Have any of you ever experienced adverse side effects from hair products ?


Well-Known Member
I have myself this past spring after I tried a product line suggested by a blogger who was promoting the product. To make a long story short, I bought the hair sample size and within 2 weeks I lost skin discoloration on both sides of my face with intense itching and peeling. At the time, I was wearing my hair in a braidout style and because of my hair length it was touching my face from time to time. Also, I had wore my hair flatironed and wrapped and part of my hair was also resting on my face kinda like Aaliyah. I was traumatized a bit by this and had to wear makeup to cover it up. ( I still have to wear makeup everyday to cover it up) On top of that my dermatologist banned me from using the product and prescribed me cream to rub on my face to help get my skin tone back in those places. My skin tone has started to return on one side of my face but the other side of my face is still not back to normal and I have to wear concealer to help cover it up. And then to make matters worse, when I mentioned it to the blogger who had recommended the product, she banned me from her website which really made me feel stupid and duped. But that experience has been an eye opener for me. Now, I am wary of any " new product line" recommendatoin unless it has been around for a long time, been featured in hair magaizines such as "Carol's Daughter's or is sold in stores. What are your experiences?
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My scalp does not like Silicon Mix.
I was reading here that it contains ceramides, and could not remember why I stopped using it. I bought a large size and lo and behold my scalp itched about 30 seconds after applying to my hair. No other product has that effect on my scalp.
@ levette what product line are you refering to?

It maybe to much perfume. Have you tried it just on your length ?
My scalp does not like Silicon Mix.
I was reading here that it contains ceramides, and could not remember why I stopped using it. I bought a large size and lo and behold my scalp itched about 30 seconds after applying to my hair. No other product has that effect on my scalp.

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Wow I am sorry to hear about your bad experience, especially to have the skin on your face peel. That sounds horrible, I hope things get back to normal for you soon. It's hard because a lot products and techniques that we try are by word of mouth. Also sometimes when you're just starting out on your hair care journey you just want to try any and everything. I had a bad experience using Dr Bronner's 18 in 1 castile soap, recommended by a hair vlogger. I washed my hair with it and everything seemed fine. The next day the skin on my neck was peeling discolored (almost like it was burned). It was pretty bad, I was self conscious about going out in public. My neck was constantly dry, itchy, and peeling no matter what I put on it. I wore a scarf to hide my neck all the time, and it was still pretty warm out. I nicknamed myself alligator neck (although it's no laughing matter). This happened in the beginning of September and my neck is just starting to clear up and is smooth again (Thank God, I really thought it never go back). Ladies please remember to always do a test when trying new products, what may work wonderfully for someone else, may end up being tragic for you.
i'm pretty sure i'm allergic to hawaiian silky 14-n-1. i have a twa and my ear has signs of an allergic reaction, so my doctor prescribed me some medicine.

glad it's not just me allergic to hair products.
I purchased something off of Esty recently (a butter) and I had a terrible reaction.

Scalp was Sore to the Touch/On Fire and it took a minute to get over that.:couchfire: It was terrible.:blush:

Alot of Ladies said they thought it might be the Citrus Oils that were contained in this particular product but to this day, I still am not sure?:perplexed
trust me I threw that product in the trash, if you had seen my face after the reaction you would understand. if you want to know the line- pm me

@ levette what product line are you refering to?

It maybe to much perfume. Have you tried it just on your length ?

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So sorry to hear of your adverse reaction. I hope you feel better. That's why I tend not to buy from vendor that hasn't been long on the scene.
I made a thread about testing products a while back before using them on the entire head

A few products have made me have an allergic reaction. To date

bee mine curly butter (the fragrance my scalp screaming). I use the unscented one just fine.

porosity control: this woke me up out of my sleep I was so nauseous and dizzy I had to wash my hair at 2 in the morning

and a couple of others I cant remember right now.

ETA: Dove detangling spray felt like little pin pricks where it touched my scalp
JBCO gave me a headache out of this world
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Komaza HoneyComb Hair Rejuvenator
I used it on my scalp after I had washed my hair. I did not follow the directions and left it on my scalp and did not rinse it out. After it had been on my head for about 20 minutes, my hands, and especially my fingers, started to severely tingle. I jumped back in the shower and began to rinse my head. Nothing helped. I screamed for my husband and told him to bring me some Bentonite Clay and a bowl. By the time he got to the bathroom, he saw that white, opaque spots had appeared on all my fingers and was creeping up my hand. I had not noticed them before. These spots would not rub off. They grew in quantity as he was mixing the BC.

I was screaming and crying 'cause the pain was so excruciating. It felt like someone was shoving needles up under my nails. He applied the mixture to my scalp, started massaging and all of a sudden, a lot of mucus ran from my nose, the pain stopped and the white spots disappeared. I don't know why I asked for the BC 'cause I was on the verge of calling 911 the pain was so bad. But whatever was in the serum I was allergic to, I feel the BC detoxified my scalp to help remove that ingredient(s) from my system.

To this day I don’t know what I’m allergic to in that serum. The ingredients looked okay to me.

I know it works for others because I’ve read about their experience here.

Komaza HoneyComb Hair Rejuvenator
I used it on my scalp after I had washed my hair. I did not follow the directions and left it on my scalp and did not rinse it out. After it had been on my head for about 20 minutes, my hands, and especially my fingers, started to severely tingle. I jumped back in the shower and began to rinse my head. Nothing helped. I screamed for my husband and told him to bring me some Bentonite Clay and a bowl. By the time he got to the bathroom, he saw that white, opaque spots had appeared on all my fingers and was creeping up my hand. I had not noticed them before. These spots would not rub off. They grew in quantity as he was mixing the BC.

I was screaming and crying 'cause the pain was so excruciating. It felt like someone was shoving needles up under my nails. He applied the mixture to my scalp, started massaging and all of a sudden, a lot of mucus ran from my nose, the pain stopped and the white spots disappeared. I don't know why I asked for the BC 'cause I was on the verge of calling 911 the pain was so bad. But whatever was in the serum I was allergic to, I feel the BC detoxified my scalp to help remove that ingredient(s) from my system.

To this day I don’t know what I’m allergic to in that serum. The ingredients looked okay to me.

I know it works for others because I’ve read about their experience here.

WOW!!! I am glad you had enough strength to know to use BC.
That is horrible and shame on that blogger for banning you. She should've been warning people. I've never had it happen, but my friend had a bad reaction from using on of Mozeke's products. The ingredients look ok, but you just never know...
Sometimes products you've used for a while can attack! It took me a while to realize that Ion clarifying poo caused my scalp to jump and twitch like crazy!

In Sept. I had a HUGE shed. I thought it was a seasonal thing. In Oct. I relaxed and still tangled and shed, which was totally unusual. It suddenly dawned on me that a procuts I'd used for 15 months was making my hair fall out and tangle - Hair One Olive Oil Cleanser! As soon as I used something else, the shedding decreased.

I lost roughly 7 months worth of hair in a few weeks! Thank God I found the culprit!
This is a great thread. I was recently starting to wonder about the hair products I have experimented with since I started getting weird scalp sensations. It also makes me very weary about the products that I will use on my DD.
Victoria's Secret So Sexy conditioner. The slip was fabulous, the side effects not so much - it gave me a major headache and chest pains.
Victoria's Secret So Sexy conditioner. The slip was fabulous, the side effects not so much - it gave me a major headache and chest pains.

I am hesitant to try this conditioner. With so many people falling over themselves talking about how good it smells, I just know the fragrance will kill my scalp.
trust me I threw that product in the trash, if you had seen my face after the reaction you would understand. if you want to know the line- pm me

why can't you post the line here in the forum, so everyone will know to be wary?
I am hesitant to try this conditioner. With so many people falling over themselves talking about how good it smells, I just know the fragrance will kill my scalp.
The smell is :lick:, but it was too :lick: for my allergies. However, I did discover my hair loves BTMS (behentrimonium methosulfate) so now I make sure most of my products contain this ingredient. So out of a scary moment came a positive thing.
The Neutrogena Triple Moisture line causes keep-me-up-at-night itching. Love the smell but :nono:

Anything with too much Vitamin E causes a skin reaction almost like a chemical burn - redness, peeling, liquid.
I think that products in general cause me to have back acne (shampooing and conditioning in the shower and runoff from wet hair afterwards). I try to prevent it by using anti-acne body wash and shower brushes. I think I'm going to try washing my hair in braids in the sink to see if that helps.

It's so funny that you posted this thread...we went to a hair show this weekend and my mom warned me about using random homemade products purchased online and from independent business.

She was like, "Don't go around using all that homemade stuff. Something's going to mess up your pretty hair." lol It sounded silly, but when I thought about, she's right. I have no way of knowing if these products are stable, whether they've been thoroughly tested, or if I'm allergic to something in them. I really wish I could just pick one well known product line and stick with it.
Also, products with tea tree oil burn my skin and scalp. I don't know how people use that stuff. The smell is horrendous and that's an essential oil that is just too strong for me. After that, I stopped relying on something being "natural," making it better.

I tried some tea tree oil skin care (I think it was Desert Essentials or something like that). My skin was on fire and it's sold in Vitamin Shoppes everywhere.
because a lot of people use that product and the blogger tends to visit here and I do not want to put her on blast.

you were probably allergic to a specific ingredient, that could be found in any product. you're not putting them on "blast." it's no one's fault, so don't be afraid to speak up. :yep:
That is horrible and shame on that blogger for banning you. She should've been warning people. I've never had it happen, but my friend had a bad reaction from using on of Mozeke's products. The ingredients look ok, but you just never know...

I had a bad reaction to Mozeke's moisturizing deep conditioner. Scalp was tingling(like a perm was left on for hours), but her other products work just fine. And I have used other products with the same ingredients as the deep conditioner. My poor scalp was sore for days. Other than that I haven't had any proplems.

Ok, so that's what it was! I remember you posting that on naturallycurly, but couldn't find the link to it or remember which product it was. My friend said that her scalp was burning for days as well. Like Solitude said, we have no way of knowing if the products are stable, especially with these kitchen chemists.

OP, you should definitely post the name of the product. She has a large enough following and I doubt any of them will stop buying because of your bad experience.
Strangely enough, EVOO. Not really a product, I know. When I BC'd before, I used extra virgin olive oil almost daily, and my scalp would just be RED, all the time, no discomfort.

I had an allergy test last year, and go figure, I'm allergic to anything and EVERYTHING with leaves on it. So I just stopped using it, and the IC fantasia gel with olive oil in it.

But about a month. Ago, I got a wild hare up my butt, and decided to "preepoo", with EVOO and honey, and a dash of other things.

BAY-BAY, the headache I got was out of this world. I sneezed, and I swore my brain was about to get up and walk out of my head in protest. My entire scalp was throbbing until I washed the EVOO put of my hair. After about an hour, I was back to normal.

Twas a shame, because the softness and manageability I felt after the painfull prepoo was amazing. :(