Have you ever been followed in the Beauty Supply Store?


New Member
I've recently been followed 2 times :lachen:

Okay... this first time the woman didn't actually FOLLOW me. I noticed that she was trying to see what products I was picking up. She was another customer.

That was surprising since I have short hair! I don't know what reason she had for paying attention to little old me. :perplexed

The second time a man that worked in the store followed me through 2 aisles while I was shopping :mad:

As if I'm a thief. I stopped and looked at him and was like "Why the :censored:
are you following me?" That stopped him.

My bf was waiting outside (he won't go in any bss with me :lachen:) and I told him what happened and he got PISSED off. He went back in there and caused a small scene.

Do you have any BSS stories?

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...besides the Sudanese security guard trying to take me to dinner?:look: I've never been followed, probably because most of the ones around here have black employees but I saw an interesting scene in one before. There was a group of 2 girls and 3 guys and lets just say the roles were reversed:ohwell: One boy had on the prettiest pearl bracelet and was looking crazy when I picked up the big black magnetic rollers (I had on a snood). He was whispering something and I caught him and was like what did you say? He said "are those rollers?" I was like yea then he's looking at my head in the snood like how in the world...I was just like I have enough hair for these under here! He was like "Ooooh, I bet that's gon' be purty!" Him and his stankin friends (somebody smelled-funny) were checking out and the butch girl tried to hand him the bag and he was like "Unh unh, that's a man's job honey. You wanna play the role, be the role." :lachen:
I have been followed , but it was when I had that brazilian wave in my hair. LOL, this lady thought it was my hair and kept watching me . when I was ready to leave she finally asked me what i was using to keep my ends moisturized. So, I gave her some tips. She even went as far as touching "my hair" and telling my how soft it was for such a curly texture....if she only knew.

I've also been to the beauty supply in a flea market and was minding my own business when i over heard the clerk (owner, i assume) telling this group of 3-4 teens that they had been in the store too long and that they had to leave if they weren't buying anything. WTF? I turned around and left at that time too. He will never get any business from me or anyone I know.
Yeah uuummmm the ppl in the bbs know me by face lol They smile when I come in becuase they know I'm going to spend big money lol:lachen:. One time one of the bbs workers was ringing up my stuff and shouted out to everyone in the store. "This girl she buy good good products." lol Everyone was looking at me:rolleyes:
...besides the Sudanese security guard trying to take me to dinner?:look: I've never been followed, probably because most of the ones around here have black employees but I saw an interesting scene in one before. There was a group of 2 girls and 3 guys and lets just say the roles were reversed:ohwell: One boy had on the prettiest pearl bracelet and was looking crazy when I picked up the big black magnetic rollers (I had on a snood). He was whispering something and I caught him and was like what did you say? He said "are those rollers?" I was like yea then he's looking at my head in the snood like how in the world...I was just like I have enough hair for these under here! He was like "Ooooh, I bet that's gon' be purty!" Him and his stankin friends (somebody smelled-funny) were checking out and the butch girl tried to hand him the bag and he was like "Unh unh, that's a man's job honey. You wanna play the role, be the role." :lachen:

That's so funny! :lachen::lachen:

The bss I was in with the worker had a pretty diverse staff. Black, white and hispanic. They guy following me looked Mexican. :nono:
I had a lady tell me not to open and smell the products and I was basically like "If I don't like the smell, I'm not going to buy it". She went on to say that if I open them they are not new anymore. I was like:rolleyes:. I basically left.

Then (same store...I was looking for confrontation this time) she asked if I had cash and I said "No, I am going to use my debit card." She was like "You don't have 5 dollah?" I was like "NO. You know what that's ok I'll just spend my money at a different beauty supply..." She snatched that card up off the counter QUICK!

I still go there sometimes and she is really nice to me now.:lachen:
I have been followed , but it was when I had that brazilian wave in my hair. LOL, this lady thought it was my hair and kept watching me . when I was ready to leave she finally asked me what i was using to keep my ends moisturized. So, I gave her some tips. She even went as far as touching "my hair" and telling my how soft it was for such a curly texture....if she only knew.

I've also been to the beauty supply in a flea market and was minding my own business when i over heard the clerk (owner, i assume) telling this group of 3-4 teens that they had been in the store too long and that they had to leave if they weren't buying anything. WTF? I turned around and left at that time too. He will never get any business from me or anyone I know.

That's a shame!

Yeah uuummmm the ppl in the bbs know me by face lol They smile when I come in becuase they know I'm going to spend big money lol:lachen:. One time one of the bbs workers was ringing up my stuff and shouted out to everyone in the store. "This girl she buy good good products." lol Everyone was looking at me:rolleyes:


I had a lady tell me not to open and smell the products and I was basically like "If I don't like the smell, I'm not going to buy it". She went on to say that if I open them they are not new anymore. I was like:rolleyes:. I basically left.

Then (same store...I was looking for confrontation this time) she asked if I had cash and I said "No, I am going to use my debit card." She was like "You don't have 5 dollah?" I was like "NO. You know what that's ok I'll just spend my money at a different beauty supply..." She snatched that card up off the counter QUICK!

I still go there sometimes and she is really nice to me now.:lachen:

You crazy :lol:
Yeah uuummmm the ppl in the bbs know me by face lol They smile when I come in becuase they know I'm going to spend big money lol:lachen:. One time one of the bbs workers was ringing up my stuff and shouted out to everyone in the store. "This girl she buy good good products." lol Everyone was looking at me:rolleyes:
I have this at couple of BSS!:lachen:
But, I now they still eyeing me!:rolleyes::lachen:
Well, about a month ago I had enough hair to rock a twist out pony puff, which imo looked great.. it was big and fluffy and I always god 2nd looks.. I knew it was from the puff cause this had never happened to me before.

So anyhoo.. I wasn't in a BSS store, I was in WalMart and I needed to pick up some conditioner. The way the aisle is set up, you need to walk by the black hair care stuff first than there are the other hair care stuff.. there was a girl looking at the black hair care stuff and when she saw me coming she was looking at what I would buy... I think she went into a mini shock when she saw me walts RIGHT past the black hair care stuff and straight to Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. :grin: She did look sorta confused.
yes. whenever i go with my sister, i purposely start reading ingredients out loud, and discussing the horrors of petrolatum, sulfates, and mineral oil. before i leave, i always get 2 or 3 people to stop and ask me to clarify what i was talking about, and i've even helped one lady find a good shampoo / conditioner for her hair!
God, I went to this one beauty supply store from when I first went natural so long ago and my daughter was just a baby that I knew the owners by name and she saw me all while I was very sick and at times she actually teared up when she saw me sick, and when she saw my daughter recently all grown up she was tearing up and all hugging us hard, all the Salley's in my old neighborhood all knew me well too, , and I always went in only when I was about to stock up! People would be staring at me and all I was buying every time, it was funny actually, I always felt like I was doing something totally crazy buying all that stuff in bulk by the way folks would be staring and trippin

But, Out here in farm country, I think I would be seriously watched and followed, there is only one Salley's I know of in this whole area and all the other BSS are not really catering to the ethnic group! now I order online or have to make the drive-or I could just say flip it and get into that Salley's and get to know them really well! :grin:

These stories are a trip though! good post!

lol@ 'you dont have 5 dolla?"

these stories are funny. I generally don't have problems at the Beauty Supply store.
The was in one in particular i used to go that had mirrors up EVERYWHERE> The mirrors that they have at blind spot street corners? Them! :lachen:

I used to be in there often, but now that I've moved I go to one in the 'hood' and they are pretty nice. It really choked up in there, but you can get what you need.
They always be eyeballing me up and down at the one around the corner. I try not to go to that one anyway. You have to check your bags and everything. I feel all . . . dirty when I'm in there and haven't even done anything.
Yeah uuummmm the ppl in the bbs know me by face lol They smile when I come in becuase they know I'm going to spend big money lol:lachen:. One time one of the bbs workers was ringing up my stuff and shouted out to everyone in the store. "This girl she buy good good products." lol Everyone was looking at me:rolleyes:

I get this at my 3 main suppliers, lol:lachen:. Once I went to get some human hair for freestyle braids and the korean guy told me no I have to much hair for braids and that my hair was gonna fall out if I kept getting braids. He then tried to school me on how my hair wouldn't really be protected if I left the ends loose and that so many woman want hair my length. I was in shock, lol.
They always be eyeballing me up and down at the one around the corner. I try not to go to that one anyway. You have to check your bags and everything. I feel all . . . dirty when I'm in there and haven't even done anything.

lol@ feeling dirty!

ya'll are craking me up!
Well, about a month ago I had enough hair to rock a twist out pony puff, which imo looked great.. it was big and fluffy and I always god 2nd looks.. I knew it was from the puff cause this had never happened to me before.

So anyhoo.. I wasn't in a BSS store, I was in WalMart and I needed to pick up some conditioner. The way the aisle is set up, you need to walk by the black hair care stuff first than there are the other hair care stuff.. there was a girl looking at the black hair care stuff and when she saw me coming she was looking at what I would buy... I think she went into a mini shock when she saw me walts RIGHT past the black hair care stuff and straight to Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. :grin: She did look sorta confused.

:lol: Hopefully she got good results from it!

yes. whenever i go with my sister, i purposely start reading ingredients out loud, and discussing the horrors of petrolatum, sulfates, and mineral oil. before i leave, i always get 2 or 3 people to stop and ask me to clarify what i was talking about, and i've even helped one lady find a good shampoo / conditioner for her hair!

That's nice of you! Spread the knowledge :clapping:

God, I went to this one beauty supply store from when I first went natural so long ago and my daughter was just a baby that I knew the owners by name and she saw me all while I was very sick and at times she actually teared up when she saw me sick, and when she saw my daughter recently all grown up she was tearing up and all hugging us hard, all the Salley's in my old neighborhood all knew me well too, , and I always went in only when I was about to stock up! People would be staring at me and all I was buying every time, it was funny actually, I always felt like I was doing something totally crazy buying all that stuff in bulk by the way folks would be staring and trippin

But, Out here in farm country, I think I would be seriously watched and followed, there is only one Salley's I know of in this whole area and all the other BSS are not really catering to the ethnic group! now I order online or have to make the drive-or I could just say flip it and get into that Salley's and get to know them really well! :grin:

These stories are a trip though! good post!

lol@ 'you dont have 5 dolla?"


I'm happy you're all better now!

Just HOW MUCH were you buying?! lol
I get this at my 3 main suppliers, lol:lachen:. Once I went to get some human hair for freestyle braids and the korean guy told me no I have to much hair for braids and that my hair was gonna fall out if I kept getting braids. He then tried to school me on how my hair wouldn't really be protected if I left the ends loose and that so many woman want hair my length. I was in shock, lol.

What!? :lachen: He knows a little something about black people's hair.
...besides the Sudanese security guard trying to take me to dinner?:look: I've never been followed, probably because most of the ones around here have black employees but I saw an interesting scene in one before. There was a group of 2 girls and 3 guys and lets just say the roles were reversed:ohwell: One boy had on the prettiest pearl bracelet and was looking crazy when I picked up the big black magnetic rollers (I had on a snood). He was whispering something and I caught him and was like what did you say? He said "are those rollers?" I was like yea then he's looking at my head in the snood like how in the world...I was just like I have enough hair for these under here! He was like "Ooooh, I bet that's gon' be purty!" Him and his stankin friends (somebody smelled-funny) were checking out and the butch girl tried to hand him the bag and he was like "Unh unh, that's a man's job honey. You wanna play the role, be the role." :lachen:

omg girl they would've known i was listening to their conversation because i would've burst out laughing!!
Only once in a bad way. I live in a pretty big city so there are tons of bss. One I frequent often got a new lady and she worked the weave section, but it's kind of small so she walks in other areas. Anyway, she was tryna be all slick about it by staying out of the aisle but in the front section of where I was. I noticed she was always there after a min. Finally she got bold and started looking back and forth when I was over in front of the nasty B&B section. Please. Like I'd even use Pump It Up, let alone steal it. Silly Asian bss lady :hammer:
I was buying a little phony pony wrap that I like to wear and the Asian store owner was following me around looking dead at my hair. When I go to purchase my pony she asks me "what wig you have on you buy here?" I was like wig? This is my natural hair.( I wore my hair down). In broken ass English She says "then why you buy fake hair if your hair? That no your hair I see!" As she touches my hair!!! Yaul know that she was VIOLATION FOR REAL!:210: She asked me if I was mixed. I said I just want to pay for my hair please. She finally took my money after causing a scene. The nerve of some people.
I was buying a little phony pony wrap that I like to wear and the Asian store owner was following me around looking dead at my hair. When I go to purchase my pony she asks me "what wig you have on you buy here?" I was like wig? This is my natural hair.( I wore my hair down). In broken ass English She says "then why you buy fake hair if your hair? That no your hair I see!" As she touches my hair!!! Yaul know that she was VIOLATION FOR REAL!:210: She asked me if I was mixed. I said I just want to pay for my hair please. She finally took my money after causing a scene. The nerve of some people.

That's grounds for a mini beat down right there.

...besides the Sudanese security guard trying to take me to dinner?:look: I've never been followed, probably because most of the ones around here have black employees but I saw an interesting scene in one before. There was a group of 2 girls and 3 guys and lets just say the roles were reversed:ohwell: One boy had on the prettiest pearl bracelet and was looking crazy when I picked up the big black magnetic rollers (I had on a snood). He was whispering something and I caught him and was like what did you say? He said "are those rollers?" I was like yea then he's looking at my head in the snood like how in the world...I was just like I have enough hair for these under here! He was like "Ooooh, I bet that's gon' be purty!" Him and his stankin friends (somebody smelled-funny) were checking out and the butch girl tried to hand him the bag and he was like "Unh unh, that's a man's job honey. You wanna play the role, be the role." :lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I'am at work right now trying not to die!!
I have been followed, but I now know how to handle it because of my mom. One day we were in Walmart and my mom was looking at the towels. I was in my own world( I'm not into design). Well my mom whispered to me, "Is she following us?" I turned around and saw this yt lady actually following us down every aisle. Next thing I know my momma turned around real fast and got all in that lady's face and said," Are you following me? while staring a hole in her. This lady was shaking so bad. She said,"No." My mom said, " Well why is it every time I go down a aisle you're right behind me? Do you have a problem." That lady about peed her pants. I was in the next aisle on the floor howling.

So next time you get followed confront them. I have turned people into District Managers for that. Also this guy followed me in the bss last week but he was trying to rap. I still told him he needed to go help the woman screen for help OVER THERE.
i've never gotten followed around, but here's this shoebox of a BSS store in my town, i mean its tight up in there i almost get claustrophobic when i go. i had the nerve to go up in there and stumbled upon some of those nyx eyeshadows that i heard some of u ladies rave about up here....well while i was looking thru the shadows i noticed one of the store employees peekin at me out the side of her eye, she looked away real quick like when i saw she was eyein me up and down...i should have said something but i didn't...

i got so ill.....homegirl thought i wanted to steal some 3 dollar eyeshadow,i thinks not. i dont plan on going back there....
I have been followed, but I now know how to handle it because of my mom. One day we were in Walmart and my mom was looking at the towels. I was in my own world( I'm not into design). Well my mom whispered to me, "Is she following us?" I turned around and saw this yt lady actually following us down every aisle. Next thing I know my momma turned around real fast and got all in that lady's face and said," Are you following me? while staring a hole in her. This lady was shaking so bad. She said,"No." My mom said, " Well why is it every time I go down a aisle you're right behind me? Do you have a problem." That lady about peed her pants. I was in the next aisle on the floor howling.

So next time you get followed confront them. I have turned people into District Managers for that. Also this guy followed me in the bss last week but he was trying to rap. I still told him he needed to go help the woman screen for help OVER THERE.

That's good for her! Bet she won't be following people around anymore! :lachen:

P.S. seems like your mama don't play lol
i've never gotten followed around, but here's this shoebox of a BSS store in my town, i mean its tight up in there i almost get claustrophobic when i go. i had the nerve to go up in there and stumbled upon some of those nyx eyeshadows that i heard some of u ladies rave about up here....well while i was looking thru the shadows i noticed one of the store employees peekin at me out the side of her eye, she looked away real quick like when i saw she was eyein me up and down...i should have said something but i didn't...

i got so ill.....homegirl thought i wanted to steal some 3 dollar eyeshadow,i thinks not. i dont plan on going back there....

I know...

I was looking at cheap arse semi permanent colors. 3-5 dollars each. It's not like I'm even looking at something steal worthy.
I was buying a little phony pony wrap that I like to wear and the Asian store owner was following me around looking dead at my hair. When I go to purchase my pony she asks me "what wig you have on you buy here?" I was like wig? This is my natural hair.( I wore my hair down). In broken ass English She says "then why you buy fake hair if your hair? That no your hair I see!" As she touches my hair!!! Yaul know that she was VIOLATION FOR REAL!:210: She asked me if I was mixed. I said I just want to pay for my hair please. She finally took my money after causing a scene. The nerve of some people.

ok you are better than me because she would've got a 'omg these teens these days are so disrespectful' beat down from me.
I've recently been followed 2 times :lachen:

Okay... this first time the woman didn't actually FOLLOW me. I noticed that she was trying to see what products I was picking up. She was another customer.

That was surprising since I have short hair! I don't know what reason she had for paying attention to little old me. :perplexed

The second time a man that worked in the store followed me through 2 aisles while I was shopping :mad:

As if I'm a thief. I stopped and looked at him and was like "Why the :censored: are you following me?" That stopped him.

My bf was waiting outside (he won't go in any bss with me :lachen:) and I told him what happened and he got PISSED off. He went back in there and caused a small scene.

Do you have any BSS stories?

Nah..not 'atoll'. I cheese it, greet and speak to the owners upon entering so they know me well from all my 'just browsing' visits. I am never watched, followed or questioned...they know I bring the green paper!:lachen: