Has your SO ever cramped your style? Literally?

Would you wear/not wear/ or change a hairstyle to please your SO?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 34.9%
  • No

    Votes: 13 20.6%
  • It would depend on their reasoning...(explain)

    Votes: 28 44.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So, after reading 'the multiple challenges' thread I realised that I'm on the weave challenge and after I take these cornrows out, I have my new protective style. Plus it's cheap (I'm a broke college student) and the fullhead weave still looks good on natural...cough, cough, bmoreFLYYgirl...

The only thing is...the guy that I'm with isn't a fan of weaves...he doesn't think I (women) need them :kissing4: But I'm not quite comfortable enough to explain the whole "protective" styling thing. :perplexed

So it got me to thinking...do you guys ever not do/change/or wear a certain style to please an SO?
I say it depends on the reason. My SO is completely supportive of my hair care journey even though he doesn't like protective styling (but he doesn't complain about it) so on occassion I wear my hair down (only after a relaxer) just to please him. Since he's so supportive, I don't mind giving him a little treat every once in a while. Otherwise, I'd NEVER wear my hair down.
I won't front. I know that my boyfriend likes my hair straight, so, if we're going somewhere special, I will get it flat-ironed, but on a day-to-day basis, he has to live with my kinks because ultimately it is my hair and it will always be my hair, but there is no guarantee that he will always be my man.
It depends.

I know DH likes me to wear my hair down and curly so I make it a point to wear it down a few times a month for him. He also likes to play in my hair, so as long as he doesn't get really rough or crazy I let him do that every once in awhile too.

Now he he wanted me to dye my hair some crazy color, well that wouldn't be happening. Or if he wanted me to cut my hair (more than a trim) I wouldn't do that either.

His "requests" are pretty small though, so I don't have a problem indulging him. I knew about his thing for long hair when we first met.;)
Well...my hair is growing pretty quickly and he(and some others) mention that they think it's going to be really pretty when it gets long...and I'm kinda like :look: I really like it now...shorter and easier to deal with...but yes I'll love it when it's long to.

But my SO...who I really haven't been with that long...but am really into hates weaves. But, he's also always making fun of girls with bad weaves. Maybe if mine is nice and well taken care of he won't care? I guess I would hate to feel less attractive to him because of a hairstyle...but a girl's gotta protect her ends...I mean, if it would be up to him, it would be out at all times.
My SO hates "Heidi" plaits. So I won't wear them anymore, only sometimes at night like a braid out thing. :)
I would never cut or color or relax my hair for anyone :nono:
i'm all weaved up so I'm biased. I'm sure my husband was prob. not a weave fan either, All of the women in my husbands family have really long hair, Maybe if he realized my hair was a weave before we met and got really close then things would have been different, but because he like me so much my hair is the last thing on his mind.:look: :look: :lol:
Braids and weaves were a no no for my ex fiance. I never wore either anyways so that was fine by me. He didn't like my afro either:lachen:
I would like individuals but I would dread taking them down plus I have too many hair follicles to braid the entire head. :(
why would u worry? i mean if i was you i'd do it because you want long hair down your back and he may not like it but think about the things HE does but YOU tolrate.. i could see if he was your husban then maybe ..but an SO?
You don't need to go into the whole protective, but surely he'd understand that you weave your hair to let it rest and to thus retain growth he'll understand?

My bf doesnt like weaves either but, I live in weaves, and plan to do so untill i'm 100% natural and APL. He's not a big fan of natural either, but I aint really bothered what he thinks of about my hair tbh,
Funny that you post this! I just had this whole discussion with my DH last night. He told me that he supports me trying to make my hair healthier and longer... but he thinks I go too long between relaxers. And he can't wait until I go back to getting relaxers more regularly.

Now, I'm a :arguing: by nature, so I had to fight the urge to ask him what the h@!! he knew about relaxer timing! :mad:

Instead, I calmly asked him more questions until I figured out what he was trying to say: I used to flatiron my hair every day. He always saw me with straight, coiffed hair. The fact that it was short, thin, broken off and crispy was secondary to how "finished" my hair looked all the time.

So now I know that to keep DH feeling like his wife is cute and make sure my hair doesn't suffer, I have to back away from the bun and do more roller sets, etc.

So yeah, you might consider what the other person wants (someone you're really committed to keeping, anyway :grin: ). But in the end, it's your hair. I mean, if he pisses you off, you'd have to deal with damaged ends, on top of it! :lachen:

That was a really bad joke. Sorry, just trying to lighten the post a bit. I'm still a little mad at DH. LOL
I have determined that my hubby likes nothing but super bone straight real hair. He hates naturals on anybody and he dislikes "fake hair" so what is a girl to do to protect her hair...


While my hair is growing his hair is thinning and no protective style could fix that (maybe HE needs some MTG).

I constantly hear comments about the "knot in my head" (referring to a bun) OPH (referring to falls and weaves) and the ongoing list of who needs a pressing comb (referring to our beautiful sisters with natural hair), but his eyes pop out of his head when he sees a sister with long hair (that actually grows from her scalp)

I just learned to focus on my goals and ignore him. One day his eyes will be popping out of his head for my hair while he will have to settle for a bald head or the infamous horseshoe.
InJesusName said:
I have determined that my hubby likes nothing but super bone straight real hair. He hates naturals on anybody and he dislikes "fake hair" so what is a girl to do to protect her hair...


While my hair is growing his hair is thinning and no protective style could fix that (maybe HE needs some MTG).

I just learned to focus on my goals and ignore him. One day his eyes will
I constantly hear comments about the "knot in my head" (referring to a bun) OPH (referring to falls and weaves) and the ongoing list of who needs a pressing comb (referring to our beautiful sisters with natural hair), but his eyes pop out of his head when he sees a sister with long hair (that actually grows from her scalp)

be popping out of his head for my hair while he will have to settle for a bald head or the infamous horseshoe.

:D go head girl and when he wants to touch id be like NOPE UH HU... make him wait before you show it off ;) haha... drive him nuts...
My husband doesn't like weaves so I don't wear them. I don't really have the desire to, but because of him I don't even think about it.
My DH doesn't care, relaxed natural down or up, but braids/weaves/fake hair are a BIG NO NO, so I don't go there.
I was wearing a protective bun on a daily basis, and one day my SO was like, "Why do you wear that bun all the time? You should just wear it down." And at first, I got super offended, but then I realized that he didn't and wouldn't understand until I explained to him about protective styling. Now he's lucky he's my SO and not some everyday person bc he would've gotten the who cares what you think look.. but instead I sat down and explained to him why I do what I do and I even showed him the LHCF website. He was very understanding, and he loves the theory of protecting your hair to get past shoulder length. He even showed his mom the website!!! I say give it a try and explain it to him, he may be a little more understanding than you think ;)
I said no because for the next year I'm bunning/baggying and he trips but I'm on a mission. He also can't stand micros but when I met him I was wearing micros and have gotten them a couple of times since we been together so he can go on with that mess. We have been together for 6 years now...shoot..he has hoop earrings in both his ears and I can't stand that but he won't take them out and nope he didn't have them when I first met him...he snuck those in when we was at the mall shopping one day...I can't stand those earrings in his ear especially the hoop type ones:)
InJesusName said:
I have determined that my hubby likes nothing but super bone straight real hair. He hates naturals on anybody and he dislikes "fake hair" so what is a girl to do to protect her hair...


While my hair is growing his hair is thinning and no protective style could fix that (maybe HE needs some MTG).

I constantly hear comments about the "knot in my head" (referring to a bun) OPH (referring to falls and weaves) and the ongoing list of who needs a pressing comb (referring to our beautiful sisters with natural hair), but his eyes pop out of his head when he sees a sister with long hair (that actually grows from her scalp)

I just learned to focus on my goals and ignore him. One day his eyes will be popping out of his head for my hair while he will have to settle for a bald head or the infamous horseshoe.

I think this is the path that I am going to follow...I mean, one of the things that I worked on this past year was learning to love me (for me, that meant getting my hair and body into better condition...and going natural) and if I'm going to be with him (he's DEFINITELY a KEEPER) than he needs to understand exactly who I am...I mean, no use in getting futher down the line to break up over something stupid like, "You don't wear your hair down enough."
cmw45 said:
I think this is the path that I am going to follow...I mean, one of the things that I worked on this past year was learning to love me (for me, that meant getting my hair and body into better condition...and going natural) and if I'm going to be with him (he's DEFINITELY a KEEPER) than he needs to understand exactly who I am...I mean, no use in getting futher down the line to break up over something stupid like, "You don't wear your hair down enough."

:ohwell: yep because i mean honesstly its YOUR hair... and if he loved you he'll accpect it! its not as if your going over to change your whole face or somthing ...just weave lil protective styles to have nice pretty hair which I'm sure he'll want to play in! hahha... ;)
It depends...but my husband wants me to be comfortable , so as long as I look good (IMO) then it's all good!
It's my hair and as long as I don't look crazy he really doesn't care. I prefer him with a goatee but sometimes he likes to grow his beard out so I just grin and bear it. That's just the way we are.
cmw45 said:
So, after reading 'the multiple challenges' thread I realised that I'm on the weave challenge and after I take these cornrows out, I have my new protective style. Plus it's cheap (I'm a broke college student) and the fullhead weave still looks good on natural...cough, cough, bmoreFLYYgirl...

The only thing is...the guy that I'm with isn't a fan of weaves...he doesn't think I (women) need them :kissing4: But I'm not quite comfortable enough to explain the whole "protective" styling thing. :perplexed

So it got me to thinking...do you guys ever not do/change/or wear a certain style to please an SO?

Thanks for the shoutout lol... Once he sees how natural it looks (unlike some of these horrible weaves out here that make men hate weaves) he'll be alright. My SO doesn't really like them either but he likes to see me in different styles so he's kind of on the fence. He loves this curly hair (I had it in when I met him and he absolutely loved my bangs and color :lol: ) I made it clear to him that I'll do as I please with my hair and it was like that when he met me, so he'd better get used to it. I still get the "when are you gonna wear your own hair out?" comments but I just ignore him. He doesn't realize there's a means to an end. But when he sees the results he won't have anymore to say.
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Hubby likes my hair straight. My hair will probably only be straight a couple of weeks this year. :ohwell:
My baby can't stand phony ponies so I only wear them in cases of extreme hair emergencies. I indulge him coz his dress sense bugs the hell out of me sometimes and when he wears something crazy I can ask him to please change, seeing as that I have practically given up a perfectly good protective style for him.
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my hubby doesn't care for weaves but loves when i wear my hair curly. so i wear a curly hairstyle like a curly phony tail or a curly weave. works for both of us: i get protection, he gets curly.

i have explained the whole hide-your-hair thing. his eyes just get to glazing. its all about compromise for me.
My hubby likes well groomed, long hair. Usually I am either bunned or french rolled. Except church I will do it up. He questioned my methods at first but now that he's seeing how long my hair is getting the questions have ceased. He still thinks beauticians are the answer for everything but even that has died down mostly.
It's really funny you started this thread. Me and my SO were arguing recently about me not wearing my hair down for him but I'm quick to do it if I'm going to the club. I pondered that for about a week and I feel so bad because he was telling the truth. So I told myself that I would start wearing my hair down on the weekends for him and protect my hair throughout the week. I gotta keep him happy if I want him around, right?
CandiceC said:
My husband doesn't like weaves so I don't wear them. I don't really have the desire to, but because of him I don't even think about it.

Ditto to the above.

I voted it depends. My hubby doesn't like wash and go's but I dont see anything wrong with it and I know it's not hurting my hair. He is another man who likes the hair straight and long. So it really depends. To think I wanted to cut it off to a chin length bob. He told me I better go find somewhere to live if I did! Now, I am crazy about my hair and glad I didnt go with the impulse to just cut it off a few years back.
So, my husband OFFICIALLY likes how my hair looks after I finish drying it loose under the hood dryer. He's has gotten very excited and complemented me on it 2 times. The first time he even asked me if I had gotten done:perplexed I don't see it as a style at all, it's not wavy or curly, it's kind of just poofy, maybe you can call it frizzy in some spots, so we'll have to see what happens.
I'm starting to feel neglected. :lol: My husband says he doesn't care how I wear my hair, but I do notice that he likes me a little more when I wear my hair down. ;)

Hmm, now if he didn't like a particular style? I think I'm in the Oh Well camp on this one, especially if I'm doing it for the betterment of my hair. I mean, I sat through his "I'm growing braids" days...