of jackazzedness...

though i'm hoping it was just his personality, cause his friends - other cops - were not like that...though i didn't date them either - aka, know them on an intimate level like that.

we dated casually for a while - so i cannot comment on the sex - and are still friendly. but he DOES have a banging body -- lawd!! he used to to push ups with me on his back. talk about hard (but not nasty, overly built, veins popping out) body!!!! and that uniform was so :lick:

mr. officer, mr. officer!!

don't know if i could have dated him seriously because he would call to say stuff like - i just saw someone blow his brains out with a shotgun...and it would really get to me. he would talk to me about stuff and i just had to say, i don't want to hear anymore; nicely and considerate of his feelings of course. so you have to be a special kinda woman for a cop and strong enough to be able to sleep at night while he's out looking for bad guys who want nothing more than to take him out.

Ooooooh gurl!!!! While doing a search I found a couple of cop dating websites and some of those men's bodies are the BOMB! One guy had an ok face, divorced and showed a pic of his huge biceps (with tattoos), wide chest, thick thighs, and I was like :blush: :drunk: :lick: !

He's based in San Diego. About four hours away from me. :lachen:

I saw a couple more like that and some had those marlboro man mustaches and I clicked outta da sight, because I'm "trying" to form something with this retired cop that lives in NYC, but he is seriously getting on my nerves.

Once I started talking about my experiences with him with other former cop daters (one is still seeing one) they were all nodding in agreement say "yep, I went through that too."
No, but Ive been hit on by cops and found that I became terribly paranoid when I once gave one my number. I felt that he could "track me down" Also I think theyre notorious for domestic abuse, I had a friend in high school whos bf was a cop in his 20s ( she was underaged too) and he hit her. I wouldnt be able to trust one,, too much power...
one of my bff's is a cop she has advised me against dating guys in law enforcement. they kind of have reputations of being wh0res. that being said there some good ones in the lot.

they are kind of different and their humor is pretty un pc a lot of times. but i think that comes with the territory. when you deal with vermin all the time (ex my friend had to go to a domestic disturbance and arrest this drunk guy crapped his pants and she had to search him for weapons cuff him and take him to jail in her car) they just get desensitized.
My sister is married to a Police Chief of a major university. He's a wonderful husband, father, and brother-in-law. My son absolutely adores his "Unkie Dave" as he calls him.
I dated a dude from the NYPD. He's a sergeant. He was sweet as pie and treated me like a queen. He didn't have sick humor, wasn't abusive in any form, and I didn't get a ho-tendency vibes from him either. The only thing is that I wish that he spoke up more about what was bothering him. Overall I'd give him an 8.5 out of 10.
I did "Big Red" mmmmm good, 6'5", black guy with red hair and freckles. Very nice, sweet and all that, never had any issues with him. He aspiration was to get into the secret service. We dated for about 3 months then he left to go to Texas to train for the secret service. We spoke a couple of times and then communication was done.

So if you see a big black guy with red hair and freckles around Obama, that is him.
I dated a dude from the NYPD. He's a sergeant. He was sweet as pie and treated me like a queen. He didn't have sick humor, wasn't abusive in any form, and I didn't get a ho-tendency vibes from him either. The only thing is that I wish that he spoke up more about what was bothering him. Overall I'd give him an 8.5 out of 10.

I find this to be MY problem and this is what the other girls I spoke to said as well.

There is a problem opening up. Sometimes I feel like I'm "interrogating" him when all I'm asking is things that you would in normal conversation.

I met him several months ago when he came to visit LA. He had to leave the next day, so I've been "trying" to keep up a "dialogue" with him by phone and text. IT'S FREAKIN' MURDER!

I had one blow up with him where I called him an emotionless bastard. He got me so pissed. This was AFTER me telling him several times he needs to be more "communicative" or I will lose interest (code for "you'll piss me off"). He basically stayed the same.

Five months ago, we had a major blowup with him telling me that I was "crazy" and we agreed not to contact each other anymore. Well, I began thinking about him again, saying "well, maybe I was too hard on him. It can be difficult to do a long distance thing, maybe I was overreacting."

So, I send him a text two months ago saying "r u still mad at me?" He texts back "LOL! I could never stay mad at you for long. I miss u." So we begin this "thing" we have again. :ohwell: :lachen:

He's a little more communicative than he was before, but it's still not enough for me. A few weeks ago, I suggested that we give this text or phone thing a rest, because it's basically ME trying to make it happen. I said when you come visit LA give me a call or if I visit NYC I will call you. He was like "No, come on! Just let whatever "this" is happen. It's not hurting anyone and I like talking to you, blah, blah." :rolleyes: I was like "Ok".

So, this is where "we" are. I'll be honest, I'm dying to sleep with this man! I love his voice, body is perfect, handsome face and personality is on point. I know he's not married nor does he have anyone serious. He's white (jewish actually) not that it means anything and mad cool. He's fun when he's "on" and a pain in the arse when he goes through his "moody" stages.

I just need for him to be more "passionate" in our conversations. The only time he got truly heated about something was when we discussed Gates/Obama/Crowley situation. Of course, he took the side of the police. :rolleyes: That's another story.

Just wanted to know if his sometimes "non-talkative" ways was a cop thing.
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I haven't dated a cop but have friends that do. Jack arse has definitely been used to describe these characters.
It doesn't matter what branch of law enforcement - CHP (or your state's version of the Cali Highway Patrol), regular police officers, deputies or sheriffs, etc..

I'm curious as to what your experience was with them. Been told by a few females that have dated cops that they are 'strange', somewhat 'distant', sensitive and have a morbid sense of humor. YES!

I'm tending to agree from the long distance "relationship" I'm having with one. Just wanna make sure I'm not buggin' for no reason (as I've been told by said cop). You're not

How was your dating experiences with them? Besides the great sex and nice body, would you do it again? LOL!

Not a horrific experience but not one I care to repeat either. He just seemed "unavailable" in every sense of the word.
I find this to be MY problem and this is what the other girls I spoke to said as well.

There is a problem opening up. Sometimes I feel like I'm "interrogating" him when all I'm asking is things that you would in normal conversation.

I met him several months ago when he came to visit LA. He had to leave the next day, so I've been "trying" to keep up a "dialogue" with him by phone and text. IT'S FREAKIN' MURDER!

I had one blow up with him where I called him an emotionless bastard. He got me so pissed. This was AFTER me telling him several times he needs to be more "communicative" or I will lose interest (code for "you'll piss me off"). He basically stayed the same.

Five months ago, we had a major blowup with him telling me that I was "crazy" and we agreed not to contact each other anymore. Well, I began thinking about him again, saying "well, maybe I was too hard on him. It can be difficult to do a long distance thing, maybe I was overreacting."

So, I send him a text two months ago saying "r u still mad at me?" He texts back "LOL! I could never stay mad at you for long. I miss u." So we begin this "thing" we have again. :ohwell: :lachen:

He's a little more communicative than he was before, but it's still not enough for me. A few weeks ago, I suggested that we give this text or phone thing a rest, because it's basically ME trying to make it happen. I said when you come visit LA give me a call or if I visit NYC I will call you. He was like "No, come on! Just let whatever "this" is happen. It's not hurting anyone and I like talking to you, blah, blah." :rolleyes: I was like "Ok".

So, this is where "we" are. I'll be honest, I'm dying to sleep with this man! I love his voice, body is perfect, handsome face and personality is on point. I know he's not married nor does he have anyone serious. He's white (jewish actually) not that it means anything and mad cool. He's fun when he's "on" and a pain in the arse when he goes through his "moody" stages.

I just need for him to be more "passionate" in our conversations. The only time he got truly heated about something was when we discussed Gates/Obama/Crowley situation. Of course, he took the side of the police. :rolleyes: That's another story.

Just wanted to know if his sometimes "non-talkative" ways was a cop thing.

It can be, but not to be devil's advocate here, but being a cop is something no one can understand fully unless they are a cop. Although, some of them live up to the piggy reputations, they see things on the daily that could cause most of us to break down. The guy I dated got his knee busted by an angry criminal but broke his jaw as a result. I mean that ish sucks. Here you are going to work trying to have a "normal" day and some **** resisting arrest breaks your kneecap with his steeltoe boot. :nono: I think with my ex he just liked the peace of being home, not having to fight verbally or mentally, pull out his gun and be ready to fire, whatever. Also, from what you said in your post, it could just be his own personal behavior having nothing to do with his profession. Good luck :)
I have some friends who are married to cops.
Their personality totally changes when they join the force.. the men become more MACHO..
more manly, and decidedly more... mean.... less caring...

This has been one girl's experience in particular...

I've dated a man who was not a police officer, but something close, in the investigative unit... lol, he wouldn't quite tell me because it was :sekret:

anyway, he just thought he was above the law, and treated the relationship in that same manner..
years later he wants another chance, cuz i think he sees where he went wrong back then... but that showed me enough to never want to repeat it...
One time DH was at John Wayne Airport in OC and some CHP guy was showing him pics of accident scenes...brains, blood, body parts. Who does that?

Never dated one, but have heard nothing but bad things...except for Lucie's man and my ex-roomie's dad.
Think hard before you get involved with Mr. Wrong (Officer)

I know this is not true for all cops, and most are very well adjusted and would never hit a woman but.....

if he abuses you and you have to file some reports, whose side do you think they're going to take???

Blue wall of silence isn't given a name for no reason.

(sorry, i've just had bad experiences with police officers)
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I haven't, truthfully I would never be totally comfortable. If ANYTHING ever went down, it would be my word against that of a Police Officer. No thanks on that one.
Re: Think hard before you get involved with Mr. Wrong (Officer)

I know this is not true for all cops, and most are very well adjusted and would never hit a woman but.....

if he abuses you and you have to file some reports, whose side do you think they're going to take???

Blue wall of silence isn't given a name for no reason.

(sorry, i've just had bad experiences with police officers)

Ain't that the TRUTH! They have some of the highest incidences of spousal abuse, alcoholism and suicide as well!
I find this to be MY problem and this is what the other girls I spoke to said as well.

There is a problem opening up. Sometimes I feel like I'm "interrogating" him when all I'm asking is things that you would in normal conversation.

I met him several months ago when he came to visit LA. He had to leave the next day, so I've been "trying" to keep up a "dialogue" with him by phone and text. IT'S FREAKIN' MURDER!

I had one blow up with him where I called him an emotionless bastard. He got me so pissed. This was AFTER me telling him several times he needs to be more "communicative" or I will lose interest (code for "you'll piss me off"). He basically stayed the same.

Five months ago, we had a major blowup with him telling me that I was "crazy" and we agreed not to contact each other anymore. Well, I began thinking about him again, saying "well, maybe I was too hard on him. It can be difficult to do a long distance thing, maybe I was overreacting."

So, I send him a text two months ago saying "r u still mad at me?" He texts back "LOL! I could never stay mad at you for long. I miss u." So we begin this "thing" we have again. :ohwell: :lachen:

He's a little more communicative than he was before, but it's still not enough for me. A few weeks ago, I suggested that we give this text or phone thing a rest, because it's basically ME trying to make it happen. I said when you come visit LA give me a call or if I visit NYC I will call you. He was like "No, come on! Just let whatever "this" is happen. It's not hurting anyone and I like talking to you, blah, blah." :rolleyes: I was like "Ok".

So, this is where "we" are. I'll be honest, I'm dying to sleep with this man! I love his voice, body is perfect, handsome face and personality is on point. I know he's not married nor does he have anyone serious. He's white (jewish actually) not that it means anything and mad cool. He's fun when he's "on" and a pain in the arse when he goes through his "moody" stages.

I just need for him to be more "passionate" in our conversations. The only time he got truly heated about something was when we discussed Gates/Obama/Crowley situation. Of course, he took the side of the police. :rolleyes: That's another story.

Just wanted to know if his sometimes "non-talkative" ways was a cop thing.

idk man..this just sounds like too much work. if its meant to be it wouldnt be this hard
My sister is married to a Police Chief of a major university. He's a wonderful husband, father, and brother-in-law. My son absolutely adores his "Unkie Dave" as he calls him.

and you know what's so ironic? your baby is sooo cute and reminds me of the cop i was referencing. every, single time i see your siggy i think how he reminds me of him! but in a good way. he's handsome and your baby is soooooo cute!
idk man..this just sounds like too much work. if its meant to be it wouldnt be this hard

YES!!! YES!!! I so believe this!!

It's not "flowing" properly and I've tried to tell him, but he says to just "let it be" and that "it will work itself out." I'm like, we'll see.

I've decided not to contact him anymore and just let his calls and texts ride. Like you said, IT IS TOO MUCH WORK and I'm old enough to know this. If he ever comes to LA or I to NYC, then we can look each other up. Right now, I'm bored and frustrated.

It's not working.
No, never dated a cop but one good friend was engaged to one who she dated for over a decade. He was a lieutenant in the NYPD by the time she dumped him. He was very controlling (which could have been his culture - Puerto Rican - and not the cop thing). He was also whorish (cheated at least twice) and, in my opinion, he was not open & honest and he was very secretive but he would search her things on a whim.
My ex (who i'm kinda seeing)...is NYPD. he's still a rookie. So, 'the job' hasn't taken a toll on his persona yet. He's still the same ol' guy...but developed new outlooks on life since patrolling the streets.

But cops/CO's run in my fam....My father is a retired Correction officer...his brother is a warden...and all my father's friends are CO's, state police, etc. So I'm used to it and I know what to expect. But it CAN change your persona. my father went thru this...but that's a whooole notha thread
I did. He was one of the nicest and gentlest guy I have ever been with. Being with him, I came to realize that not all cops are bad people.
No, and I doubt that I ever would. I don't like the attitudes of most cops. They are notoriously difficult to live with.

Having said that, whenever I have been in distress and needed a cop's assistance they have always been extremely helpful and nice to me.

Can't say that I would want to marry one though.
I have dated and am friends with several, partially due to my profession. I can't say that there is one characteristic that applies to all across the board. However, I have heard of DV incidents, witnessed alcoholism, morbid senses of humor, jackarsedness, an abundance of work stories, and yes the whoring is REAL (disgusting) for some. Everything I've heard though could apply to any man, any profession. I have also met some really, really nice ones. It is my preference not to date another and certainly not to marry one! However...I don't know what's in store for me.

Best of luck in your situation. Me personally, I'd have to take a hand-off approach at this point. Like someone else said, it sounds like too much work!
I am glad you are moving on. I hate having to force a conversation. I'd rather just let it be. I have never dated one, because I couldn't take the danger. It's also the reason I stopped dating military.
i dated someone in the fbi, and he was he was a great communicator, we would talk on the phone for hours daily, and he made it a point to call me almost everyday, even just to see how i was doing. he worked out allloottt, and had a great body to show for it. and was verryy attractive. but, i do kind of agree on the whorish comment, b/c some of the stories he would tell me, and he was soo non-chalant about it. and i think apart of why we stopped dating was b/c i was taking too long to give "it" up (lol) and a few "secrets" that came to surface. i actually made a thread about him a while ago, b/c although we talked constantly, he left out a few very important details, concerning the fact that he still lived with his "babymama" whom i to this day believe was his wife. so, who knows what else he was hiding. but, on the surface, he seemed like a really great guy. glad i found out differently.
I have dated and am friends with several, partially due to my profession. I can't say that there is one characteristic that applies to all across the board. However, I have heard of DV incidents, witnessed alcoholism, morbid senses of humor, jackarsedness, an abundance of work stories, and yes the whoring is REAL (disgusting) for some. Everything I've heard though could apply to any man, any profession. I have also met some really, really nice ones. It is my preference not to date another and certainly not to marry one! However...I don't know what's in store for me.

Best of luck in your situation. Me personally, I'd have to take a hand-off approach at this point. Like someone else said, it sounds like too much work!

Check this out Cincysweetie, the last text "convo" we had was Thursday morning:

"Me: Good morning!

Him: Hi"


On the surface this may not seem like much of a problem, but to ME and from prior convos with him either text or phone it always seems like I'm PRYING information out of him, which is why I suggested to him that we give this long distance thing a "rest" until one of us is in each other's town. He was vehemently opposed. I'm still like "Why?" He's basically an "ask and answered" kinda person over the phone, but he says he's different in person. Doubt it.

You don't know how much it took me NOT to text him back and say "**** am I bothering you?!! If you don't want me to contact you anymore just say so!"

But when I act like that with him, he always comes back saying "Relax" or "Chill. Everything's gonna be alright, etc.", like I'm the crazy over emotional one! I haven't contacted him since that day, which is a pattern. If he doesn't hear from me after a few days, he'll shoot me text saying "Hi baby. Miss u." :rolleyes: Then I fall back into the nonsense again, but not this time. I'm ignoring all future texts and phone calls from here on out. He'll get the message.

That's when I decided to create this thread (and after speaking to a couple of others who have gone through the same thing) to see if these personality traits were not "isolated" incidents, but something that comes with the profession.

I'll still deal with them though. :lachen: Just not long distance. After visiting those cop dating sites and seeing what's available here in Cali, I'll be just fine. :lick: :yep:
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