Have you eveer had anyone Talk negatively about your hair when theirs is to' Up?


I am working on taking better care of my hair this year. My hair has suffered much and i didn't dare to tell anyone how to take care of their hair. I was talking to a friend at work about my transitioning and immenent BC. My friend was supportive and was giving me good advice. Another girl who only wears a phony pony had the nerve to yell at me. Why you cutting your hair? Your hair will never grow. Now I just want to smack her because she's being loud and rolling her eyes at me. I just told her hair is hair. It will grow back. She then proceeds to get another person involved in the conversation. That person says: Your hair looks better like it is....Meanwhile, the loud woman never does anything with her hair. Why do people do this? I am limiting my time with them. The sad thing is that I let the negative comments sway me from my natural course last year. This year, I have alot more positive than negative haters. Has anyone else expeienced this?:ohwell:
yes I can relate, and the funny/ironic thing that happens next is that those same people will be begging you to spill your "secret" once your hair appears to be noticably longer :lol:
Yep. It pissed me off because ole girl doesn't even know how to do her own hair. She wore micro braids for about 4 months and didn't wash them or keep them moisturized. I let her know that her hair was dry(I wanted to cough to emphasize it) as hell and that it was going to break. When she finally took them down her hair came out right along with the braid. My braider told me that it had dry rotted.:eek: Since then she kind of watches what she says.
It's happened to me a lot! And it's always someone with chewed up relaxed hair talking about my afro. I couldn't care any less though. People like that are just insecure in themselves and it doesn't bother me. I'm to happy, proud,and confident in myself to be phased.
I got asked last weekend at the grocery store what kind of tracks I was using..

I :lol: and said, nah boo this is all mine, she was like :mad:

uncutandgettinglonger said:
Laughing at "chewed up relaxed hair".

Aint that the truth though???

The chewed up relaxed hair is why I'm Bcing this Saturday. I wouldn't dare give advice with the way my hair is looking. This is why I don't get why this person had the nerve to call me out!:lol: I'm glad to not be the only one with this problem.
If someone called me out and their hair was a mess, I would kindly return the sentiment. If someone is just talking smack about your hair, it could be because they see you making progress and wish they knew what you were doing.
This is one reason why I'm glad I'm around mostly white people all the time, b/c then I ai't gotta deal with all that hate. I have a few sista's in some of my classes, but I don't really know any of them.
uncutandgettinglonger said:
This is one reason why I'm glad I'm around mostly white people all the time, b/c then I ai't gotta deal with all that hate. I have a few sista's in some of my classes, but I don't really know any of them.

A dang shame that sisters make u not want to be around them. They should be happy for ya, cuz most of us as Back women have had the same hair struggles...