Have anyone ever asked you...


Well-Known Member
how many sexual partners you've had?

If so, how did you respond?

Do you think it's something your partner needs to know?

Do you want to know?

I was asked this recently. I blank stared and told him it was none of his business. He stated that it's important to know your partner's sexual past. I said know it's important to know any present consequences of your partner's sexual past (HIV status, babies, past preganacies, past homie smashing, etc) (We've never colored by the way).
What do you think?
actually now that i think about it, with my ex, he blabbed on & on about his sexual history and never really asked about mine (which was nonexistent, but he did not even know that for a while).

i haven't been asked since high school.
A guy asked me that once, but we didn't even have a physical relationship. He was quickly checked and told it wasn't his business.

All he needs to know is your CURRENT status, i.e STIs, HIV, etc. And if the 2 of you are not exclusive, you should be upfront about that as well.

I personally don't think pregnancies are fair game, unless the 2 of you are TTC and having fertility issues.
maybe once or twice.....its not a common question in my experience of dealing with dudes

my response to that is

don't ask me questions you really don't want to know the answer too
so what is it you want to know

no more questions
I've been asked this a couple of times and it was always by someone that I was about to be intimate with. I think its fair game though I don't really trust guys to be honest in their response to the question. While knowing their STD status should be enough, I don't trust guys to be on top of that even if they think they are. Most doctors won't check for STDs unless you identify yourself as having several partners so the person may think everything is fine when its not. Or they may have been tested for HIV years ago but not since their most recent partner or never for any other diseases.

If a guy tells you that he has had 8 partners then you may say that's reasonable given his age and experience but if he tells you he has had 400 partners then you will probably insist that he get tested immediately even if he claims to have a clean bill of health. I'd actually go with him and get tested at the same time and insist on getting our results at the same time. That's the only way you'll be sure.
Ive been asked once or twice by guys. The most recent was on the medical form I had to fill out for my new OB/GYN. Never seen that one before. I got a chuckle out of it. The most Im used to seeing on forms is: are sexual active?
how many sexual partners you've had?

If so, how did you respond?

I told them, it's nothing to be shocked over.It depends on how close our relationship is. I wouldnt volunteer the number to just anyone.

Do you think it's something your partner needs to know?

It depends again.....if your partner is the type to care then you'd probably want to be upfront with them before they find out later and cause problems.

Do you want to know?

Not really. I'd want to know if it's in the hundreds or close.

I was asked this recently. I blank stared and told him it was none of his business. He stated that it's important to know your partner's sexual past. I said know it's important to know any present consequences of your partner's sexual past (HIV status, babies, past preganacies, past homie smashing, etc) (We've never colored by the way).
What do you think?

I think it's just up to you. Some people will discuss it freely while others dont. I like to discuss these things if Im going to be in a relationship with the person.