Has your style changed since going natural?

Has your style in clothing change?

  • yes

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • no

    Votes: 25 50.0%
  • not really/ not sure

    Votes: 10 20.0%

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Well-Known Member
I ask because even though I have NO fashion sense I find myself admiring the styles of the naturals on here. I just got some flowers for my hai,r so I can have my flower on the side, and I love the "afrochic" t-shirts. I want so many of those. I want some of the earthy earrings. I love being natural and the styles of naturals. Everything just seems so much more funky when your natural.

Has this happened to anyone else? Sometimes I feel like if Iget a shirt with a female with a big afro on it it would be TOO much. I don't really see people rocking tees like that. Although I do love to be unique and stand out...I'm just not sure.

So anyone?
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My clothes haven't changed, the only thing that I did was start wearing earrings, the bigger the better.

I'm no fashionista, but I have my own quirky sense of style. I can look cute when I want to. :) Hasn't changed a bit.

Maybe other people perceive it as a big change, but I'm the same old Neith style wise.
Those sound like awesome accessories Geminigirl:yep: its gonna look really cute on you.

As for if my style has changed.......nope can't really say it has, I was born and raised in NYC so I've always been pretty consistently fashion conscious......

But I totally get wanting to step your game up when you see some of these fab naturals. That thread on Esperanza just makes me wanna go on yet another shopping binge in the west village lol:giggle:
I can't say my style has changed since going natural (at least not any more than it would have even if I had stayed relaxed). I've never put a flower or shells in my hair, or went all "earthy" (though I think some people expect that from me).

What has changed is that I find I now appreciate men that give off a "neo-soul" vibe. ;) Can't say I noticed them much before. I like dreadlocks on men much more now than I use to. :yep:
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Sometimes I feel like if Iget a shirt with a female with a big afro on it it would be TOO much. I don't really see people rocking tees like that.
So anyone?

I have a shirt like that but I had that from even when I was relaxed. Maybe I was a contradition? But my style hasn't changed at all and I have yet to wear a big flower in my hair yet. The big earring are cute but with how I dress and my complete lack of style I doubt I can pull it off plus I always get paranoid that it would pull my earlobes down for some crazy reason.

But going natural hasn't affected me other than in hair care. And with my lifestyle now I dress more for function than fashion more times than not.
I've always been into style. I am discovering I have a much "cute/girlish" side than I did relaxed. I'm finally giving into my love of ruffles, lace, bows, sky-high heels, delicate charms and pastels. I'm finding my name (part of my SN, when translated) suits me and my hair more and more each day.
I feel since I'm natural and wear wigs everyday I can change up soo much more and not worry too much about the health of my hair being taken under.I was always a little nervous about my hair as a relaxed but now skys the limit..color,cut,volume..
I can't say my style has changed since going natural (at least not any more than it would have even if I had stayed relaxed). I've never put a flower or shells in my hair, or went all "earthy" (though I think some people expect that from me).

What has changed is that I find I now appreciate men that give off a "neo-soul" vibe. ;) Can't say I noticed them much before. I like dreadlocks on men much more now than I use to. :yep:

Yes me too. This is why I miss Baltimore and DC. Natural was IN out there and very common to see. Guys out there, some, were def on there grown and sexy whereas I have only met clowns out here. I see alot of men with relaxers too:nono::nono:I can't stand that. One time I was massaging my head and it felt so good. I was remembering a post about how it was almost as good as sex, yeah, it was one of those feelings. I want my man to have natural hair so i can massage his head like that. Dreads or just natual I don't care.
Yea...I dress more cute now. I haven't had a bad day since I BD'd a few months ago.

Transition style? I looked like crap 6/7 days a week.
I dress pretty conservative because I work in an office so that part hasn't changed at all.

I have bought a few "Afrocentric" t-shirts but I'm sure I would have worn them back in the day too. I'm not exactly the Bohemian type, but I do admire it on others.
I've always loved fashion and I've always been into ethnic beauty, but I think going natural has helped to expand my love of the varying textures and styling possibilities that make our hair beautiful and unique.
i think i have..but then again i just turned 18 and getting into more "grownup" sophisticated type clothing ..but i have been wanting to try the earthy big earring afro centric look
I always had a "style" and I think my hair adds to it. I add more earrings and I bought a LV in honor of my hair also.lol:grin: I think it made me up my style quota even more so.
I've always dressed "trendy" with a twist but now my hair is natural and wild at times I try to make sure I'm put together a little better. Just to help balance it out, I'm not a girly girl so I don't do jewellery or hair accessories or make up.

I definitely have been thinking about my style recently especially with the season changing. I go for fashion that I like, not that I associate with a state of hair
My clothes haven't changed, the only thing that I did was start wearing earrings, the bigger the better.

I also started wearing earrings more and the bigger the better also. Because I wear twists like 100% of the time, I've now started to wear my twists in a bun to retain more length (which, coinsidentely, has done WONDERS for my retention), I now like to wear bigger earrings. But I wouldn't say my clothes fashion sense has changed.
I was always fashionable, but conservative with it. I stopped being so conservative since I stopped flat ironing. I was only texturized for two years and I only did it twice a year and I cut all of that off once I BC'd. However, now that I'm wearing my hair short and do not flat iron, I find myself trying new funky clothes that I would have never dared try before. I also try more colorful makeup now too. I haven't done the flower thing. Not really me.
I stay the same. I've always been divaish with my style. My earrings have always been big. What has changed is I wear flowers. It didn't work with some of my longer styles. They look cute now.

I still wear the same ration of dresses/skirts too. At first I thought I was going to look like a boy if I didn't wear a dress. Until I went out and saw the male attention. They say it brings out my face.

I say wear your t-shirt. It's better to be a trendsetter than follower any day. I bet someone will want one when they see you.
Not really. I just wear more scarves.

Same here :yep:. I'm not really clothing conscious; I dress for my office the majority of the time, and I hate shopping for clothes or accessories. The only thing I really do more of is wear scarves, and that's to protect my hair or for when I don't feel like doing it.
No. I still have a classic style. I never went all earthy and afrocentric with it. I don't wear the flowers and hat thingys and such. It's just not me despite what my hair is doing.
My style has changed. However, it was not as a result of my hair. It evolves every so often and I expect my tastes will change again completely by next year.
I also started wearing earrings more and the bigger the better also. Because I wear twists like 100% of the time, I've now started to wear my twists in a bun to retain more length (which, coinsidentely, has done WONDERS for my retention), I now like to wear bigger earrings. But I wouldn't say my clothes fashion sense has changed.

My clothes haven't changed, the only thing that I did was start wearing earrings, the bigger the better.

Same here :yep:. I'm not really clothing conscious; I dress for my office the majority of the time, and I hate shopping for clothes or accessories. The only thing I really do more of is wear scarves, and that's to protect my hair or for when I don't feel like doing it.

I concur with all of these. I haven't gon' over board shopping for clothes (just not in the budget) but I have lost my mind with accessories of all kinds. And just the addition of the new earrings w/ matching necklaces, scarves, micro-clips and whatever else I can find to accent my do has actually made my old clothes look brand new.

A store like Charming Charlies will make me lose my mind these days! :spinning:
No not really. When I had a BC, I made a strong effort to remember my earrings and that was all I really did.

I work in a office so I can't get too crazy with things. I don't wear flowers and I always liked headbands.