Have you ever been hit by your SO only ONCE?


Well-Known Member
You've heard the classic "Baby, it'll never happen, again!" from abusive men, but do you or anyone that you know been hit before and it never happened again? My boyfriend hit me once, and after whaling on his *** I think he'd rather cut off his testicles than let it happen again. I don't mind admitting it to help someone else. It's amazing how women open up to you once they've found that you've experienced the same thing. Anyway, I feel as dumb as Rihanna although I don't consider myself in an abusive relationship :cry:

I just watched a special on CNN about her. I usually don't follow celebrity gossip because I think people who do are loosers. No offense to anyone! It's just so sad to see such a beautiful young women settle for such an immature, cowardly young punk.
Oh hell no. I don't care how apologetic he is...once he knows you will stick around after hurting and disrespecting you in one of the lowest forms, he can and will do it again. It never just happens once, and sadly there are still women who believe this. I told my SO (not that he is that type of man) that if he even looked like he want to push, grab, hit, kick, punch, slap, spit on, or choke me that he better kill me or I will be attending his funeral. He laughed, but I was dead serious... :look:
"You've heard the classic "Baby, it'll never happen, again!" from abusive men, but do you or anyone that you know been hit before and it never happened again? My boyfriend hit me once, and after whaling on his *** I think he'd rather cut off his testicles than let it happen again. I don't mind admitting it to help someone else. It's amazing how women open up to you once they've found that you've experienced the same thing. Anyway, I feel as dumb as Rihanna although I don't consider myself in an abusive relationship :cry:

I just watched a special on CNN about her. I usually don't follow celebrity gossip because I think people who do are loosers. No offense to anyone! It's just so sad to see such a beautiful young women settle for such an immature, cowardly young punk.

Are you referring to Rihanna & Chris Brown or you & your SO? No offense, but isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black? I'm just saying...:huh:
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Like my mother said when we were in Walmart and I told her she better get her cart before somebody reach and take it...
"I ain't worr'd 'bout anybody reach'n cause trust if they do it'll be the last time they reach.:lachen:
No it's never happened to me. I have people I know who almost glorify it like it's some sort of testatment of their men's love to them if they knock the crap out of them. I just don't understand. I put it this way depending on who you're with ('cause we all know that a lot of em don't have it all) he might try that first time but it's up to you whether it continues. I've dealt with my share of Crazies but not one bold enough to come at me sideways like that. They don't wanna have to get no kind of physical with me not like that. lol.
Plus my parents have been together for like 28 years and as hot headed as my dad is he has never been fool enough to try it. Maybe he thought about it, lol, but that's it. And as sweet as my mother is she's not for the bs when it comes to him even talking to her any kind of way so I can't imagine him trying to swing.
HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He would no even dare lay a finger on me and he knows what to expect from me. I don't play the smack, bang, bruise, baby I'm sorry game! I can forgive a lot of things but this is one of those "mishaps" that I won't let pass. He could do it again after that and figure that if I forgive him once, I could forgive him more than once. I may not hit you back on the spot, but you'd better sleep with one eye opened because I WILL STRIKE BACK!
Hit me only once! :rofl: It will be the last time!
HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He would no even dare lay a finger on me and he knows what to expect from me. I don't play the smack, bang, bruise, baby I'm sorry game! I can forgive a lot of things but this is one of those "mishaps" that I won't let pass. He could do it again after that and figure that if I forgive him once, I could forgive him more than once. I may not hit you back on the spot, but you'd better sleep with one eye opened because I WILL STRIKE BACK!
Hit me only once! :rofl: It will be the last time!
With men it's all the same. Cheating...Lying...Hitting...Verbal Assaults
If you let it slide once it's gonna happen again. Sorry. I don't care if it's 10 minutes later or 10 years later. It's inevitable. I've never had a man grab, or hit or any of that crap before. But once...ONE TIME out of all my dating experience I had one to call me a B.
Well let's just say that ended our dealings right away. Well, not before taking my house keys across his car doors and my "cousin" to his house door. I'm just saying I've run into him twice since and he looks the other way.:lachen:

Disclaimer: I in no way advocate vehicle keying or violent setups but that's how I felt at the time. What!? I was young ya'll.
uh huh...i had mines hit me once...next thing I know, he was on his way to the emergency room gettin stitches... i don't play those games, especially since i'm the only girl in my family. my brothers taught me well. then his mother tried to call me with an attitude cuz her son called her from the emergency room cryin ..and i told her straight up...yeah, i sliced his azzzz and will do it again. i'm somebody else's child too..and the next time he decides to put his hands on me again, you'll be making funeral arrangements and buying a burial plot over at Harmony Cemetary.

She doesn't speak to me too much, but ask me if i give a dayum. hell to da no. i warmed dat azzz up and won't hesitate to do it again...
I cant talk ish, cus I've never loved anyone that has put their hands on me, one time I was dating someone that did and I got out of there quick fast with no hesitations, I say to each their own but dont be surprised if he goes upside ur head again cus if he did it one time he can damn sure do it again. My homegirl is going thru it now her man slapped her once and said he'd never do it again, 5 months later he had his hand all up in her face but then goes and says 'baby i wouldnt do that to u, u know that.' ummm excuse me brotha but you've done it already!
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uh huh...i had mines hit me once...next thing I know, he was on his way to the emergency room gettin stitches... i don't play those games, especially since i'm the only girl in my family. my brothers taught me well. then his mother tried to call me with an attitude cuz her son called her from the emergency room cryin ..and i told her straight up...yeah, i sliced his azzzz and will do it again. i'm somebody else's child too..and the next time he decides to put his hands on me again, you'll be making funeral arrangements and buying a burial plot over at Harmony Cemetary.

She doesn't speak to me too much, but ask me if i give a dayum. hell to da no. i warmed dat azzz up and won't hesitate to do it again...
Am I twisted for saying I love this? :lachen:
I've always thought that if he hits you and then you turn around and whoop that a%$, but stay together, eventually that would lead to the vicious "Harpo and Sophia" cycle where they were both always beating the crap out of each other. Too much disrespect even if only done once - better to just leave.
It has never happened to me, and I don't know anyone else who it has. Maybe they don't talk about it.

I would be too concerned to stay OP. Is he really verbally "stern" with you? Usually with people like those it escalates. Has he ever been drunk around you? What does he do?

What in the world was going on when he hit you? I just don't think I believe a good man would hit his girl ever.
"You've heard the classic "Baby, it'll never happen, again!" from abusive men, but do you or anyone that you know been hit before and it never happened again? My boyfriend hit me once, and after whaling on his *** I think he'd rather cut off his testicles than let it happen again. I don't mind admitting it to help someone else. It's amazing how women open up to you once they've found that you've experienced the same thing. Anyway, I feel as dumb as Rihanna although I don't consider myself in an abusive relationship :cry:

I just watched a special on CNN about her. I usually don't follow celebrity gossip because I think people who do are loosers. No offense to anyone! It's just so sad to see such a beautiful young women settle for such an immature, cowardly young punk.

Are you referring to Rihanna & Chris Brown or you & your SO? No offense, but isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black? I'm just saying...:huh:
:clap: @ the red
See, I don't really know... I know that I don't condone hitting at all, I don't really let situations go that far... But, I know a girl who got into an altercation with her husband and literally the next day she moved her and her daughter out. So for the next year and a couple of months they spent working on their relationship and then she finally moved back in. And that was 3 years ago. I don't necessarily believe that if he hits you once, he'll hit you again. But, I do think that after something like that happens, going straight back to him won't help because you seriously have to evaluate thing. Such as, what led up to it, do you really wanna work on it, do you think that the situation can be worked out and other stuff... So, when women automatically go back, that's not really good because you both need some personal time to think about things. And you just can't do that while he's all up in your face talking about " Baby please!!! Baby it will never happen again".

But, after all of that if he hits you again, CUT HIM!!!:grin:
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I have never been hit by a boyfriend. When I was nineteen, I was on the phone with a boyfriend who threatened to hit me. I hung up and never called him again. :)
Oh hell no. I don't care how apologetic he is...once he knows you will stick around after hurting and disrespecting you in one of the lowest forms, he can and will do it again. It never just happens once, and sadly there are still women who believe this. I told my SO (not that he is that type of man) that if he even looked like he want to push, grab, hit, kick, punch, slap, spit on, or choke me that he better kill me or I will be attending his funeral. He laughed, but I was dead serious... :look:

lol...had a similar talk with my fiance...
I have zero tolerance for abuse.
for all the ladies sayin nope, one time would do it, i would like to know have any of you been hit by a man and bounced after that first hit? and im not talkin we were together for 2 months. im talkin the man was ur true love and ended up puttin his hands on u.
for all the ladies sayin nope, one time would do it, i would like to know have any of you been hit by a man and bounced after that first hit? and im not talkin we were together for 2 months. im talkin the man was ur true love and ended up puttin his hands on u.

Baby...Ain't that much love in this world. Whether it's 10 months or 10 years, no man says "Damn I love this woman!" while he's beating you down, so what's love got to do with it.

No I've never been hit, but I have been pushed, and I will tell you that that fool never heard from me again. I do not think you have to have a history of abuse to know what your reaction will be, just like I don't have to smoke crack to know that it turns you into an ashy, toothless mess. So...I hope this answers your question...
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yes, well i really believe until someone is in that particular situation with someone they really love they can't predict what they might do.

i say this because i saw my mother get abused growin up and always said that would NEVER be me. guy puts his hands on me hes through!! but when i was in love and it finally happened what did i do, stay of course like a douche. now it wasnt beating like punching in the face or anything that left marks but abuse none the less. eventually i got outta there and am happily single.

Baby...Ain't that much love in this world. Whether it's 10 months or 10 years, no man says "Damn I love this woman!" while he's beating you down, so what's love got to do with it.

No I've never been hit, but I have been pushed, and I will tell you that that fool never heard from me again. I do not think you have to have a history of abuse to know what your reaction will be, just like I don't have to smoke crack to know that it turns into a ashy, toothless mess. So...I hope this answers your question.
Oh hell no. I don't care how apologetic he is...once he knows you will stick around after hurting and disrespecting you in one of the lowest forms, he can and will do it again. It never just happens once, and sadly there are still women who believe this. I told my SO (not that he is that type of man) that if he even looked like he want to push, grab, hit, kick, punch, slap, spit on, or choke me that he better kill me or I will be attending his funeral. He laughed, but I was dead serious... :look:

Same thing I said to my ex. No man better no EVA try to go there with me. When I'm mad I lose my mind and have no remorse...:look: If a man is going to hit me you better make sure you kill and my momma, my dad, brother, cousin, sister, and uncles....:yep:
yes, well i really believe until someone is in that particular situation with someone they really love they can't predict what they might do.

i say this because i saw my mother get abused growin up and always said that would NEVER be me. guy puts his hands on me hes through!! but when i was in love and it finally happened what did i do, stay of course like a douche. now it wasnt beating like punching in the face or anything that left marks but abuse none the less. eventually i got outta there and am happily single.

I do not agree with this just for the simple fact that I am the type of woman where I do not have to live through someting to know what my actions will be. I am not saying you are wrong, but I feel that each individual goes through their own process of drawing conclusions, and mine is fairly straight forward. I didn't grow up in an abusive house, my father did not abuse my mother, and I was taught early on by both of my parents to have a zero tolerance for it.
Same thing I said to my ex. No man better no EVA try to go there with me. When I'm mad I lose my mind and have no remorse...:look: If a man is going to hit me you better make sure you kill and my momma, my dad, brother, cousin, sister, and uncles....:yep:

...pets, friends, grandparents, play-sisters. You better do them all cause you are going to have an army coming after you. I pity the fool...!
for all the ladies sayin nope, one time would do it, i would like to know have any of you been hit by a man and bounced after that first hit? and im not talkin we were together for 2 months. im talkin the man was ur true love and ended up puttin his hands on u.
It has never happened to me but I know people to whom this has happened. I don't call it love when you feel the right to raise your hand on me :nono: It's a turn off and whatever love I had for you turns into fear and disgust. The same goes for me. I won't be violent or abusive (verbally or physically) with you regardless of the situation because it escalates and you are a human being just like me.
I've never fought in my whole life, but if I have to I'll defend myself (that's my motto).
about 10 years ago my ex hit me...a few times (father of the kids). to be honest i forgot about it or maybe i purged it out of my memory. about a month ago he had an incident with his other child and my daughter said he roughed her up and they had to part them from fighting. i was like WHAT???:sad: few weeks later he did same thing to my child.

My daughter is not interested in seeing him again.

I don't know whats wrong this man but when this happened it all came back to my memory.

he is my EX now but not because he hit me, unfortunately.
I've learned first hand that if he hits you once, he will hit you again. I will NEVER settle for a man thats willing to put his hands on me. :nono: