Have you ever corrected your child and...


realized that God could use those same words to correct you in a different area?

It happened to me a couple of times. Recently I corrected my daughter (Clair Huxtable had nothing on me :lol: ). Minutes later my exact words convicted me spiritually.

Has that ever happened to you?
Girl yes!! I was getting on to my kids because each and every time I would walk in the door they would start momma gimmy, gimmy gimmy all the time. I was in my car and just got to fussing to myself while driving, every time I turn around all they do is want they never say mommy how you doing, momma how you feeling today, just always asking for stuff. It was about as clear as day, I heard a small voice say thats the way you do me. I shook my head pulled up to a stop sign and set there so long a car pulled up behind me and had to honk the horn for me to go on. Then I got to think of how my prayer life had been lately and God was right as always, everytime I went to Him in prayer I was always asking for something. Lord will you give me, Lord will you bless me.