Have you ever been hit by your SO only ONCE?

for all the ladies sayin nope, one time would do it, i would like to know have any of you been hit by a man and bounced after that first hit? and im not talkin we were together for 2 months. im talkin the man was ur true love and ended up puttin his hands on u.

You're right- until something happens, you don't know how you'll react. BUT, because of my daughter, I know for a fact that that is not something that I can afford to take or subject myself to. I cannot and will not allow her to grow up thinking that behavior from a man is o.k. and thus getting sucked into the vicious cycle that it creates. I'm so sorry for your other post and hope that you have nothing but good and happiness in your life now.
OP, to answer your question, no I have never been hit by a boyfriend. I think that when you are hit it is already too late. Why didn't you take a minute when he raised his voice to you, pulled you, shoved you, shook you, grabbed you etc...No man suddenly without warning turns around and hits you, he's been telling you with his actions what he's going to do and you've let him.

Oh, and I think he will hit you again.
for all the ladies sayin nope, one time would do it, i would like to know have any of you been hit by a man and bounced after that first hit? and im not talkin we were together for 2 months. im talkin the man was ur true love and ended up puttin his hands on u.

My husband knows of a couple who were high school sweethearts. They started dating in their freshmen year of high school & continued to date during college (they went to the same college). They got engaged during their first year of college. That summer, the two of them went to Paris. They got into an argument and he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. She immediately gave him his ring back and broke up with him.

Regarding the question, my husband has never hit me, nor have any of my former boyfriends. I can confidently say that I'd leave if I'd been hit only one time. My father used to hit my mother. I remember her calling the cops & the cops taking my dad out of the apartment. I also remember being in the police station in the wee hours of the morning because she was filing a report against my dad. The memories of what happened to her give me the strength that I need to immediately walk away if I were ever in such a situation.
OP, to answer your question, no I have never been hit by a boyfriend. I think that when you are hit it is already too late. Why didn't you take a minute when he raised his voice to you, pulled you, shoved you, shook you, grabbed you etc...No man suddenly without warning turns around and hits you, he's been telling you with his actions what he's going to do and you've let him.

Oh, and I think he will hit you again.

Your entire post is right on target--especially the bolded. I think women ignore the warning signals too much (when he touched you--IN ANY MANNER--during an argument, when his voice got a bit too high, when his tone became menacing, etc.). When a man hits you, he's already done something prior to the physical abuse to let you know that that type of behavior is not beyond him. As soon as you get that warning signal, that's when you should leave.
:yep:These signs are what we call pink flags not necessarily red flags but not signs to be ignored.