Have any of you heard of Ultra Black Hair Products

I myself never tried them but.... Some of the ladies did have some nice reviews on it especially the deep conditioner. The Dew spray is a little over priced though.
Of course that's why I started my hair journey and how I found LHCF.:yep: I loved her DC and book but never tried anything else.
Yeah, Cathy Howse was the start of my HHJ. I didn't care to much for her conditioner or cream moisturizer, but her book inspired me and gave me hope.
I use to the conditioner 3 years. Its a strong peppermint smell and it stimulates the scalp. It does make your hair hard. It's a protein conditioner. I would have to follow up with a moisture conditioner right after. It did help to give me healthy hair and my hair was 2 inches past shoulder length at that time. And at that time I didnt know jack about hair care. But I no longer use it. The main ingredients are peppermint and aloe vera. You can add a little aloe vera and peppermint oil to your regular conditioner and get the same effect.

But I love the moisturizing creme. It makes my hair real soft after I wash and condition. It has cones. But cones do not bother me. I still use it til this day
Cathy Howse taught me that Black women can grow their hair long too, it just takes a lot of care. I purchased her conditioner and the moisturizer, I didn't care too much for them and gave them away. But I will always credit Cathy for opening my eyes.
Actually I like Cathy Howse's moisturizer.. I got a sample as a result of a swap. My hair retains moisture when I use it. I haven't tried the conditioner though.
I'm still a Cathy Howse faithful. I've read her book a few times and have used all 3 of her products. Dew is the best spray moisturizer in the world!!! (for me :P)

Her DC is a hard/strong protein treatment so you do need to follow up with a moisturizing conditioner if you use it. It's really good though. It does stimulate your scalp and makes your hair considerably stronger. I was using it once a week, every week, and my hair was resilient and much healthier.

Her creme moisturizer is also amazing. When my hair needs heavier moisturizers, I use this; sometimes by itself, sometimes mixed with NTM leave-in or John Frieda's Night serum. My hair is always soft, shiny, and bouncy. It's not oily and it has no smell :)

As for her dew moisturizer, I ran out a while ago but haven't purchased more because of money... lol. I do need it though as it's a staple of mine. I use it after I've finished washing and seal with NTM leave-in and oils. I also use it before flat ironing, as a heat protectant. It does wonders, smells yummy, and is very light. Leaves my hair swangin' :P

I recommend everything she has as everything she has done and sold has done me wonders; to each, his or her own, however. She's also why I started my hair journey. After my mom big-trimmed my hair last year, I used her products faithfully, was on point with my moisture/protein balance like she said. I retained a lot of length and my hair grew like weed... until I stopped lol.
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